XP Pro - Why is browsing network computers sooo slow?


Oct 25, 2007
When I want to transfer files to shared folders, it just takes forever to find the pc's and folders under my network places.

What causes this? It seems like I remember a time when it wouldn't take so long to access my shares.

Thanks in advance for any info.
I would like to know this also. Whenever I go to my network places, I always get the "searching flashlight of doom" for about 2 minutes.
Network neighborhood is clumsy and doesnt always work great, esp in workgroups.

Simplest, fastest way is to make a shortcut to \\OtherPCName\SharedFolderName on your desktop, then just 2 click it
Thanks, I'll try that.

Yes, the pc's are all part of the same workgroup. They each have a shared folder as well. Using simple file sharing.