Your overclocked GT has 30 days to live.....

FLECOM said:
that is hot as a mofo, i dont know that much about nvidia cards but 81C will kill an athlon after 30 days probably too
Most bartons have a maximum operating temerature of only 75°C, no?
Sounds like my BFG Ti2400. Had the thing running overclocked for a good 6 months or something. Then I noticed some artificats and backed down a bit. Then a few months later i started getting little white dots on everything, which seemed to happen about the same time I updated my drivers, so i ended up reformatting and still had the white dots. Reapplied AS3 to my heatsink and still have the problem. It progressively got worse and runs better on cooler days but I'm pretty sure the card is just burning out because I still have to run the thing at about 150 core and 260 mem, just to avoid those dots, graphical corruption, and instability/BSODs etc. That and I have checked the heatsinks(core and RAM) several times and they are all fine. I'd replace it but i can't afford to right now, so I'm hoping that it just lasts until I can afford to do a whole system upgrade. I think next time around I'll just run it stock or below unless I'm playing games, then maybe I'll crank it up a little bit, or not. :p
My PNY 6800GT runs fine at overclocked speeds (400/1.1) on a shuttle 200 watt PSU...Never had a single corruption/artifact problem at those speeds. Going above that much, 410 or so, I hit the OC cieling of my PSU, as I get random lockups.
i believe silicon breaks down at 90c most chips last till 75-80c so yes i would say the heat is what is frying all these GT's
Lunas said:
i believe silicon breaks down at 90c most chips last till 75-80c so yes i would say the heat is what is frying all these GT's

Ah, no.

Silicon melting point is 1414 °C , so there is a little headway before that happens.
Lunas said:
i believe silicon breaks down at 90c most chips last till 75-80c so yes i would say the heat is what is frying all these GT's

Bad memory cooked my last one. :(
Lunas said:
i believe silicon breaks down at 90c most chips last till 75-80c so yes i would say the heat is what is frying all these GT's
No. The default "core slowdown threshold" temperature on the NV40 is 120C. That's the temperature that those chips are designed to handle.
pxc said:
No. The default "core slowdown threshold" temperature on the NV40 is 120C. That's the temperature that those chips are designed to handle.
still it seems pretty hot to me personaly.
I rather go with the BFG 6800 ultra already OC out of the box at 425/1100 or 1200, I forgot, than getting the Gt and OCing it since I've nevered OC before and doesn't OCing the GT void the warranty? I've heard of GTs dieing from overclocks alot..
do you guys think its safe to have my GT clocked at 450 or 460 on the core? ive been playin farcry at 440 with no hiccups or throttling and temps are always below 82 C im wonderin if the reference fan + some arctic silver 5 could handle the GT's molten GPU at those speeds
I gotta jump in and say that I have a evga 6800gt with a custom ducting solution from my door/window fan. I put as5 on the core and ram and my temps are about 46 idle and 55-60 underload. I am quite happy. Even though this card clocks like a banshee I have it running stock speeds, because i really dont care about the dif between 16x12 w/out aa and w/2x aa. i mean who cares im playing d3 at 16x12 that's what i was looking for and thats what i have. so ne way long story short i watched my roomate cook 2 6800gt with two different antec true power, power supplies. I HATE ANTEC. between the 2 of us we have fried 1 9800pro and 2 6800gt because of antec's nike ass powersupply. From what i read that new neo power is nice, but fthat antec sucks, go with fortron, enermax, or pc power and cooling.

btw powersupply frying a card, looks exactly like what you guys described. Need i remind you that the ultra is the same card (just the cherry ones mind you) that required 2 seperate power leads to reach those speeds. I'm sure there is a reason for that, so think twice before you trust ur overclocks.
Xxplosiv said:
do you guys think its safe to have my GT clocked at 450 or 460 on the core? ive been playin farcry at 440 with no hiccups or throttling and temps are always below 82 C im wonderin if the reference fan + some arctic silver 5 could handle the GT's molten GPU at those speeds

As long as your cooling solution can keep the temp of the core cool, I say go for those speeds. On my card, hittign 440MHZ and above results in artifacts in Doom 3. All other games run fine (as well as 3DMark03).

Doom 3 is the only finicky one, it seems, despite my core and RAM beign cooled by water.
Yes, memory is probably the most common component that fails on them. Just another reason to get a card with 1.6ns chips, such as the Gainward.
I had the same exact problem. Turns out my main power supply cable to my MB had somehow gotten loose and I was undervolting my system.
Bumrush said:
I had the same exact problem. Turns out my main power supply cable to my MB had somehow gotten loose and I was undervolting my system.

Had that on my First MSI K8T Neo plat, no matter what i did the PSU MB Plug woudl randomly shut off my system, if i grabed and shook the thing my system wouydl come back on, then when mesureing the 5v line it was like 4.2v, My line idel off a molex is 5.4v, load 5.2v
I(illa Bee said:
Had that on my First MSI K8T Neo plat, no matter what i did the PSU MB Plug woudl randomly shut off my system, if i grabed and shook the thing my system wouydl come back on, then when mesureing the 5v line it was like 4.2v, My line idel off a molex is 5.4v, load 5.2v
Shitty clip on the plug maybe? It's fine on my neo platinum. One solution to that would be find a good position and epoxy the sides of the plug to the socket.
Guys, if you keep instaled/reinstaled your 6800U/GT be really careful w/ the power regulators (those round cylinders around 12v power dongle). The pin legs are really fragile.
Round cylinders? That's a deadly combination ;)
Anyway, they are called capacitors, and seeing how different companies are using different brand & base design ones, this warning shouldn't go for everyone. BFG uses the kind that sit in little plastic bases, they are as safe as if they were in a safe. What a dastardly pun..
heh, ive bent my capacitators a few times, there not fragile on mine, and ther enot fragile on my mobo either lol
Well my GT is voltmodded to 1.4, OC'ed to 420/1140 and has been running strong for 2 months no probs...It has a NV5 silencer AC5, and never gets higher than 70C under load.
i believe silicon breaks down at 90c most chips last till 75-80c so yes i would say the heat is what is frying all these GT's

Nope! The chip package will start melting before the silicon will melt down. Most digital chips can operate up to temperatures of 160 C (maybe even higher).