SETI.Germany's 14th Annual Pentathlon (2023)


[H]ard|DCer of the Year - 2014
Jan 29, 2006
The BOINC Pentathlon starts on 05 May 2023, 00:00 UTC, and ends on 19 May 2023, 00:00 UTC. So, it will run for exactly 14 days. Last year we finished in 5th place which was one position better than the prior year.

I will be updating post 1 and post 3 throughout the event as needed. Please check back for updates daily.
The BOINC Pentathlon consists of 5 disciplines:
1. Obstacle Run (14 days, with bonus credits on 3 one-day obstacles) - The bonus points during the Obstacle Run are lowered to 25%, 50%, or 100% this year.​
YoYo@home - Just the ECM and ECM P2 sub projects - skip to post for instructions on how to change project preferences for work units.​
5 day deadlines for ECM work (some are longer but not controllable. Just assume 5)​
Team page (you must join after making an account) -
2. Sprint (3 days)​
Numberfields@home - You can run any work from them.​
6 day deadlines.​
Team page (you must join after making an account) -
Stats exporting (you must do this) - for screen shot and link to do this.​
3. City Run (5 days) May 8-13​
PrimeGrid - Just the AP27 work units. These are CPU and GPU capable work units. Go to post 17 for instructions on how to change project preferences for work units. These work units have a quorum of 2. It would be best to load up a large que to increase the odds of your work units being validated within the event timeline.​
7 day deadlines for AP27 work​
Team page (you must join after making an account) -
4. Cross Country (5 days)​
Einstein@home - You can run any work units but GPU works best. They support AMD, nVidia, and Intel iGPU work.​
Team page (you must join after making an account) -
5. Javelin Throw (5x1 day, only each team's third best daily score counts)​
SRBase (5/7 throw 1) - This will be a CPU event. Just exclude the TF ones in preferences as described in this post
Team page (you must join after making an account) -
Throw one is scheduled for the 7th. However, we are skipping throw 1 and focusing on throw 2.​
Throw two is scheduled for the 8th. This is the first throw we as a team are planning. So, hold your work for the 8th.​

To make the Pentathlon as exciting and trouble-free as possible while at the same time maintaining a maximum of flexibility, all five projects are chosen by a small group of the organizers this year.
Projects are not eligible if they
  • cannot provide a sufficient supply of work units*
  • do not support at least Windows and Linux
  • provide non-CPU-intensive (NCI) applications
  • are test-only projects
  • do not allow the creation of new accounts
  • do not support WebRPC
*: Because of the way a BOINC server works, even a project with a generally stable supply of work units can sporadically be out of work if too many computers request work units at the same time.

Previous year's threads
2022 -
2021 -
2020 -
2019 -
2018 -
2017 -
2016 -
2015 -


Tips and how-to's can be found in posts 2 & 3 below.
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Here is a list of some videos for assisting newer users to get started and tweak things.

How to install BOINC
Windows -
Ubuntu 19.10 -
Mint 19.2 -

Bunkering tactics
Most basic bunkering -
Modifying Windows host file -
Windows Defender Firewall -
Router Firewall -
Suspending work units -
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1. If you want a set and forget contribution, we recommend you attach your CPU's to whatever project is announced for the Obstacle Run. This means it should contribute the entire event and won't necessarily require you to do anything but attach and let it run. The more active members will change their pace as needed and add where we need them most. Consider yourself the anchor to hold our position.
2. If you are confused or feel in over your head, please ask for guidance. We have some guys that have a lot of experience that can walk you step by step if needed.
3. Not all projects support GPU's. If you want to support with a GPU, ask us for assistance and we will try and guide you.
4. Don't think that a little contribution doesn't help. Two years ago, we barely got beat for 5th place and just a little more could have gone a long way. If you have ANY hardware that you can fire up for the event, please do so. Depending on the project, old gear might run just as quick as new gear. We will see.
5. Linux almost always performs better than Windows but Windows is MUCH easier to get things happy.
6. You may hear us throw out a term called "bunkering". You don't need to do this if you don't want to be hands on tweaking often and monitoring things. However, if you are willing to get your feet wet and dig in, you can certainly help make gains a lot better for the team during the event. Again, only if you are comfortable and are willing to monitor things throughout each day.
7. You may hear us discuss multiple clients. This is a whole lot of learning. I don't recommend you doing this until you have a pretty good grasp of the BOINC client first.
8. If you want to use your GPU(s), feel free to pick one of the events we list for GPU's (as they are announced) or ask us where they would be best served. We may ask you to switch as strategies shift. We won't be offended if you decide to just leave them on one of your choice.
9. It would be advisable to load up BOINC and test your rigs in advance to the event if possible. This gives you time to make sure that it is stable and can handle 24/7 processing.
10. It is advisable to attach to a project as soon as it is announced in order to get all the necessary files downloaded as soon as possible. You can even speculate on what projects in advance to be ready. You may find the project struggling when first announced as many users will be doing the same and pulling files down can clog the pipeline. It may go on for a while since this is also typically when many people start building their bunkers as well.

