Silverstone OP-750 (60 12+ AMPS!) Buzz


Mar 8, 2007
I just installed a Silverstone OP-750. Top of the line single rail. It seems to make a very slight buzzing sound (not alarming, but audible) whenever the computer is under any kind of load. For example, if I resize a window, or sroll through a web site, it makes an electronic buzz while I do that.

It gets a bit louder of I run ATI Tool's cube and thus boost my graphics cards power draw from like 8AMPS to 24AMPS. Then it is like a constant electronic hum, and it is pretty audible audible. It seems directly related to the load put on the graphics card, because I don't get any noise by running Prime95 in dual instances, but the "cube" heat up thing in ATi tool makes it loud and audible.

Does anyone want to speculate as to whether the power supply is defective? Is it possible that because I've never had a high watt/amps power supply that I'm just not used to this kind of thing and this is normal?

System is

E6600 @ 3.0 Ghz
2 Gigs OCZ Gold Xtc Memory
P5W DH Deluxe Mobo
Saphire Radeon X1800XT 256 meg (this card is crapping out bigtime) w/ Accelero
Soundblaster X-Fi Extreme Music
Silverstone TJ07
you sure its not the vga thats making the sound? anyway the noise i made by a capacitor, but nothing to worry about (these things happen), the worst thing is you get frustrated.
I've never heard of a capacitor making a buzzing sound (or any other besides *pop* when it fails) but I know that chokes and transformers can make a buzz if the windings are a bit loose.
Do you think I should RMA the power supply? It is ANNOYING. It only happens when 3D applications are running.
If it annoys you then RMA it, it's not like it's supposed to buzz.
Coils not properly "potted". (dipped in gue that hardens)

I'm going to RMA I think. After reading what few reviews of the OP650 I could find, it seems these models are supposed to be pretty quiet. I highly doubt this kind of flaw would get past Silverstone considering that lack of noise is something reviewers and users look for in a high-end PSU.
I'm going to RMA I think. After reading what few reviews of the OP650 I could find, it seems these models are supposed to be pretty quiet. I highly doubt this kind of flaw would get past Silverstone considering that lack of noise is something reviewers and users look for in a high-end PSU.
Just a bad unit.
Any updates on this? I was thinking of getting this PSU for my friend's build but didn't want him yelling at me for strange noises.
The buzzing is the exception not the rule. I wouldn't worry about it.
Any updates on this? I was thinking of getting this PSU for my friend's build but didn't want him yelling at me for strange noises.

I will post an update as soon as I get the replacement unit. A friend of mine reports no such noise with his OP-650, which is the 650 watt version of the same unit.
Just got the unit. Mine came with an incorrect 8-pin PCI-E connector as well as the high buzz during 3d apps. Going to RMA.
I got one from the egg, no problems so far been running 24/7 for about a week.
I got one from the egg, no problems so far been running 24/7 for about a week.

So do you have any noise during 3d apps, or resizing windows? I just called Silverstone to see if this noise was normal, and they said it was. But I think it was just them trying to avoid an RMA.
None at all, this thing is really quiet. That just BS if they tell it normal for your power supply to make noise while running 3d apps, or resizing windows. I would call back. I am on water and the loudest fan in my system is still the nb fan.
Other than the cooling fan, PSU's shouldn't make any noise regardless of what they are doing!

It seems their QC/QA has slipped as they ramp up production to meet the demand for their mostly excellent PSU's. I'm sure they will address this & be back on track very soon. Please do not allow this to steer you away from their very good PSU's.
Agreed, I love thier PSU's, this is my second Silverstone PSU purchase. quicksilverXP where did you purchase yours?
Mgoode. Did your PSU come with an adaptor for the 8-pin PCI-E?

And do you mind posting your system specs? Thanks for all your help. It will really help me out when describing my problems to both Jennifer and Silverstone.
yes mine did indeed come with the proper 8pin pci-e connector(waiting for r600) and four 6pin pci-e conectors

Here are my system specs:

X6800 @ 3.8 (475x8)1.55v (4.1 for benches)
P5B Premium -Vista Editon
Water Cooling: D5 - BIX2 - Storm
X1900XTX stock cooling
4GB Mushkin Redline 1000mhz(4-3-3-10)
3 x 74gb Raptor Raid 0
750gb Seagate storage
Lite-on DVDRW w/lightscribe
Sliverstone OP750
Vista 64bit Ultimate

And loving it,check this thread:
Can u do one last test for me? You think you can just run ATItool and verify if you hear a noticeable whine? That seems to be the one program that causes the most whine.

