Yahoo's New CEO Imposes Salary Freeze

That's what happens when you pretend that giving money to businesses to stimulate the "free market" economy is a good idea.

The worse part is that people (stupid dumbass republicans who wont think for themselves) will claim (and for fucks sake have claimed on national "conservative" talk radio shows) that spending 1.2 million dollars to redecorate an office, including spending 35 thousand dollars on a commode (a fancy drawer), and 1200 dollars on a trashcan made of parchment is actually a good thing since people got paid to redecorate the office. Yea, never mind the failing fucking economy and need for loaning confidence, lets redecorate and buy fancy foreign antiques! Ugh...

Gotta pay those CEOs so much cause their jobs are so horrible and difficult, right? Please... just shut the hell up. They have no idea how much a dollar is worth.

And you have no idea how to run a complex company. Nice job not responding to my above post, btw.
You see, this is the problem with people like you. You just give up.

My father tried putting himself through school, and eventually had to drop out due to financial constraints (in other words, he got married and he put my mom through school instead of himself). He started several companies, most of them failing. He had a few moderate successes, but kept getting screwed over again and again. He lost his house, and was supporting two children and wife with no college degree working 3 shitty jobs.

Fast forwards 10 years and he is COO and EVP of the worlds largest digital medical archiving company.

Nobody said anything about it being easy. Again, that's the problem with people like you. It takes hard work and sacrifice. But it can be done, and it has been done. Even by people with no degree at all.

Your father is not a rags to riches story. To be able to afford to college is a lot for most people without a wife and kids. 95% of this country doesn't have the money to even start a company, much less be able to afford to recover from multiple failed ones. They are too busy getting screwed at their pathetic jobs over and over again to even think about raising the tens of thousands of dollars to start a company.

On top of all that, from your description anyways, your father's sacrifices probably impacted your family a lot. You don't just put your entire life into pursuits and come out with no regrets. Some people are willing to suffer that, while most aren't and want happy and healthy families.

The sad thing is, you have absolutely no concept or perspective of what most people have to go through and you probably never will. You will just continue say "those people" for the rest of your life and wonder why they don't just stop being so lazy and make something of themselves. The thing is, people do try. Some try their whole lives and only get shit on. You'll never know the feeling of putting so much effort into something at work, saving the company thousands of dollars, only to be taken advantage of, not given the credit you deserve, and have your manager screw you over and end up jobless because you outshone his bad decisions and fixed the problems and it made him look bad.

All you know and will ever accept is that if your dad did it, anyone can.
Your father is not a rags to riches story. To be able to afford to college is a lot for most people without a wife and kids. 95% of this country doesn't have the money to even start a company, much less be able to afford to recover from multiple failed ones. They are too busy getting screwed at their pathetic jobs over and over again to even think about raising the tens of thousands of dollars to start a company.

I don't think you understand. He couldn't afford college - he dropped out. We were so poor that we had to rely on donations for food for a short period. You can't get much more "rags" than that in the US. And if you knew anything about starting a business, you would know that you don't "have the money yourself". You use your brain to put together an intelligent business plan, get partners, and secure investors. He didn't have any money of his own to put in if he wanted too. Also, by starting a corporation, you aren't personally liable if your company fails so that argument goes out the window. And trust me, he did get screwed at his job over and over again. That's why he took his destiny into his own hands and went off on his own.

On top of all that, from your description anyways, your father's sacrifices probably impacted your family a lot. You don't just put your entire life into pursuits and come out with no regrets. Some people are willing to suffer that, while most aren't and want happy and healthy families.

We have a happy and healthy family. He's been happily married for 26 years and has three children including me. He was my baseball coach for 5 years, played chess with me every day until I went away to college, was softball coach for my sisters, etc.

The sad thing is, you have absolutely no concept or perspective of what most people have to go through and you probably never will.

Have you ever had to rely on donations for food and lost your home? Until you have, please don't tell me I have no concept of what people have to go through....

You will just continue say "those people" for the rest of your life and wonder why they don't just stop being so lazy and make something of themselves. The thing is, people do try. Some try their whole lives and only get shit on.

Of course I realize that the world isn't perfect. Some people will get screwed over no matter how hard they work. It's just the way the world works. However, the system we have now is a hell of a lot better than a system in which damn near everyone gets screwed (socialism), as you seem to be advocating.

You'll never know the feeling of putting so much effort into something at work, saving the company thousands of dollars, only to be taken advantage of, not given the credit you deserve, and have your manager screw you over and end up jobless because you outshone his bad decisions and fixed the problems and it made him look bad.