1. Bunkering is critical for this event. If you are comfortable with the BOINC client, consider delving into some of the intricate ways of strategy.
2. Multiple clients will most likely become more and more critical with every event. They too are a bit more complex and may need some guidance. If you are willing to delve into such things, reach out to one of us and we will try and walk your through it.
3. Ask everyone you know if they are willing to help out for a few weeks. Even small contributions really help out. Some teams are comprised of mostly small contributing users but are power houses in these events. We can do the same.
4. Mining rigs can certainly help but not all of them are built for DC projects very well. Don't feel bad if you don't get the results you expected. Some GPU work needs a full CPU thread. Small CPU's may not be able to fully utilize all cards. If you bring such setups, feel free to ask for best utilization advice.
5. There are GPU capable projects that older GPU's (typically AMD) work better than some newer projects because of double precision capabilities. There are only a few out there but it does happen. Don't get discouraged if your newer cards aren't performing as well compared to others. Not all hardware is created equal but your contributions still help.
6. Since the Obstacle Course consists of 3 days where there is bonus points, it is most efficient to bunker your work units and only release them on those days or after. That is of course if your bunkers haven't reached their deadlines already.

Suggested tactics for the new users -
This section will be updated as more information is provided for the event.
For those wanting set and forget -
Just attach to the Obstacle Run project. You can put all of your CPU's on this project for the entire 14 days.
If you want your GPU to help, you can just pick the project for the javelin throws and let that project run.

For those wanting to contribute a little more.
If you don't want to go too crazy, you could focus the CPU's on the Onstacle Run, but there will certainly be times when we could use them elsewhere. Keep an eye on the announcements and discussion and feel free to toss them wherever we may need some help.
GPU's on the other hand will probably take a lot more planning and strategy. There may be multiple projects overlapping requiring us to choose where to allocate things. Feel free to just pick one in those cases or ask where it will be best served. Sometimes we can direct you to simply "hold the line" while others move their gear around to make things simpler.

Deadlines for Projects:
These will be added as projects are announced
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This is always the most fun competition in the year (in my not humble but completely and 100% truthful opinion.) I highly recommend people from previous years to help out and for those who haven't contributed before to get their toes in the water and try it. As stated, any little bit can and will help even if you decide to go with a set it and forget it project. I personally recommend a lot of people do this (especially new people to the competition) to make it easier on themselves and if a lot of new people do this, it's a huge help not only to that project but to those who are swapping around to different projects for different events. This cannot be emphasized enough.

I usually take a middle of the road effort. I will ping pong between different projects as needed and based on what my hardware is best for. I don't have a lot of hardware, definitely nothing like a lot of our big producers do but it does help. It's also quite a bit of time and effort. Truthfully, I don't know how some of these guys manage the time and effort as they have a lot more hardware than me. Definite props to them.

Everyone is welcome and the competition is a fun time no matter how little or how big your contribution may be.
A very familiar name ;). Glad you can join us for this year pent SmokeRngs

I don't have any major hardware upgrade over the past one year. Still going to push my existing hardware to the limit. hardware is about the same as well. I have had absolutely zero "NEED" to upgrade anything for a while. So, other than picking up free or near free hardware I have very little to add. And most of it is used for other things now making it harder to tweak for competitions than what it has been in the past. So, it is definitely going to be challenging for sure.
Jeeper's first commentary before the start of the first project announcement of the 14th annual BOINC pentathlon challenge.

30 April 2023 – Knock knock​

Get up! Yes, you! Do not look so grim, hibernation is over. Here we go again! The BOINC Pentathlon is just around the corner. Tireless and perpetual. Yes, exactly, you immediately look much better with a smile on your face. And now get out of bed quickly!

