y500 gaming laptop best bang for buck under $1000


Oct 18, 2002
I need some opinions on a new gaming laptop. I see a lot of good things about the y500, but my question is are there anything else that might compare for around this price range? Also hear good things about the Sagers/clevo's. I'm looking for:
15-17 inch
good display quality
1920x1080 resolution
i7 processor

I'm not looking for a high end alienware, just something that will play most games at 1080p with descent framerates. Must have good build quality and a nice display (as close to a macbook retina display as possible). Thanks for any opinions
I personally own a y500 with the i5 and I love it. It has really been making me consider selling my desktop. I really don't game that much anymore, but I have found it great for photo editing, gaming, web surfing, multimedia, and work. I would say get it. My only regret was at the time I got it my price point was 900 and the i7's were over 1k.
I would say it is one of the best laptop screens I have use in quite a long time!
I also have a Y500 and I can testify to its awesomeness for the money.
Y510p screen is much better. But, what games are you planning to play?
mostly just Heroes of newerth, LoL, Dota 2. Im pretty set on the y510 or y510p. Anyone know of a place i can score a good deal on one, or any coupon codes for the lenova website?
There is no new "non p" Y510. Only Y510p.

These are the best deals for it - $1000 to $1050

But for LoL and Dota 2 you don't really need that much, especially if you are ok with high but not highest settings.

You have, for example, the option of Acer V7-482PG-6662 with GT 750M DDR3 which is considerably lower gaming performance, but with excellent 1080p IPS screen and 6-7 hours of light use.
I was looking on the lenova website, and it looks like they are charging a lot more than these retailers
I am considering buying the MSI GT70 w/ i7 and 770m. How does the y500 compare to that kind of setup? The MSI will run me around $1400.
also, could someone tell me what the max ram slots on a y510p is? I'm thinking its 2 slots max, but hoping for 4.
If it is the same mobo as the y500 there are only two
And I only see glossy screens, where are the matte ones?
two slots of RAM - true. Max ram is 16GB.

The screen are relatively matte
Anyone know of a comparison done between SLI 650M and a single 770M?