Xigmatek Dark Night - Adhesive on bottom?


Jul 22, 2005
I just received this cooler and was prepping to put it on my i7. I removed the protective label (seen here), but it left a sticky adhesive residue on the cooler. Is this normal? Is there any way to clean this? I'm worried about it melting and potentially damaging my CPU...
aarrggh i had the same problem. Acetone and isopropyl alcohol does not work. You need to basically rub it off in order to get it off.
Damn. I was trying to rub it off with some stuff that has isopropyl alcohol, but it just ended up getting some little fibers on the adhesive too now! How did you rub it off?
This is some bullll shit, i don't feel like I should have to deal with this :(. To rub it off, ive tried my fingernails (not terribly successful), a metal gift card and a plastic gift card... Still not terribly satisfied, it is sticky to the touch.
Ok, I think i've donea pretty good job now. I used one of these and some boiling hot water. This thing is all metal with heat pipes, you can imagine how pleasant that was for my hand :(
ArctiClean, get some, really, its a life saver. I was having to clean a good size batch of CPU's a wile back that had rock hard thermal pads/tape on them, nothing worked, I put a few drops of this on, waited a bit and it was all liquid again. Has been a big time saver for me.

I kinda sounded like a cheap TV ad there didn't I?
ArctiClean, get some, really, its a life saver. I was having to clean a good size batch of CPU's a wile back that had rock hard thermal pads/tape on them, nothing worked, I put a few drops of this on, waited a bit and it was all liquid again. Has been a big time saver for me.

+1. Great fluid. Can be had for about $5.99 if you have a Fry's Electronics nearby. I would think that lighter fluid or 70%+ isopropyl alcohol would work as well. Might have to rub it a bit.
I have the same heatsink and I just scrubbed it off with rough toilet paper.

John Wayne toilet paper....tough as nails and doesn't take shit from anyone. ;)

I used lacquer thinner to remove the sticky goo from my S1283. It came right off.
Crap... I just put one of these in my brand new build with an i7 920. The temps have been a tad high and I've been meaning to remove and reattach the thing, but I hadn't realized there was a sticky residue leftover from the plastic it came with!

Sure hope nothing bad results from it.
Well, its on. The actual process of attaching the cooler, besides putting on the mounting bracket, was a breeze compared to other solutions. My temps are still higher than I would like though (but they are in general with my case, not sure why). Its hard to tell how much thermal paste to apply on this cooler due to the "strange" design with its nooks and crannies. I may rotate the cooler to mess with the air flow too...
To all those who have had issues with this, why don't you compain to the manufacturer. They might be blissfully unaware of these issues (I doubt it tho). The more people complain, the more likely something gets changed.
Gas, ducktape and staple gun is all you need to fix anything.

For this I would go with the gas, and you wont need that premium shit.