Yay 1 Million!


Aug 2, 2004
Hit 1,000,000 overnight :D My ppd is now going to sit around 20k-23k, so my mowing has mostly stopped. Onto the next challenge, FOLD ON!

Congratulations. Now, mow everyone's else this time !

Hopefully I can get enough going to keep you showing up on my threat list. Way to go!
Thanks for the support everyone :D My goal was to break into the top 200 and stay there, we'll see how I sit in a few months ;)
The mowing will continue, there are just less people in front of you to mow. When you get to my spot, and the path is steep :eek: You savor each and every person that you mow over :p

Congrats arnemetis. As stated, your PPD is very decent and you'll still see people fallling under your blade.

We have tons that continue to run the classic client on a few boxes or a single cpu/gpu and plug away hoping their input helps find a cure.
You can tell by some of their wu numbers, they have been at for a long time. True soldiers. :)