Wahhh wahhh wahhh don't act like you're the only one this has ever happened to. Welcome to the real world.

All you know and will ever accept is that if your dad did it, anyone can.

Why not? My father is an extraordinarily hard worker, but there's nothing inherently separating him from anyone else.

The one thing my father has taught me above all else, and that has served me extremely well so far, is that if you don't believe that you can do it, you never will. Just choose not to accept failure. We live in the land of opportunity, cheesy as that may sound, but nobody is promised/guaranteed anything. It's up to the individual to seize what they want.
computerpro wrote:

Speaking of greed, your computer is quite the indulgence. If you sold it and bought a $399 dell, you could provide 10-15 basic PIII systems for poor people.

Just unadulterated greed, pure and simple. Disgusting.

Hey after looking at your system you don't seem to have cash flow problems either!. :D
I bet if you sold off your setup the poor could get 15-20 cheap dells in return.
computerpro wrote:

Hey after looking at your system you don't seem to have cash flow problems either!. :D
I bet if you sold off your setup the poor could get 15-20 cheap dells in return.

Oh I don't have a cash flow problem. Most likely because I'm a die-hard capitalist ;)

I give plenty to the poor through my church and volunteer group already. If they want a GTX 285, they can work for it like I did!
computerpro3 wrote:

Oh I don't have a cash flow problem. Most likely because I'm a die-hard capitalist

I give plenty to the poor through my church and volunteer group already. If they want a GTX 285, they can work for it like I did!

Amen to that. I need to work harder to get my workstation up to snuff.

Like I said, your father got lucky and you can't apply his story as an example of what's possible to everyone else. You will never realize how lucky he was to have things work out the way they did. Pretending that having to move out into an apartment because you are living above your means is an example of being down trodden is a little silly.

You're just going to sit there, iterating and reiterating nonsense about people not being entitled to anything and how anyone can succeed, ignorant and oblivious to how the real world works and how its set up to maintain a status quo. But please, keep telling me about how your life was so hard and everything you have today was achieved based only on your determination and nothing else.

And no, I'm not suggesting that we have a completely socialistic country. I was originally simply pointing out that CEOs and other people of wealth will never understand the common man because they have either lost perspective, or have never had it. And second that ONLY CERTAIN PEOPLE CAN BE A CEO OF A FORTUNE 500 COMPANY, and they are only able to because they started off privileged. Unprivileged people will never become 7 figure CEO's; its just the way the world is.
Oh I don't have a cash flow problem. Most likely because I'm a die-hard capitalist ;)

I give plenty to the poor through my church and volunteer group already. If they want a GTX 285, they can work for it like I did!

Who put you through school/funded your investment money?
Who put you through school/funded your investment money?

I have a scholarship to the #8 music school in the world as a performance major, due soley to my hard work. And don't say it's because of being privileged either - I took 2 years of piano lessons at $35 a week and practiced my ass off.
I was originally simply pointing out that CEOs and other people of wealth will never understand the common man because they have either lost perspective, or have never had it.

So let me get this straight - you don't want to be wealthy because wealthy people lost touch with reality, but you're bitching about how the rich get richer while people like you are stuck on average incomes.
So let me get this straight - you don't want to be wealthy because wealthy people lost touch with reality, but you're bitching about how the rich get richer while people like you are stuck on average incomes.

How did you manage to string that nonsensical sentence together?

I would love to be a rich CEO.

I have a scholarship to the #8 music school in the world as a performance major, due soley to my hard work. And don't say it's because of being privileged either - I took 2 years of piano lessons at $35 a week and practiced my ass off.

So you have a 100% scholarship to a great school because you spent so much time working your ass off and somehow managed to have invested enough of your own money to have enough cash flow to buy top of the line computer parts and donate money to churches and charities all while going to a hard school?
How did you manage to string that nonsensical sentence together?

I would love to be a rich CEO.

So stop complaining about people doing exactly what you'd like to. It's hypocritical.

So you have a 100% scholarship to a great school because you spent so much time working your ass off and somehow managed to have invested enough of your own money to have enough cash flow to buy top of the line computer parts and donate money to churches and charities all while going to a hard school?

Not 100%, but close. And yes, I have invested a lot of money. I ran my own computer business both locally and on ebay while I was in high school, and I invested everything I made into the stock market. I also did dedicated home theater consultation as well as niche high-end amplifier modification services.

