XFX 8800 GTX 479.99 after MIR- Free Shipping

Great deal, this is the cheapest I've seen any GTX since I got mine for $481 after rebate back in June.
too damn expensive to make me not wait until the next gen. :eek:

good deal if youre in the market though.
It is indeed a good price, nice find Non-Toxic.

As an alternative, the Egg has a slightly overclocked version for $10 more ($490 plus shipping). And they throw in Company of Heroes for free, if you haven't bought this awesome game yet.

I might jump on this. Anyone have any dealings with xfx customer service? The EVGA gtx is a little bit more expensive but I know their service is excellent.
My single experience with XFX customer service was good - this was like 3 years ago though.
My single experience with XFX customer service was good - this was like 3 years ago though.

ive dealt with xfx, evga and bfg and i have found xfx to be equally as good as evga and bfg, at least they dont make you jump through hoops when having to rma a card like evga. evga makes you supply a reciept and date and place of purchase when doing rma, also you have to register your card within 30 days of purchase to qualify for lifetime warranty i believe. xfx actually has the double lifetime warranty so it makes reselling the card much easier since the buyer will also qualify for lifetime warranty unlike bfg and evga. i would probably actually prefer xfx over the other two.
Beware XFX rebates. They just screwed me on one and I had followed the instructions to the letter.
so now with Rebates AND games bundled...might the GTX start to drop in price? Seems to be the standard next step.

As well, what is the story with the 9200 series? Is there a release date yet?

I'm sure this all goes hand-in-hand.
8800gtx should be like $350 by now, man why do they have to be so expensive :( well, i know why i just wish they weren't, the only ones we can blame are ati! :(
8800gtx should be like $350 by now, man why do they have to be so expensive :( well, i know why i just wish they weren't, the only ones we can blame are ati! :(

these types of cards never drop in price considerably, by the time theres something newer and better out they will have ended production all together making them even more overpriced. kinda like how when the 8800gtx was released you could still find 7900gtx's for $400+ even though there was comparably priced products that would blow it out of the water performance wise.
Wow, the fact that it still costs that much makes me feel pretty good about picking up a 8800GTS for under 300.. What almost feels like a year ago :D