Zotac 8800GTX 768MB (G80) for $228 Shipped

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just got of the phone with them, they stated that its a weekend special only.
still worrying about bitting
Here is some pics











i got my 8800gtx in! awesomeness! ahahaha! then i find out... they are now $209 wth?! anyone going to change the title? craziness...

yah i got everything worked out. they overnighted me the 8800gtx when they found out that i'd gotten an 8800gts instead. so yep. everyone's happy. woohoo!

$209 ZOTAC GeForce 8800 GTX 768MB
$99 ZOTAC GeForce 8800 GTS 320MB
$119 ZOTAC GeForce 8800 GTS 640MB
well. plays real nice on my wifes computer. Now I have my own LAN party in house. Nothing but my boys and I. This is heaven. GREAT FUCKING PRICES. Register though.
well. plays real nice on my wifes computer. Now I have my own LAN party in house. Nothing but my boys and I. This is heaven. GREAT FUCKING PRICES. Register though.

Now you just have to invite a bunch of us over ;) :p
so here is my question I have an ati 3870 is this worth Replacing it with? I have an e8400 , 2gig ram running Vista ultimate sp 1.. would you replace it with this card.. or wait for the gt2000 or ati 4800?
I just bought the GTX !!! I don't even have a freakin desktop but i felt like i had to get this.
jealous... i'm gonna see if they'll price match me from last week. hoping they will do something like this with radeons soon... because you know... i have a crossfire board.
you guys do realize there are G92 GTS' cheaper than this after MIR and that they outperform the GTX right?
This is great for someone who wants SLI or Tri-SLI but other than that get a GTS!
so here is my question I have an ati 3870 is this worth Replacing it with? I have an e8400 , 2gig ram running Vista ultimate sp 1.. would you replace it with this card.. or wait for the gt2000 or ati 4800?

that depends, these are some kick ass prices right now but if you have a crossfire board you might want to wait for the 4850 or 4870. Still these are are hard to beat for the time being. of course if I had seen the GTS 640 for 119 I would have gotten that instead but I am happy with the GTX. hell I could have gotten 2 of the GTS 640 for the same.
you guys do realize there are G92 GTS' cheaper than this after MIR and that they outperform the GTX right?
This is great for someone who wants SLI or Tri-SLI but other than that get a GTS!

There's a G92 GTS that out performs 2 8800 GTXs cheaper than $400?

Sweet! Sign me up for fantasy land!
There's a G92 GTS that out performs 2 8800 GTXs cheaper than $400?

Sweet! Sign me up for fantasy land!

yah... reviews are all over the place about which performs better, but like many reviewers out there, i'd have to say that the gtx is a bit faster, not a lot, just a bit. i've yet to own an 8800gts, but so for the jump from 8800gt to 8800gtx was noticeable. i saw a difference in the crysis demo. a little difference in 3dmark, but uhh... my 8800gt was overclocked pretty hefty, and it was with a q6600 vs my current e7200. maybe i'll get to see how this guy does oc'd. :D at the moment though, it's a little big. well not a little. a lot big. it's sticking off the end of my mobo... looks awesome though. love the logo on the side. it's pretty kick ass. like some dude said at the start of the forum, the box is awesome.

the after mir g92 8800gts is cheaper though... but i don't like money in limbo. ;p

edit: dang.. the site is down. i wanted to sit there and stare again, wondering if i should buy another...
you guys do realize there are G92 GTS' cheaper than this after MIR and that they outperform the GTX right?
This is great for someone who wants SLI or Tri-SLI but other than that get a GTS!

At one time, I would have agreed. But games like Crysis need more VRAM. If you run the game on just HIGH settings @ 1680 x 1050, you'll overflow the VRAM into non-local video memory...about 620 MB on average.

I have to lower textures and objects in the game to keep the video memory usage under 512 MB if I want to play for long periods of time without lag or stutter. ( I have 9600 GT SLI )

It could have something to do with my lack of system RAM; I only have 2 gigs. But the comparisons I did showed that Crysis will eventually use about 1600 MB of system ram and 1600 MB of the swap file in either setting...unless i'm reading Rivatuner wrong.

I am seriously considering either these GTX or GTS 640 SLI. The only thing stopping me is the heat issue and nothing ruins a good deal like after-market cooling. For me, anyway.
well I just got mine. its a 8800GTX but I think it was an open box.

1. no anti static bag.
2. no invoice or packing slip
3. I think the box was opened before I got it (hard to tell, it looks like everything is there)
4. They went through the trouble to put in a larger box with lots of peanuts but just put the card on top of them so there was no real point in using them.
5. The instructions leave much to be desired. They don't even cover the PCI power cable, do I need one or two of them? (granted I can Google this latter but it would be nice to have the instructions)

I will install the card tonight and see how it works but I am not giving them high marks right now . If this is an opened box they should have said something up front.
Got mine in about 2 hours ago. It was indeed a GTX and it was new. Popped it in and tried Ago of Conan with it. With my 1900XTX i got around 25ish fps with everyhting on low-medium settings. With the GTX i turn every option to the max, except AA which i put at 8x QAA, and i get around 30ish fps lol. What an upgrade.
mine came the same way. i'm thinking it's just how the company ships them out. looks very new to me. the 8800gts 320 shipped the same too.
Just looked....