Thanks mgoode... you've been the most help. I checked out your thread on ocforums. Man... you have a killer rig.
I want to post for you guys the e-mail I sent Silverstone about this, and their response:


after talking to a PSU engineer that noise is normal when the PSU is loaded they claim that other PSUs from other manufactures have the same noise or even worse just to let you know that it is not defective


----- Original Message -----
I just installed a brand new Silverstone OP-750 power supply in my computer. The computer seems to be functioning normally, however, when I launch a 3D application or game, the power supply produces an audible hum. I have determined that it is coming from the power supply.

It seems to be related to the load put on my graphics card, which is a Sapphire X1800XT 256 meg. When the graphics card is lightly loaded, for example, when I scroll in websites or resize or move windows in Vista, I can hear it hum so long as I am performing those operations. As soon as I stop scrolling or moving a window, for example, the noise stops.

If I launch a 3D application, as soon as the graphics card has something to render the hum becomes MUCH louder, and continuous as long as there are 3D graphics on the screen. Panning around using the mouse in a 3D game results in a slight change in the sound as long as I am panning, and then it returns to normal as soon as I stop. In other words, the sound can be linked to activity on the screen. When the graphics card is under load, the hum is loud enough that I can clearly hear it over my case fans. The way the sound changes in sync with gameplay makes it annoying, although it is not audible when using my headphones.
I tried a program that puts 100% load on my CPU, but could not reproduce the hum that way. The only way it hums is when the graphics card is under some kind of load.
I tried selectively damping the computer case with my hands to see if I could eliminate the hum. This did not help. Putting my ear next to the power supply, it is clear that the hum is coming from inside the power supply. It doesn’t sound like vibration; it is more of an electrical whine.

This was an expensive unit and is brand new so I would appreciate some support. I did not experience this problem with my old power supply. The OP-750 was purchased from
Hmmnn... odd. I'm getting mixed opinions from Silverstone on this noise. Man... the noise is so unbearable that even my girlfriend (who knows nothing about computers) gets mad at me while I'm playing a game because the sound is annoying. And this is coming from a girlfriend who is used to seeing her boyfriend toy around with a bunch of different PSUs. I used to review products and PSUs would always come and go at my place. So for them to say it is normal and actually even better than other PSUs in the market... that's surprising.

after talking to a PSU engineer that noise is normal when the PSU is loaded they claim that other PSUs from other manufactures have the same noise or even worse just to let you know that it is not defective

Silverstone is losing respect fast! :(
I e-mailed Joel as well. I just want to find out why there is some variance between people having this bad noise and some that don't.
Okay you guys made me so paronoid that i turned all my fans off and ran rthdribl . no whine at all. However, I checked out Johnny Guru and tried to register but i never got a confirmation email back so I cant post there.Anyway, I looked at the picture of the "right" 8 pin pci-e connector and I also got the wrong one!!! That sucks ,so much for QA.

I am emailing thier tech support as well. I hope they have a quick rememdy and cross-shipping. I would have been so pissed when the adaptor didn't fit my new r600 card sometime in 2007!
after talking to a PSU engineer that noise is normal when the PSU is loaded they claim that other PSUs from other manufactures have the same noise or even worse just to let you know that it is not defective

Not normal, at least not to the point of being clearly audible over the rest of the computer. Starting to think Silverstone needs to do some more work on their in house designs, and let Etasis or Seventeam design and build the OPs until the designs are ready. If it really is former Etasis engineers that are working on this design, they should know better than to call this behavior normal. Of course, this could be just miscommunication too ;)
Damn, another unit with the wrong adapter. Pathetic. To hear of the DA750 having the wrong connector as well is just uncalled for. With a modular design you would think they would make the cable properly and include it since it isn't attached permanently to the unit. I wish I had read all this before placing my order last week. My unit will be here probably Monday. I just hope to God my unit doesn't make any noise like discussed here.
I'm not so mad about the adaptor at all. If it works it works... I just hate the noise.

But I agree. If some review samples of the correct connector installed... it is unfair to people that don't have it. ESPECIALLY for people who bought the decathlon.
Perhaps I will be the only one that is mad about hvaing to use an adapter but look at it this way. The unit is stated as having an included 8 pin PCIe cable for upcoming video cards. The unit itself (Decathlon here) is labeled as having a connection point for an 8 pin PCIe cable yet you put a wrongly configured cable in that spot and then an adapter on top of that? Seems real gay if you ask me. Why not include a properly wired cable to be put in the spot that is labeled PCIe 8 pin cable? No where on the box does it say 8 pin adapter included to be used over top of your wrongly wired cable! yea!