There is still a lot to do. Submit a leave request to your boss or partner (or both). Load your children (if any) with as much work as possible and appoint your partner or boss to supervise them. Do not forget that you need a stable supply of food. Also, the electricity use in the house needs to be reprioritized… so the TV remains switched off for wife and children. After all, reading a book is said to be educational, and is somehow romantic in candlelight.

The stove also eats up too much electricity, so the menu has to be changed. And for doing the laundry, the nearest stream and some soap should be enough. This also helps the washing kids, as they get to know flora and fauna better (at least until the soap kills flora and fauna). Of course, the game console remains off, too. There is no harm in playing Halma or Ludo in the moonlight. What is the difference between Ludo and a first-person shooter, anyway? Entirely new horizons this opens up…

And then the main thing: Get your 'puters ready!

The number 14 is supposed to stand for discipline, reliability, and patience. Well, at least only those who maintain discipline to reliably strive toward the goal, and stay patient even in the face of setbacks, will pass the challenges. So do not go soft when your wife, husband, or kids give you the evil eye.

We are living in a so-called modern time, and so I asked ChatGPT: “Do you know the BOINC Pentathlon?” In response, it was proven once again that intelligences are reluctant to admit when they do not have a clue. Our ever-loved AI just wrote “die” and then went on to knock ifself out.

Even an artificial intelligence cannot capture the spice of the Pentathlon. As long as AI cannot produce the daily bulletin, the rule of Homo sapiens is not in doubt…

Now that the attempt to delegate the bulletin has failed, I will accompany you on this adventure myself once again. Because even my eyes are getting blurry, and my fingers slow down, I will comment on no more than two rankings each day this year. Does this lead to shorter bulletins? Don't bet on it.

Of course, there are again 5 disciplines that pose different challenges for our teams. There are 25 teams signed up so far, including 2 rookies. GPU Users Group (GPUUG) and The PiGyS plunge into this incredible experience for the first time. And with LinusTechTips_Team (LTT) and BOINC@Poland (B@P), we also have two returnees back in the lineup.

However, there are still a few days left to sign up. Did you know that more than 80 teams have participated in the BOINC Pentathlon throughout history? Well, only the tough and well adapted have been able to withstand years of evolutionary pressure and have survived to this day.

I hope you still remember? The elixirs haven't reformatted your memory a bit, have they?
  • Can TeAm AnandTech (TAAT) confirm their performance?
  • Can SETI.Germany (SG) once again win an overall medal?
  • Can Team China (TC) reach for precious metal next year (ie, this year)?

We will get an answer to all three questions. Currently, two-time champion The Scottish Boinc Team (TSBT) is still missing from the list, which will arouse desires among some teams. This promises an exciting time ahead indeed.

You see it will be exciting again at the BOINC Pentathlon, starting on May 05 with the daily bulletin.

Yours, Jeeper
For those new to BOINC, you want to log into your YoYo@home account (after you have created one) and edit your preferences.

Click here to edit the Default Preferences profile

Select only the work type you want to run. ECM and ECM P2 are the only two options for this event that count. However, ECM P2 work units can take a very large amount of system RAM per work unit. IIRC it can get to 10GB+ each.

So, if you don't want to limit your system using config files you have a few options. You can either limit the number of cpu threads the host is using to however many threads you think you could support using 10GB+ memory or you could try just running the ECM work units which use less.
Heh, you forgot the most important part after creating an account: Join [H]ard|OCP
Watch out for insufficient memory failure when running ECM sub-project in yoyo. ECM P2 gobbles up more memory, so we don't suggest running that. ECM memory requirement can yo-yo from ~4.68MB to sometimes ~1.6GB to 2.3GB. I got a few biggies.

After running for sometime, the tasks will release the memory and goes back to 4.68MB. So that's why it is called yoyo project ;)

You can try to stagger the tasks but I'm not sure of the timing.

Edit: You can try to increase the memory swap space but it slows down the task. I think I may just try to run all the tasks within the RAM rather than the SSD/NVME.

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I have 128gb of ram on my 3950x system, should I run ECM P2 exclusively to help eat them up? I also have a 5800X3D with 32 GB of ram. Should I be looking for a specific workload during this time to best leverage my hardware?
I have 128gb of ram on my 3950x system, should I run ECM P2 exclusively to help eat them up? I also have a 5800X3D with 32 GB of ram. Should I be looking for a specific workload during this time to best leverage my hardware?
Welcome to the pentathlon. To be safe, best to just run ecm sub project. Afaik, ecm P2 may have less tasks available than ecm. Some ecm P2 tasks can gobble more than a few GB of memory. Honestly, I have never run ecm P2 tasks.
PrimeGrid has been announced for the City Run. Only the AP27 work units will count. To select only the work units needed, follow the directions below.

