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Limp Gawd
Oct 1, 2004
I need a program that can tell me what my current computer's XP and Office XP cd key is.
I used to have a program but i can't find it on my computer anymore.
If anyone can tell me a link to dl that specific program or anything similar that would be great.

From what i recall the icon was like a Pink one with a key.
Their is also belaric advisor which tells you many of the serial numbers of your apps and other hardware things.
Question related to this....do any of these programs tell you how long it has been since you activated? If memory serves you can reactivate without the extreme hassle of calling MS Customer Support and explaining your life away every 120 days....
Lcarvone said:
Question related to this....do any of these programs tell you how long it has been since you activated? If memory serves you can reactivate without the extreme hassle of calling MS Customer Support and explaining your life away every 120 days....
Why do you have to reactivate every 120 days? I've only had to reactivate after replacing drives.
Let me try to post more clearly this time...there are a couple PCs I have that get used to test/swap/etc parts fairly regularly. Often these parts are mobos and hard drives which cause reactivation in most instances. What I recall reading somewhere however was that if you reactivate say today due to a hardware change, 120 days from now if nothing else changes you can swap a bunch of stuff and reactivate the simple way via web/automated phone. Is this right??
Lcarvone said:
Let me try to post more clearly this time...there are a couple PCs I have that get used to test/swap/etc parts fairly regularly. Often these parts are mobos and hard drives which cause reactivation in most instances. What I recall reading somewhere however was that if you reactivate say today due to a hardware change, 120 days from now if nothing else changes you can swap a bunch of stuff and reactivate the simple way via web/automated phone. Is this right??
I have some machines that get rebuilt on a regular basis, requiring new installs of XP each time. I have several retail copies of XP, so I just work my way down the pile, marking the day I last used that serial number. As long as I don't use the same number twice within 120 days, they have reactivated fine each time. Some of the codes have been used almost a dozen times.

(On the flip side, I've never had a machine ask for activation or re-actication after the initial install, no matter what I've done to it. Or else the MS database is so screwed up they have no idea what my configurations are any more. :) )
Lcarvone said:
Let me try to post more clearly this time...there are a couple PCs I have that get used to test/swap/etc parts fairly regularly. Often these parts are mobos and hard drives which cause reactivation in most instances. What I recall reading somewhere however was that if you reactivate say today due to a hardware change, 120 days from now if nothing else changes you can swap a bunch of stuff and reactivate the simple way via web/automated phone. Is this right??

Yes. With retail editions you basically get a clean slate every 120 days, at least in theory.

I've reactivated my non volume XP copies periodically on systems well outside the permitted hardware change limit with no problems.

The only place you may run into problems is on manufacturer locked OEM licenses.
MartinX said:
Yes. With retail editions you basically get a clean slate every 120 days, at least in theory.

I've reactivated my non volume XP copies periodically on systems well outside the permitted hardware change limit with no problems.

The only place you may run into problems is on manufacturer locked OEM licenses.

OK great that is what i remembered :D

Mine are all retail copies....so back to the original question...do any of these programs list the date when last activated?
Lcarvone said:
OK great that is what i remembered :D

Mine are all retail copies....so back to the original question...do any of these programs list the date when last activated?

No idea, the file that records the checksum is called wpa.dbl but it isn't static, so it's creation/modification dates don't help much, the "setuplog.txt" should tell you when XP was actually installed thought.
There's no limit to the number of times you can re-activate a copy of XP. I'm not sure why everyone has to get their panties all in a bunch of XP's activation.

If you need to re-activate it (under legal circumstances) and the online activation doesn't go through, you spend all of 5 minutes tops doing it over the phone. Damn, I wish people will calm down and not get all worked up over something so trivial.

If it just has to irritate people, then why not use a driving imaging program, such as Ghost? For those who do all kinds of testing, just make a clean image and restore it when needed. *sighs* I guess it's easier to whine and bitch than find a good solution.
Just trying to find out some information Mr. Happy.....remind me again who you said was bitchin' and whining :rolleyes:
There there... he probably had a hard day at work and had to vent it out a bit. :p It's best to say nothing. ;) Then again, I agree with him. Those that do shy away from the phone activation process might be hiding something then.

There was a fair amount of complaining in here. But, before you get to a point of putting a foot into a mouth, search the OS subforum for "XP Activation". In fact there's two threads open right now on the first page of people complainging about it. Read on here a lot, and you'll see an amazing amount of people bitching about activation, for no reason.
GeForceX said:
Those that do shy away from the phone activation process might be hiding something then.-J.
Bingo. How often do we see someone avoiding the phone call, just to cover up the fact they are pissed that their pirated OS doesn't work anymore? ;)
[jumping to conclusions] previous posters [/jumping to conclusions]...I'll stop :)
I'll agree as I searched the forums after this posting many do bitch....in my case I simply am trying to get some idea of how to track the time in between activations to avoid the time investment.....I have few spare minutes an evening to enjoy my hobby (and therefore keep my sanity) so any way to save time and aggravation I look for it.

I'm done...thanks for ALL of the input from EVERYBODY :D
You seem to be doing everything legally, so that goes back to my original comments, You don't have a set number of times to activate, nor do you have to wait a certain amount of time between them.
beside the "additional" information you seek is easy to find
but however isnt allowed to be linked here
Id suggest search queries with MCSE in them.

think this thread has run its course ;)
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