Yellow Line appeared on my 226bw...HELP!


Feb 12, 2007
Well, I was playing my 360 on my Samsung 226BW today and all of the sudden a yellow line from the top of the screen to the bottom of the screen appeard. It looks like a single row of pixels just got stuck in yellow line from the top to the bottom. After a slight panic, I hit the power button and turned it off. I waited a couple seconds and turned it back on. IT WAS STILL THERE!

I got the cloth that came with the screen and gently rubbed the screem and it dissapeared. I played some more and it came back. I applied pressure again with the cloth and it vanished again. After letting it sit for a few hours I played again. It came back. This time I tested the DVI connection and the line still displayed. After it happened atleast 8 times today, I started trying things. I notice that massaging the screen at the bottom does not cause the line to dissapear, only rubbing it at the top makes it vanish.

I called Samsung customer support, who did not seem very knowledgable. She just reccomended that I take it back to the store I purchased it at. I can do this, as I got it at CC.

Here's the problem. I mean, I landed an "S" panel with no dead pixels, now I have to return it and risk getting an "A" panel or one with dead pixels? Has anyone ever had anything like this happen?

Let me know if you guys have any advice.

I had a problem like that too. I thought It was my monitor all I did is reseat/retighten the DVI cables/cords.
Well, there's not much of a choice, is there?
It's looking that way. Is it true that the "S" panels were a limited production and are completely being replaced by the "A" panels?

I had a problem like that too. I thought It was my monitor all I did is reseat/retighten the DVI cables/cords.
Thanks for the advice, I will try it. Although I don't think it will help because it happened on the VGA hook up and when I switched to DVI it was still there.
How can you tell this difference between the panels? i was planning on picking a pair of the 226's this weekend
How can you tell this difference between the panels? i was planning on picking a pair of the 226's this weekend

Please check out the last 5 pages of the 25 page Samsung 226BW thread. The only way to tell is to open up the box and check out the back panel. Some say 226BW [R] S, which is the samsung panel. Some say 226BW [R] A, which is the AOU panel.
Please check out the last 5 pages of the 25 page Samsung 226BW thread. The only way to tell is to open up the box and check out the back panel. Some say 226BW [R] S, which is the samsung panel. Some say 226BW [R] A, which is the AOU panel.

Thanks, will do.
No problem Sandman.

Has any confirmed the "A" panels in the 22" size in the US yet? The only talk on this forum that I have seen is from the 20" panels.

Also, for some reason, applying pressure to the left of the yellow line does not make it dissapear. Applying pressure anywhere on the upper half right hand side of the monitor causes it to dissapear. I then tried pressing together the plastic panel at the top where the line starts and that made it dissapear. Is it possible that the plastic panel isn't tight enough on the screen?
i had this problem happen with 3 lines from top to bottom on right side of monitor about 1/4" inward from the side. Nothing worked(tried rubbing/massaging, turning on/off, restore default, even reseating dvi as well as vga) I took the monitor back(it was the sceptre) but alas the same problem you describe. I was told the DVI port was failing. Good luck to you.