Here in college I make great coin just fixing broken laptops. I run 24/7 emergency service with a $200 minimum charge for after hours. Kids have no choice when their final paper is on their dead hard drive. I also do some freelance writing - right now I made it into the prep program for Right there that's another $700 a month minimum (guaranteed for 2 years) for about 2 hours a week worth of work. Yet another source of income is piano - you make hundreds in a weekend gigging.

In the interest of full disclosure, I don't have a car loan to pay for as my parents bought me a car. Also, they pay half my rent. But that doesn't really matter - if I had to pay for a car myself, I just wouldn't have bought my F7 snowmobile, and rent I could handle if I really wanted to. I would have to cut back slightly though.
So stop complaining about people doing exactly what you'd like to. It's hypocritical.

I'm not complaining that they are CEOs you simpleton. I'm just stating facts about the world.

Not 100%, but close. And yes, I have invested a lot of money. I ran my own computer business both locally and on ebay while I was in high school, and I invested everything I made into the stock market. I also did dedicated home theater consultation as well as niche high-end amplifier modification services.

Here in college I make great coin just fixing broken laptops. I run 24/7 emergency service with a $200 minimum charge for after hours. Kids have no choice when their final paper is on their dead hard drive. I also do some freelance writing - right now I made it into the prep program for Right there that's another $700 a month minimum (guaranteed for 2 years) for about 2 hours a week worth of work. Yet another source of income is piano - you make hundreds in a weekend gigging.

In the interest of full disclosure, I don't have a car loan to pay for as my parents bought me a car. Also, they pay half my rent. But that doesn't really matter - if I had to pay for a car myself, I just wouldn't have bought my F7 snowmobile, and rent I could handle if I really wanted to. I would have to cut back slightly though.

*Turns back the timeline just a little* What is this? Daddy's money used for startup? Nice to know you had plenty of computer stuff around to learn all those skills on while growing up, too!

For the nth time,you don't realize how good you have it. All those people you raise your nose at would kill to have started out in a life like yours. You'll never see it though, since you are too busy trying to prove your normal cred by saying your family had to move into an apartment while your dad was between jobs.

Just to show you how disingenuous you are being, look at these words from you again.

I don't think you understand. He couldn't afford college - he dropped out.

Your father couldn't afford college because he couldn't afford to put your jobless mother through college while putting himself through college as well. This is not the same as people not being able to afford college who live on their own and aren't married with tax benefits.
I'm not complaining that they are CEOs you simpleton. I'm just stating facts about the world.

Did you ever think that maybe the reason you have trouble advancing in the business world is your penchant for ad hominem attacks? Must go over real well when talking to upper management.

*Turns back the timeline just a little* What is this? Daddy's money used for startup? Nice to know you had plenty of computer stuff around to learn all those skills on while growing up, too!

Ever hear of mowing lawns/shoveling driveways for money?

For the nth time,you don't realize how good you have it. All those people you raise your nose at would kill to have started out in a life like yours.

No, I do realize how good I have it, because it wasn't always like this. Unlike you, I don't raise my nose at anyone. When I was younger, we had tough times, but now (as a result of my father's hard work), he was able to give me a head start over most people by buying me a car and helping out with rent.

You'll never see it though, since you are too busy trying to prove your normal cred by saying your family had to move into an apartment while your dad was between jobs.

Wanna quote me where I ever mentioned an apartment? ;)

Your father couldn't afford college because he couldn't afford to put your jobless mother through college while putting himself through college as well. This is not the same as people not being able to afford college who live on their own and aren't married with tax benefits.

When you barely make enough to even file taxes, I think you'll find that the benefits don't help that much. ;) The financial burden of being married far, far outweighs that tax breaks that are the result of marriage (as anyone married on the forum can attest). Also, my mother wasn't jobless (waitress at friendly's).

The funny thing about you is that you make these hilariously inn accurate assumptions at virtually every turn to try to justify your argument. You seem to "know" an awful lot about my family for someone that's never met us.

You know that old cliche about assumptions right? Couldn't be more true in your case.
Actually, I just read the article (as some of you guys posting above should do). She's only getting $1 million a year as guaranteed salary. That is CHEAP. The rest of her money is tied to stock options. In other words, if the company performs well, then she gets her $38 million. If it tanks, she's screwed right along with the employees.

Nice try turning the article into a rant against capitalism, but fail.

This is where I would say RTFA but no one does anyway so what's the point?