Not only does this look ugly, it adds length, clutter and further resistance which is already 'technically' higher on a modular based unit. I did not pay $200 for this crap. As soon as I get my box I am very carefully opening it. If I see an adapter its been shipped right back. I won't pay $200 for this nonsense.
Glad I found this thread. I was considering the OP 750 or DA 750. Now I'll get the PC P&C Silencer 750. Buzzing PSU = unacceptable. Silverstone's handling of this unacceptable.

Blackstone, in your next email to Silverstone, send a link to this thread.
Like the others have mentioned, if it's buzzing loud enough, RMA it. The first Corsair HX620 I ordered buzzed quite loudly (I could hear it across the room) whether it was under load or not. The replacement still buzzes ever so slightly but it is not an issue anymore since I cannot hear it unless my ear is within an inch of the PSU, lol.
The jonnyGURU forums have been brought to their knees. I wonder what pushed them over the edge? Maybe they weren't really watching their bandwidth and it finally reached the limit...

Anyway.... I'm debating on whether I should RMA. I bought at Maybe I should just email Jennifer and see what she says. If she can't get me cross-RMA, I'd be willing to buy another DA750 and just return the old one for a refund.

Or, would you guys recommend that I save a little cash (to help pay the extra shipping fees) and just get the OP750? There is only one 4-pin Molex cable that I'm not using on the modular DA750. Oh, and I'm not using the 8-pin PCI-E.

Yes, I have the following:
  • DA750 with 3D game and window resize/scrolling sound. Its hard to explain. Its like a really fast digital "ticking" sound. Its not too high pitch. The pitch is someone in the middle.
  • I also have the funky 8-pin PCI-E adapter for the 8-pin PCI-E cable.

Here's a recent review of the DA750: (poached from's recent [H]ardware Round-Up)

It makes no mention of the sound or adapter.

I have just received my DA750 and I too have the wrong 8 pin PCIe power cable with an adapter. Kinda bummed out about this. The adapter isn't too big or obtrusive but I would still rather have a native cable that is wired and keyed properly to avoid using an adapter altogether.

I received an email today from Joel at Silverstone USA regarding the wrong 8 pin adapter. This is an exact cut and paste from the email from his reply.

Hi Andrew,

what happen was that ATI give us the new video card specs and we made the PSU connector and then they change their specs and connector but it was already too late the PSUs were already made for this reason we have to make this adapter that will be compatible with DA750 and other new PSUs that are not Modular but of course that was corrected on the new production,


It mentions newer units have the correct cable since the change was made. I am guessing we all got old stock. I have asked for the possibility of getting a new properly wired/keyed modular cable in exchange for the one with an adapter as I think it will be better to have a native cable over an adapter. This is one wonderful thing about a modular cable.

As for getting the OP750 I really don't think it is going to make a difference. This thread was started for the OP750 and they too contain the buzzing sound + wrong pcie power cable. I would still rather get a proper DA750 without the buzzing and hopefully a proper 8 pin PCIe power cable over a fixed OP750. Any savings of cables is still a savings and if a cable goes bad or gets updated (8 pin pcie for example) it's an easy swap unlike with the OP750 which is hard fixed to the unit.

Apparently Silverstone is looking into the issue of this buzzing but no word back yet. I feel if you were to exchange now you would most likely get another that is the same or at least quite similar.

I am working like a bugger this week so no time to install my new DA750 psu. When I do I will be keeping a close ear out for the noise you are all talking about. I have no hopes of getting quiet one as I haven't heard of many quiet ones around so my luck probably won't be any worse than your guys units. I will certainly let you know by the end of this week however. If it does buzz/whine I will certainly be emailing + phoning Silverstone to let them know that yet another user is experiencing this. I want to be added to the list of possible RMA for a proper unit. What pisses me off however is the fact that most Manufacturers send out refurbs for RMA meaning my brand new 1 week old unit will get a refurb in return (possibly) if I RMA which isn't too cool either.
I thought it was only the modulars that had bad cables made? I bought a op650 a while ago and still havent powered it up yet. What should I look for as far as bad cables? I've heard they had some sata problems on modular, but so far this is the only thing I've heard about the pci-e connectors.