Go to your PrimeGrid preferences
Go to the profile that you want to change (default is fine if you haven't set any up already)

The first sub project should be the one you want. Check the boxes for each work unit type you want to run but then for all other sub projects, remove the checks as you don't want work from them.

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and make sure to update the preferences.
SRBase has been chosen as the Javelin event. This event has 5 different "throws" or crunching days. They only accept your teams 3rd best daily score. So we have to be tactful on this. This year they are only counting CPU work.
SRBase: all subprojects except TF (

Note: New Accounts can only be created on the project website. The invitation code is: pillepalle
To select specific work unit types you need to go to your account and select the project preferences here

Choose the profile you wish to edit. Default is fine.

You will want to uncheck the TF and the box for if no work send from other because in this case it may try to send the TF work units anyways if everything else is out.

Then just click on Update Preferences.
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it's been ages since ive done this, so i installed boinc on a windows machine i had laying around and it's doing a yoyo@home wu but only using one cpu thread? is there something i have to do to make it use more threads?
it's been ages since ive done this, so i installed boinc on a windows machine i had laying around and it's doing a yoyo@home wu but only using one cpu thread? is there something i have to do to make it use more threads?

In the Boinc manager menu, select "Options" -> "Computing Preferences". Set 100% in the red box. Let us know if you still see issue.
ya it was set to 100, don't know what happened but it went from doing 1 WU to doing a whole ton of them, but I seem to be running into a memory limitation since a couple are "waiting for memory", I'll have to drop some more ram in there I guess

Holy shit. Look at all the cores!

One BIG caution: With 80 cores and only 32GB memory, it ain't enough. You may encounter compute failure due to out of memory at some point in time. Don't select subproject ECM-P2 as this gobbles more memory. Allocate about 1GB per task at least. Each ECM task sometimes goes above 1GB and then comes back down to 4.680MB.

here is what I seen on my linux machine

Edit: Increasing swap space helps (I had compute failure due to insufficient swap space) but then the task runs very slowly.
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good to know, that should not be a problem, it uses DDR3-ECC registed, I have a shit ton of that laying around from decommissioned servers so upping it to like 128gb should not be an issue

think I have another one of these boxes laying around too so maybe if I have some time I'll kick on that one too
ya it was set to 100, don't know what happened but it went from doing 1 WU to doing a whole ton of them, but I seem to be running into a memory limitation since a couple are "waiting for memory", I'll have to drop some more ram in there I guess

View attachment 568327
When a project first starts up it typically sends a single WU to the new instance, then later sends whatever the que is called for. I see this normally when adding projects to machines, etc.
good to know, that should not be a problem, it uses DDR3-ECC registed, I have a shit ton of that laying around from decommissioned servers so upping it to like 128gb should not be an issue

think I have another one of these boxes laying around too so maybe if I have some time I'll kick on that one too
Also, are you planning on just running YoYo@home home the entire time or bouncing between projects as they get announced. Just curious so that we have an idea how to plan things.
Jeeper's Day 1 BOINC Pentathlon commentary

Well, we usually start of very strong in the early phase of the race. Can we still keep the momentum :whistle: Need moar firepower. Calling all current and ex-[H]ordes.

Day 1 – 05 May 2023 – Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!​

Starting today, 30 teams will unleash their machines on the track. Just before the registration deadline, The Scottish Boinc Team (TSBT) and SETI.USA (SUSA) signed up, two teams that had a strong presence in the Pentathlon in the past. This promises very interesting days. How strong are the various teams throughout the competition? Which teams can surprise in the individual disciplines? Who will surprise us positively? Who will shock us negatively? This pentathlon might be much more balanced than ever before. Therefore, it is all the more important to use and allocate the resources cleverly.

First up is the Obstacle Run, followed by the Javelin Throw and the City Run. But today and tomorrow, we can focus on just one discipline. Enough time to warm up and to prepare tactically for the challenges of the next days.

icon-obstaclerun-small.png Obstacle Run (yoyo@home: only subprojects ECM, ECM P2)
Last year's winner TeAm AnandTech (TAAT) makes no big fuss and takes the lead for the time being. [H]ard|OCP ([H]) and Planet 3DNow! (P3D) try to keep up, with the Green Planet slowly closing in on [H].

