You Are Invited...

Challenges and monkeys...two great tastes that taste great together. Sign me up!

Just let me know when you guys hash it out amongst yourselves on who is team captain here and we'll go from there.
LOL now what would be funny is only have Wrat do it... one man wins the contest!

I could participate. I think my setup would easily take to the changes, would take me about 30 minutes to change 7 boxes and a PS3.

Adds 20k+ PPD

So let me get this straight, this contest is open to anyone that wants to change their name to whatever we choose for the H and then watch the other teams scramble to try to catch up? Sign me up. When do we start?

lol editing the previous post to insert my badge resulted in a new post, brilliant!
I'll throw my smp clients at this slaughter. :D Sounds like fun. So my PPD tanks for a bit.... I'm still producin' either way.

Contest starts May 5 at 12:00pm pacific.

Wow, we'll have at least a month to get this up and going... Let me see if I can somehow get me farm up to 50% asap. I'm scrambling to see where and how I can get the funds :D, and by the start date do you mean that's when we start folding for our [H]ardMonkey name or is that the date when it ends?

Many thanks.
contest STARTS on May 5th, 12pm, pacific time hehe
contest ends when we have the winners and losers
we're still in discussion about the amount of points it'll take to win
Hmm can't we start it on Sunday? May 4th? More people will be able to attend to their boxes. Also why not run it for a set time instead of a set points #. I mean set the time frame for 1 week. That seems easy enough to me.

Hmm can't we start it on Sunday? May 4th? More people will be able to attend to their boxes. Also why not run it for a set time instead of a set points #. I mean set the time frame for 1 week. That seems easy enough to me.

Short answer, no. The date is part of the tradition. Cinco de mayo.
Well I'm hoping my plans change but 5/5 is a Monday and I may be away on business. If they do change then I can participate. I really want to, just was weird it was a Monday of all days.

Well I'm hoping my plans change but 5/5 is a Monday and I may be away on business. If they do change then I can participate. I really want to, just was weird it was a Monday of all days.

You aren't hard enough for us... A [H]ard teammate will take a day off for the [H]orde !!!

Well I'm hoping my plans change but 5/5 is a Monday and I may be away on business. If they do change then I can participate. I really want to, just was weird it was a Monday of all days.

You can change the boxes over early, the points just dont count until noon 5/5.
I pledge my allegience and boxen to the [H]. I will sacrifice my defenses against Seamonkey to maintain our dominance as the #1 team.

You can change the boxes over early, the points just dont count until noon 5/5.

So then it would be good to start your smp boxen on the new ID a day early so they submit their first WU's on the new ID right after noon on 5/5? :D
Count me in!

But no more monkey pr0n, please!
What if everyone stopped all their clients at 99% before the contest and then started them back up to turn in God knows how many points right at the contest start?
What if everyone stopped all their clients at 99% before the contest and then started them back up to turn in God knows how many points right at the contest start?

first thing that came to my mind as well, I assume that the hosts of this competition have worked this one out already since the contest has been run twice before.

first thing that came to my mind as well, I assume that the hosts of this competition have worked this one out already since the contest has been run twice before.

I dont see anything covered in the rules forbidding that, but you have to ask yourself how you would feel if another team did that. We can take this thing without going there.

I dont see anything covered in the rules forbidding that, but you have to ask yourself how you would feel if another team did that. We can take this thing without going there.

I'm not going to do this, nor am I saying we should. I'm just wondering if they do have any stance on this at all.

Yes, it's a valid concern. I'll see with the teams leaders how to limit this and have a fair challenge... One thing for sure is that the [H]orde won't use low-life tactics because we know we can do it with legit methods.

OTOH, we cannot stop our teammates expanding the farms in prevision of this challenge :D I for one will work on this personnally...

I'm not going to do this, nor am I saying we should. I'm just wondering if they do have any stance on this at all.

I didn't think anyone really was thinking about it. Just saying, as the new guys in it this year, let's not do anything to cause ill will. Our relationship with MaxPC has been a bit shaky as it is lately.
On another topic related to chimping...

is there an easy way to change my folding name in the SMP client?

Keep in mind... I said "easy way!"
On another topic related to chimping...

is there an easy way to change my folding name in the SMP client?

Keep in mind... I said "easy way!"

Not unless you have a good deployment system down like FLECOM's ghost folding. Otherwise its fah6 -configonly everywhere.
fah and or fah6 -configonly is all I know as well =(

I would love an easier way!