31 pieces of the 8800 GTX left for $209......that is a really great deal.:D
If only they had a good deals on power supplies.... I would get another one for SLI.

550 wont cut it for power on two 8800 GTX's so don't forget to up grade your power supply. :D
any1 got overclocking results yet on your GTX cards? just wondering where the cards are likely going to hit a wall.
RWG did a review for OCs with all the different cards, but their Zotac one was running 20 degrees hotter than all the others. They say the box was beat up which likely caused it.

I'm hesitant to try OCing this, I'm already running Crysis on 1600x1200 on high settings smoothly so there's not much reason to risk it.

It supposedly hits the wall at 659Mhz (13%).
^ Can you set Crysis on Very High, at 1280x800, and how does that look?
Stepdad ordered one and I ordered one last night at $209 ea, and yeah they are back up to $239 today, still its a hell of a good price at that.
Got it running, some good test on it as well.

Phenom 9750
4gigs ram
and thsi card.

Crysis ran pretty good on very high at 1440x900. Hovers around 30 fps at all times, lowering it to 1280x800 doesnt really change much. I recommend manually adjusting the fan speed though. It was going at 60% capacity and idle the core was at 74 degrees C. I bumped it up some and now its around that when i run Age of Conan at the highest possible settings.
damn.... i feel like i've been living under a rock for the past year. last time i remember, all the top cards were selling for $500-600.
Well they shipped my order tonight. Pretty fast.
I hope I don't get two GTS 320's. :)
how about a G92 8800GTS for $227 shipped? been out of the loop but it seems as though the 8800GTS G92's put the smack down on the 8800GTX for the most part.


I bought two GTXs for one reason only... to see if the extra RAM and memory bandwidth is any added benefit in Crysis.

My 9600 GT SLI runs Crysis on HIGH just fine...but after an hour or so, the frame buffer gets backed-up and the game starts to lag. I measured VRAM usage with Rivatuner and it was running steady 620-630 MB of video memory. When I lowered the settings to medium objects and medium textures, the video memory was reduced to about 400 MB
and I could play for hours without a hiccup. I had the same problem with 8800 GT SLI.
I thought it was because of the heat of the cores. (Crysis load 8800 GT SLI cores will hit 85-90 C easy over time.) So I bought 9600 GTs because I knew I could run them cooler and get about the same performance. Even with them running 60c at full Crysis load, I was still having the problem. The only drawback with these new 8-9 series cards is the amount of VRAM. They can push the pixels, but they run out of room to store them before they're rendered.

Oh... I also bought them because they were dirt cheap and I can always sell them on Ebay. :)
how about a G92 8800GTS for $227 shipped? been out of the loop but it seems as though the 8800GTS G92's put the smack down on the 8800GTX for the most part.


Dunno where you got that Idea when the 9800 GTX couldn't even pull out ahead of the 8800GTX in [H]'s review. http://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=MTQ4MSw5LCxoZW50aHVzaWFzdA==

The BFGTech GeForce 9800 GTX is a good product but it's not breaking any performance barriers or redefining our gaming experiences. The bundle is nothing to get excited about, but the video card itself is capable. The only problem we see is that the 9800 GTX isn't truly superior to the 8800 GTX it is intended to replace in terms of real world gaming performance. A “new” product that comes to market is usually considerably better performing than its predecessor, at least in the high end GPU space. That is not the case here. There is more fancy “green” technology in this 9800 GTX, which is of course a step in the right direction, but it does not shift any performance paradigms.

The 9800 GTX is a not an upgrade for the gamer already using an 8800 GTX. There are a few reasons that the 9800 GTX is a better product than the 8800 GTX, but gaming is not one of them.
Dunno where you got that Idea when the 9800 GTX couldn't even pull out ahead of the 8800GTX in [H]'s review. http://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=MTQ4MSw5LCxoZW50aHVzaWFzdA==

lmao, look ive been out of the loop for awhile but even i can do a bit of research before posting a claim. google is your friend my friend.


start from there, google some more.... from the looks of it, its a toss up depending on the game. take it for what its worth, its a lot closer than you would think.
lmao, look ive been out of the loop for awhile but even i can do a bit of research before posting a claim. google is your friend my friend.


start from there, google some more.... from the looks of it, its a toss up depending on the game. take it for what its worth, its a lot closer than you would think.

I'm not even going to try to get into a bencmark comparison with you, especially since your quoting a site that is running the canned benchmarks and not real world gameplay like [H] does.
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