YMMV BB Visiontek HD4850 $149

All the bad stories I've heard about BB. I've not once had a bad ending. If they don't do what I ask, i work my charm and get what I need :p One time i talked a cashier into giving me 25% off an already on sale item, flattery will get you everywhere!
Not so much flattery, ans never getting pissed. When a customer gets angry and starts yelling or swearing, I just start blocking them out and ignoring them. I don't get paid to get yelled at for a company's policy I can't violate, or because USB cables are overpriced as hell...
I love taking advantage of Best Buy. Ever since they began treating their customers like criminals, I decided it was time to at least act like one. So for the past two-three years, I've never purchased anything that wasn't well below sale price...

I agree with this statement! I love taking advantage of Best Buy too, but it isn't all fun and game. The Crestwood, MO store (Store #42) didn't take kindly to me raping them for the last 18 months, so the 37" Westy on cleareance that I got them to ship from another store for me @ $400 was the straw that broke the camels back.

So now I have to drive an extra 4 miles out of my way to rape one of two different Best Buys. 4 whole miles, honestly what was the point in that?
I agree with this statement! I love taking advantage of Best Buy too, but it isn't all fun and game. The Crestwood, MO store (Store #42) didn't take kindly to me raping them for the last 18 months, so the 37" Westy on cleareance that I got them to ship from another store for me @ $400 was the straw that broke the camels back.

So now I have to drive an extra 4 miles out of my way to rape one of two different Best Buys. 4 whole miles, honestly what was the point in that?
The secret weapon:
1-888-bestbuy. I had an issue with a store in TX not honoring a TOTALLY legit advertisement, claiming they did not match their online prices (they don't if it specifically says so on the online ad). I called. They put me on hold. The store manager got a call. I got my discount. :D
I bought it at $200 on Saturday and had them price match the 25% today.
I bought it at $200 on Saturday and had them price match the 25% today.

How did you do that? Now that I have seen the benches and reviews from [H]ardOcp I would like to replace my 3870 with one of the 4850. Is the deal still going on?
search slickdeals.net

I bought it on the last day of the sale but though the sale started the next day.
Came back yesterday and told them when I bought it and that they did not take off the discount. (Well my brothers did)