XP system with freezing issues


Sep 1, 2004
I have a Athlon 2400+ mobile clocked @ 2.0ghz @ 1.6vcore
200mhz x 10 = 2000 mhz
Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe
Antec 550watt P/S
Radeon 9700 pro w/ Artic Cooler REV. 3
512mb DDR 3200 2.5CL
160gb WD SATA drive
NEC 8x DVD burner

Now after TONS of problems getting dual channel to work (DONT ORDER KINGSTON if you have this MOBO) My computer finally worked today with new ram and some tweaking in bios. Now everything works has all new updated drivers for EVERYTHING all settings are set right, 3DMARK03 locks up on first test (planes) gets 3/4th of way and BOOM total lock up have to press reset button. Why is this happening? Really the amount of incompatiblities these days is RIDICULOUS!!! really i cant beleive how BAD the manufacturers have gotten in last few years they are putting a lot of CRAP out. Ive had nothing but problems with all name brand parts recently, while the PCCHIPS boards i use to build customers computers works PERFECT. HELP!
The first thing I always suggest in a situitation like yours is to swap the power supply and see if that helps. Probably not going to in your case but it wouldn't hurt to try. Next, I had a very similar problem to yours recently after switching from a KT400 chipset motherboard to my current nForce2 Ultra (See sig). I also swapped from a XP2800 to my current mobile cpu. Everything else was carried over to the new system. I formatted and re-installed Windows XP and instant stability problems - especially after installing Service Pack2. I had just upgraded to the new service Pack right before I did the swap just to Test Drive it so to speak. No problems before - Horribly unstable after the change. I started swapping things out even though they had worked fine before and guess what it was??
My 9600XT. I tried several different versions of ATI's catalist drivers and nothing helped. I then put my old nForce2 MX400 in my system, re-did the drivers and guess what again?? Been running stable as a rock ever since. That's why I'm now looking for a 5900 to replace my 9600XT with. After hearing some other horror stories In This Thread I must not be the only one having these problems with an ATI card in a Nvidia chipset motherboard.

This might not be what your problem is at all but it's worth a try at least.
I also have had lots of ERROR report things, Blue screens. It seems like Nvdia chipsets do not like CL 3 dual channel ram, both MOBOs i have are incomaptible with KINGSTON PC3200 1gb kit (such a good deal on new egg too). Ive tried a A7N8X-E and a GA7NNXP. The gigabyte board wouldnt even clock higher than 1200mhz, and when i turn on computer no image comes to screen and then i have to press restart and it works, also i cant get drivers to install, blue screen.

NOw i am getting OCZ to hopefully solve my problems. I am not sure if its my video card i can tell you the blue screens (memeory dumps) and errors occured on PCI card and AGP card both were ATI though. Ive tried different P/S too. ONe thing is i cant seem to get my MOBILE to overclock at all anymore i was able to once get 2.4 @ 1.7v now i am stuck @ 1.9ghz 200 x 9.5 @ 1.5vcore is the only stable setting on same board that once allowed me 2.4ghz. I found that 3dmark freezes if i clock any higher and there is NOT heating issue either.
wberger365 said:
I also have had lots of ERROR report things, Blue screens. It seems like Nvdia chipsets do not like CL 3 dual channel ram, both MOBOs i have are incomaptible with KINGSTON PC3200 1gb kit (such a good deal on new egg too). Ive tried a A7N8X-E and a GA7NNXP. The gigabyte board wouldnt even clock higher than 1200mhz, and when i turn on computer no image comes to screen and then i have to press restart and it works, also i cant get drivers to install, blue screen.

I've got the Gigabyte GA-7NNXP also but I haven't got two identical sticks to try out Dual Channel mode.