Behind them, there is already a small gap, with one surprise or the other. LinusTechTips_Team (LTT) in #4 is the first one. BOINC@Poland (B@P, #5) was not necessarily expected this far up the rankings either. But that does not mean anything yet. This obstacle run is tougher than any marathon. The difficulties of the track affect everyone and it remains to be seen who has the best stamina.

SETI.Germany (SG) in #6 are positioned quite well for a traditional slow starter. The Blue and Yellows usually take some time to get up to speed. In #7, we find GPU Users Group (GPUUG), who, as a rookie, are not shy at all. They are followed by Czech National Team (CNT) and (RKN). Both of them could still move up, at least the potential is there.

L'Alliance Francophone (AF) closes the top 10, but are chased by SUSA (#11). Rooster vs. eagle, and maybe even a dragon will join them. George RR Martin, please take over! So Team China (TC) find themselves in #12 ahead of Crunching@EVGA (EVGA), while Ukraine in #14 are very close behind.

BOINC.Italy in #15 do not fully exploit their potential yet. But, as we know, a good Pizza Margherita takes its time. The pizza chefs have (OCN) breathing down their necks, who managed to pull away a bit from Chinese Dream (#17). While the AMD Users (#18) are trying to catch up with the dreamers, Russia appear to secure #19.

There does not seem to be any threat from behind anyway. Team (MK) (#20) just had to let the Russians pass, and while they are still in striking distance, the difference in pace was massive. Behind them, it is also very close. UK BOINC Team (UBT) are in #21, put under pressure by BOINC Confederation (BC).

BOINC Synergy (B^S, #23) have to fend off The Final Front Ear (TFFE, #24). Surprisingly far down the rankings we currently find TSBT, #25 reminds of the years 2016 and before. The Scots should urgently step up their game.

BOINCstats (BS, #26), Crystal Dream (#27), and Team 2ch (2ch, #28) are probably more concerned with the scenery than with the obstacles. But this is still better than the fear of the track that has infected LITOMYSL and The PiGyS (PiGyS). Well, maybe therapy will help them.

All this is just a snapshot, especially in this discipline the saying applies: It ain't over 'til it's over, or, as we say in German, the duck is fat at the rear end. Maybe this also applies to roosters, eagles, or dragons… I will better turn away from these delicious heraldic animals now so as to avoid any misunderstandings. One thing is for sure, there will still be some movements in the rankings over the next few hours. The performance of some teams is still raising questions, and their competitors will ponder whether this is tactics or weakness. But what would we be without questions:

  • Will TAAT continue their winning streak?
  • Can LTT retain #4?
  • Will TSBT make it out of the whiskey cellar and into the light?

You see it remains exciting at the BOINC Pentathlon.

Yours, Jeeper

[Based on stats at 11:00 UTC]
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I haven't seen anything about whether today is a bonus day or not for the Obstacle Run so am I correct in assuming that today is not a bonus day?
That's correct. Bonus day will be announced on the same day it is given at 00:00 UTC or 5pm/8pm PT/ET.

If you can hold onto your bunker longer just before expiration, the better. I leave this up to you as this require some micro-management rather than set-and-forget.
That's correct. Bonus day will be announced on the same day it is given at 00:00 UTC or 5pm/8pm PT/ET.

If you can hold onto your bunker longer just before expiration, the better. I leave this up to you as this require some micro-management rather than set-and-forget.
That's why I was double checking. I was late to start with my 2600x and didn't get nearly as many work units as needed for a real bunker and let it go. My 5800x is still crunching on the bunker and has a couple of days until I need to release it so I was looking to hold onto it.
Also, are you planning on just running YoYo@home home the entire time or bouncing between projects as they get announced. Just curious so that we have an idea how to plan things.

probably going to leave this box on yoyo unless it's really needed somewhere else, got it upgraded to 128gb and seems to be using somewhere between 60-80GB of ram so seems ok now

I have a couple old gpu mining rigs I picked up with RX480s available as well not sure if those are any use for any dc projects
probably going to leave this box on yoyo unless it's really needed somewhere else, got it upgraded to 128gb and seems to be using somewhere between 60-80GB of ram so seems ok now

I have a couple old gpu mining rigs I picked up with RX480s available as well not sure if those are any use for any dc projects
Older cards like that generally aren't good regarding points per watt. That said, it's not a reason not to use them for the competition. I'm still running an RX570 and a 1050Ti. Also keep in mind that some projects favor the GCN architecture and they may surprise you.
Jeeper's Day 2 BOINC Pentathlon commentary

Notable comment: [H] (#3) couldn't keep up and now even has to fend off SG.

