XP My Documents directories


Apr 28, 2005
I have a raptor raid setup which I only put Windows and programs on. I also have a 500 GB (D:) drive that I use to dump all my other data on including music. When you click the start menu and click on my music, it defaults to the My Music that is located on the C: drive. Can I change it to another directory such as D:\Music ?
redmasc said:
I have a raptor raid setup which I only put Windows and programs on. I also have a 500 GB (D:) drive that I use to dump all my other data on including music. When you click the start menu and click on my music, it defaults to the My Music that is located on the C: drive. Can I change it to another directory such as D:\Music ?

yeah right click my music and goto properites, than hit move, and it changes it
Huh? I don't see that option. Do you mean right click on my music thats in the start menu? or the actual location of my music folder, which would be D: in this case. I checked both and I don't see any option for move or anything of that sort.
sorry i was looking at My Docs, you might just have to cut the folder and move to D: than point your programs to download or play from d:my music instead of c:
That won't work. DL the free utility, TweakUI, from MS, and in the "My Computer" menu, find "Special Folders". You can change it from there.
I've always used TweakUI to do this. Works great.
You can just drag the folder from My Docs to wherever you want it to be.

If windows supported symlinks it'd be a whole lot easier.
IanG said:
If windows supported symlinks it'd be a whole lot easier.


I lol'd

But really, you can change the registry if you want

The actual registry location is:

Key: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

Value name: Personal

Value type: String

Should be applicable to XP Pro/Home, whatever.
I'll agree with both TweakUI and the symlink comment. I've used the first and wished for the second for a long time.
Wow thanks guys. Been wondering about this for a long time. Appreciate all your help. :D
IanG said:
You can just drag the folder from My Docs to wherever you want it to be.

If windows supported symlinks it'd be a whole lot easier.

Junctions work just fine. They've been available since Windows 2000.