Z68 motherboard recommendation?


Jun 9, 2008
I'm looking for a Z68 for my new build, while I do plan to do some overclocking with my 2500k, I will not be doing anything extreme. I don't need a $300+ fancy motherboard. Looking to spend around $200.

What do you suggest?
Well, I am upgrading from a 775 socket board, why would I choose an inferior board (P67) if I can get a Z68?
Well, I am upgrading from a 775 socket board, why would I choose an inferior board (P67) if I can get a Z68?

I'm going with Z68, but there is nothing to suggest the p67 is inferior. it just lacks 2-3 main features. And those probably aren't useful for most people.
There is not much to pick from really. Gigabytes offerings do not offer a vga output. That leaves the Asrock Extreme4 and the Asus P8Z68-V Pro.
I'm in the same boat as you looking for a Z68 motherboard. I also agree that you should get the new chipset. It seems that, if you do not intend to do tri-sli with or use 3 video cards, the best bet seems to be the Asus P8Z68-V PRO.

Since I may want in the future to upgrade to Tri-SLI, it leaves me with only the Gigabyte Option. But I want the video output. I may just buy the Asus P8Z68-V Pro, and if I decide to go with Tri-SLI maybe just buy a new motherboard.
There is not much to pick from really. Gigabytes offerings do not offer a vga output. That leaves the Asrock Extreme4 and the Asus P8Z68-V Pro.

Untrue. Some of the Gigabyte Z68 boards have built-in video ports.

Or are you only referring to the $200 (and up) boards?
@bobkn: true. but except one they belong to lowend category, and even UD3H is a sort of higher lowend board. Plus it's not available anyway.
Yeah it's great Intel makes great cpus but they're support chips have problems & don't fully support the techs Intel helped create. (pcie,usb, sata etc) Nvidia was making better sb chips for intel mobos than they were, so Intel sued to stop that. I think 67 was rushed out to be "on time" with sandybridge cpus, buyers should hope Z68 is more mature. As they say buyer beware ;)
Anyone else seeing the irony? Haha