You Can't Stop the Internet

the forum section was just pure cancer though on IMDB. i still hate that it's gone but for the most part it was just 14 year olds attacking each other. as far as the positive reviews i think it's based on the voting because i've seen a few horrendous movies where a 1 star review got front page priority over the 30+ fake 10 star reviews because more people found the negative one more helpful. but i wouldn't be surprised if the studio's were allowed to control what shows up either.

The question is whether said 14 year olds are legitimate or not. It could have been noise introduced into the system on purpose.

You can't trust much these days. Money interests are always trying to find a way to subvert your wariness.

(I meant to post this a lot earlier, but I got sidetracked and just had this tab sitting around in a random browser window)