Your card of choice in 2008

What is your card of the year?

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Mainly because it plays all of the games that I want to play using 1650 x 1080 resolution on a overclocked Xeon with 4GB of 1066 RAM with every graphic option turned on.
it's a question of punctuation:

Your card-of-the-year
Your-card of-the-year

i have no idea how to properly punctuate it to show the difference but this shows the linking hopefully.

not a question of punctuation, but one of diction. "what is your card of the year?" is less clear than either "what card(s) did you buy this year?" or "what do you think was the #1 card of the year?" but i took it to mean the latter, since i didn't presume the OP wanted to exclude people who didn't buy a card this year (*cough* who, me?).

PS: tough choice but i picked GTX 280, and now i'm having voter's remorse :p
The HD4850 should be the hands down winner. Bang/Buck ratio hasn't been this high in YEARS. Picked up my first one the week they came out for $50 cheaper then MSRP after MIR and prices for all video cards haven't been the same since. That little card put the ball back in the consumers court in a way that I've never seen before.

Oh, and for those lucky enough to grab an Asus version, easy fan control from day one...
My pick would be GTX 280 because i want to play PhysX games, but surely no one can't deny 4000 series due to huge horsepower they have.
I love the 200 series, but gotta give it to ati this year on making it competative and prices drop
I just ordered an Asus 4850. Can't wait to see the difference it makes on the system in my sig.

Been looking at the Xtreme Systems forums and there are people running wicked high clocks on these cards... 1000 Mhz GPU and over 1200Mhz RAM. I figure I'll run it at stock for quite a while and when I need more speed I'll go ahead and mod it.

Last card I highly modded was a Nvidia 7900GS. Had that sucker at a 50% overclock aircooled. When I got it it would overheat and artifact at default speeds.
+1 for Ati also (eventhough I just bought a 280 gtx for personal use). I would have had a much rougher time trying to justify the purchase had it not been for the lowered prices because of comeptition from Ati. Everyone wins in the end.
4870X2.....I liked it so much I got another one............great for playing solitaire...:D
I just got a 4850 a month ago and it is an amazing card especially with the price after rebates as of late. Definitely an upgrade on my X1900GT.
i spent $310 Canadian on a HD 4870 so its all good

the gtx260 at the time (and still is) like 400+
The 4870 got the vote from me, I don't think the 4850 would of caused too much of a price drop from Nvidia but the 4870 512 really scared them, and it was CHEAP.

I voted for the 4870 1gb, even though I have 2x 512's when they brought out the 1gb version we got to see alot of the choke taken away from these things, could you imagine this card from day one with 1gb? holy crap Nvidia would still be undercutting.
I voted for the 4870-512. That is the card that got the ball rolling and made everybody wake up and pay attention to ATi again. The other cards just built on that initial success but that was the card that shook the ground under Santa Clara. The 4850 is just a cheaper underclocked 4870 and not deserving of the title IMO.
I voted for the 4870-512. That is the card that got the ball rolling and made everybody wake up and pay attention to ATi again. The other cards just built on that initial success but that was the card that shook the ground under Santa Clara. The 4850 is just a cheaper underclocked 4870 and not deserving of the title IMO.

That is soooo true! I purchased my first 4870 from Bestbuy, basically I needed something to use because my 9800 GTX's were out on trade-up to the BFG 260 OCX MaxCore's. Once I received the 260's from trade-up I sold and purchased another 4870!! During my wait for the trade-up cards I realized just how sweet the 4870's are.
HD4850-512MB FTMFW. $150 @ BBY misprint right after release - can't beat that. I've never had a current-gen high(er)-end card before this. I don't play games often enough (having a job solves that) to justify anything super hard core.
I bought a GTX 280 within a couple weeks of release (yes, i paid $600+ for mine) but i voted for the 4870 because that has helped the graphics arena in more than just being a fast card like mine is.
4800 Series hands down. Brought the price of high end cards to a reasonable level (where they should have started off). David slayed Goliath, and everyone benefited. Then out of practically nowhere, ATi throws the 4870x2 on the scene and smashes Nvidia's offering, despite ATi's claim to only produce for the mid-range market.

4850 overall. It showed everyone what we SHOULD be paying for that kind of performance.
This gotta be the closest poll on [H] ever, 370 voters but almost all options are even.
4870 512/1gb seems to be the most praised on this board, along with the 4850 for budget gamers.

Haven't seen this much praise for an ATi card since I bought my X800gto a few years ago, not to mention my 9600pro prior to that.

Perfect time for me to build a new system!
Would probably show the trend better if it was something like 4800 series vs. GT200 series :)

I've read somewhere that statistics is like a bikini, it brings out the interesting parts but it covers up what's important. ;)
Got dual 4850s soon after they came out. Got annoyed with them, and finally replaced them with a GTX 280, since by that time they'd come down to about the same price as two 4850s.
This gotta be the closest poll on [H] ever, 370 voters but almost all options are even.

I think this is just proof that 2008 was an outstanding year for graphics cards. I'm going from a 8800 GT (512) to a 4870 (1GB) and I can't wait to get back to college to throw the latter card into my PC.

I've read somewhere that statistics is like a bikini, it brings out the interesting parts but it covers up what's important. ;)

I'm going to quote this later at some point. :D
and that is why i was so undecided in 2008 for a new card, there was never a clear winner between all the top cards.
I voted for the GTX 260 Core 216 because it's finally reasonably priced. With the FC2 bundle mentioned above, it's a great deal for around $200.