XP permanent drive map with altered credentials?

Jun 24, 2001
I am trying to create a permanent mapped network drive that requires credentials other than my own Windows login. This does not appear to work and it prompts me for the username and password each time I restart and want to access the drive once again.

Does anyone know how to get this working properly so that it retains the login info that I need for the mapped drive?
I could setup a script to re-connect the drive at startup easily enough but I was really hoping that I could just get it working as a persistent map. I really don't understand why this does not seem to work in XP.
I'll give this one bump and then let it die I suppose. I can't believe that Windows handles this so poorly.
You can try using the "Manage My Network Passwords" feature which is in the "Related Tasks" pane when editing your user account information. You can specify the credentials to be stored for each server. That is probably what you are looking for.

Basically, Windows XP isn't getting this wrong, it's doing the right thing. Since the computer is not in a domain it is not trusted. You will be prompted once per session for user credentials the first time you access a network resource during each of those sessions. Since you see the mapping when you login although in a disconnected state, the mapping is persistent. When mapping persistance is off you wouldn't see the drive letter during the next windows session and you wouldn't get a logon prompt.
While it is a security risk I'll throw it out for you to use at your own discretion ;)
stick the following in a .bat or .cmd and run on login
net use X: \\server\path yourpassword /user:yourusername
While it gets the job done, it exposes a password plain text which is not a good security practice.

Hmm looking at the net use command there is a /savecred switch.... i've never used it but it may have some potential. Unfortunately I can't test it atm.

net use help

for more info
While it is a security risk I'll throw it out for you to use at your own discretion ;)
stick the following in a .bat or .cmd and run on login
net use X: \\server\path yourpassword /user:yourusername
While it gets the job done, it exposes a password plain text which is not a good security practice.

Hmm looking at the net use command there is a /savecred switch.... i've never used it but it may have some potential. Unfortunately I can't test it atm.

net use help

for more info
HAHA, I looked at net use help before I posted and never noticed that switch. I was focused on the /PERSISTENT switch. That's a good one to know. If the OP is using XP home the SAVECRED switch is ignored.
I got /savecred to work, but it's a bit of an odd switch. It conflicts with the /user switches so you have to leave those out and it will prompt you for the credentials. After that, you are finally good to go and it's exactly what I was looking for.
Glad to hear it worked out. Now if I can only remember this the next time I come across something like it :eek: