Zul'Aman the newish 10 Man in WoW


Jul 25, 2006
After our third week in a row in Zul'Aman I've got to say that this is the most fun I've had playing. Especially the third boss trying to stop the Scouts from beating on the drums. Blizzard really did a good job on this one every fight it complex in its own way and it keeps you on your toes. I'm not in a high end raiding guild and really all I've done is Gruul, Mag, and KZ but none of these compare to the fun that is had in ZA. My toon is Ruinz on Sargeras the armory isn't working atm(go figure) so if you are interested you can look it up. A peice of advice for any Shammy goin in here I really find Elemental Warding to be useful as alot of the damage you take seems to go that way. Anyone interested can read http://www.getbuffed.com/getbuffed/guides/view/1/?page=1 for a farily good idea of what I'm talking about.

My question is are the T-5/ T-6 dungeons anywhere near this fun?

This link may work but I'm not quite sure as it still wouldn't load for me here at work.
Are the T5+ dungeons anywhere near the fun? I would say very much more so, yes. I found ZA to be nothing that amazing and very straightforward, but I had also cleared Hyjal and BT prior to it being released. Part of that is probably limitations on what you can do with 10 people, although Netherspite is a good example of bringing creative, interesting mechanics to 10 man content. In general, I would say that the 25 man content has fights that feel more epic.
I would definately say the higher end 25 man stuff is more fun.

The Kael fight is simply amazing. So intense.

Hyjal is fun too, the waves make it feel very epic although sometimes it drags it out a bit.

I found ZA to be boring. It was fun to see once but ZA and Kara still play way too much like a 5man with more people. Raids feel a lot different. Zul'jin also isnt anything more than 2 annoying stages and an easy dps fest.