Day 2 – 06 May 2023 – The Calm Before the Javelin?​

The first laps on the obstacle course are behind us. The teams have found their pace and set their speed to their optimum. With an interested eye, the competition is observed and assessed, and the next steps are thought through. Is there enough power available when going out of the slipstream? Is it possible to pull away after that? And above all: Is there enough fuel to the end?

While the eyes of the worldwide public are still focused on the obstacle course, the teams are in full swing preparing for the first javelin throw. Which team will decide to give their all at the javelin tomorrow, and will therefore be behind at the obstacles? Or which team will skip the first two javelin throws in order to create facts at the obstacles? Obstacle Run (yoyo@home: only subprojects ECM, ECM P2)

As expected, the rankings have sorted out a bit after the first day. TAAT are still leading the field, but are now being chased by P3D (#2). The planet on which pollen allergy sufferers are probably having a hard time right now is not only keeping up the pace, but is also nibbling away at the gap.

[H] (#3) couldn't keep up and now even has to fend off SG. The SETI Germans have moved up into #4 and have their sights firmly set on bronze now. Since neither CNT, who have moved up into #5, nor LTT (#6) can follow, that could even work out.

While LTT had to give up two places after their good start, the returnees do not have to hide from the teams behind them. Neither GPUUG (#7) nor B@P (#8) nor RKN (#9) can follow. On the other hand, AF is starting to catch up. For now, they remain in #10, but if they keep up the pace of the last hours, the Francophones will move up.

SUSA (#11) and TC (#12) are sailing in the slipstream of AF, what a sight! The trio might move up together, but at the current pace, #7 seems to be the maximum for them. Behind them, Ukraine tries to hold on in #13, which they took from OCN (#16). However, BOINC.Italy (#14) still have fire in the furnace and are coming closer.

The winners of the last 24 hours are MK, as they have gained no less than five places and thus moved up into #15. However, the coolant seems to have evaporated, since not only OCN but also AMD Users (#17) are faster now. Meanwhile, EVGA (#18) took a beating and have lost five places since yesterday.

This is unlikely to change soon because of the slow pace of the following teams. Chinese Dream (#19) have also lost ground and are still in touch with EVGA, but their pace is simply too low.

Behind them, there is already a small gap. BC (#20) have passed Russia (#21), who now have to fend off TFFE (#22). TSBT is now at #23. This may be a small improvement, but a great success it is not. Maybe this will come tomorrow.

B^S and UBT are following in #24 and #25, respectively. The British are probably all watching the coronation of their king. Hopefully they do not celebrate too long, as BOINCstats (#26) could well attack them.

Further down the rankings, it is more walking than running. Crystal Dream (#27) and 2ch (#28) even like to take a break every now and then. If PiGyS could turn away from pizza, gyros, and schnitzel, more than #29 would be possible for them.

For two of the three questions posed yesterday, the answer is currently a no. LTT lost #4 and TSBT is still emptying the barrels. It remains to be seen if TAAT's winning streak will be broken.

  • Can SG make it into #3?
  • Will rooster, eagle, and dragon move up further?
  • Who starts best at the Javelin Throw?

You see it remains exciting at the BOINC Pentathlon.

Yours, Jeeper

[Based on stats at 11:00 UTC]
probably going to leave this box on yoyo unless it's really needed somewhere else, got it upgraded to 128gb and seems to be using somewhere between 60-80GB of ram so seems ok now

I have a couple old gpu mining rigs I picked up with RX480s available as well not sure if those are any use for any dc projects
If you were crunching long term or had to make some big decisions because of running them, then I would say they aren't worth it to most people when compared to modern cards. I don't have modern cards so that is about the level of productive hardware that I However, being a 2 week challenge with multiple projects, I would say yes to running them. You could be bunkering up PrimeGrid (AP27) work right now to dump on the 8th. There are still two more projects to announce so most likely one if not both will support GPU's in some way.
Obstacle race (yoyo@home) daily, hourly, threats and opportunity charts and table can be found here.
They just announced the first obstacle bonus day. If you have any YoYo@home work bunkered, you need to drop them now or within the 24 hours as they will be worth an extra 50% for the event only. It will not be reflected at the project.
And luck was with me since I needed to send back the YoYo@Home work I had tonight anyway. Still, it may take a while to get it sent back since it seems the servers may be stalled at the moment.