YESSS! its finally installed!


Jun 18, 2006
Well I finally bit the proverbial bullet and bought an SATA hard drive, I have reached the conclusion that changing boot drives in a computer is a pain in the ass!

Took me 3 hours to get this thing to boot (odd BIOS settings on MB didn't help either)

But now I have 300GB of space, think of all the porn! :D
lol, thats it?
i have a 150 raptor and 2 500GB sata's in my main rig
and gf has 74 raptor and 3 300's in her pc :p
AdamNesvick said:
Nope, just broke, wish I could afford a terrabyte setup :(

but this is a huge upgrade from 40GB for me :)

well enjoy your pr0n . it is a huge jump in size. congo ratz
-(Xyphox)- said:
lol, thats it?
i have a 150 raptor and 2 500GB sata's in my main rig
and gf has 74 raptor and 3 300's in her pc :p

I have two 74GB Raptors, 2 300GB SATA Diamond Max 10's and 4 Ultra 160 SCSI 10,000RPM drives and lastly, a 10,000rpm Ultra 320 74GB SCSI drive. I've also got miscellaneous testing drives and external drives of varying sizes.

For work I have 2 80GB drives, one 40GB PATA drive, 2 40GB SATA II/NCQ drives and an 80GB External drive. (For mobo reviews)

Plus I've got a 10GB, a 20GB and an 80GB drive floating around at home that I forgot about that aren't in any systems. Plus my laptop has a 60GB drive. I am plenty sure there are people on here with MUCH more total space than I have. Plus the bulk of my drives are tied up in RAID-1 or RAID-5 configurations and are there for redundancy more than anything.
If we are measuring dick size, I am not sure I can accurately represent the massive scale on a forum post...

hehe, oh we are talking harddrive space, well then I have 800gb of storage HD and 800gb of backup HD... I don't consider myself part of the terabyte club yet until I can store 1tb and also backup 1tb.

I am thinking of getting two more 400gb drives for building a raid5 array with 1.2tb of usable space.
Gibzilla said:
well enjoy your pr0n . it is a huge jump in size. congo ratz
Something about "it is a huge jump in size" following "well enjoy your pr0n" that made me nearly spew soda on my monitor. :D