XFX 7800 GT vs. EVGA 7800 GT

Ive been pondering the same thing! The eVGA is clocked higher but the XFX can probably overclock the same and it has a cool greenish/black look!
Ol_Dripp_E said:
I am deciding on what video card to get for my computer, between a XFX 7800 GT and an EVGA 7800 GT. Which of these two video cards should I get?

The link for the XFX 7800GT

and the link for the EVGA 7800GT
Is that the CO version of the evga? If so, deffinately the evga 7800 gt co is the one to go for. Here's a review, just to give you some idea of how good the evga 7800 gt CO truly is:
I have the XFX 7800GT and love it, eVGA might be a hair faster but I have no regrets as is. Anand's review did a nice job, obviously it recommends both cards.

performance is always so close between different versions of the exact same card.... so its up to your personal preferences

do you like xfx's double lifetime warranty better than evga's excellent customer support and 9 day step-up?
personally i would go with evga because of the lifetime warranty's coverage of aftermarket cooling solutions.
If you're going to be overclocking or replacing the HSF then get the eVGA for its warranty that covers these things. If not, then get whatever is cheaper.
I would get the eVGA since you get the awesome warranty and the step up option for 3 months. You can't beat that and not to mention if you look around some more you might find it the better deal. Oh and yes so far what I have read suggests eVGA has the best 7800GT speed wise with the CO they also have one with a waterblock too ;).

The second you overclock the XFX, you've voided the warranty entirely.

eVGA will replace your card for free if it dies, even if you're OC'ing the @#%@ out of it with an aftermarket cooler.
^^ is that true?
evga will replace your card even if you put a new cooler on and overclock??
Kid8 said:
^^ is that true?
evga will replace your card even if you put a new cooler on and overclock??

Would like to know if that is true as well. NVSilencer is starting to look good for my eVGA 7800GT.
destrekor said:
performance is always so close between different versions of the exact same card.... so its up to your personal preferences

do you like xfx's double lifetime warranty better than evga's excellent customer support and 9 day step-up?

how does a double lifetime warranty work?
Hulk said:
how does a double lifetime warranty work?

I think it's like the lifetime warranty, but it'll also apply if you bought it from someone else, or acquired it without getting it for retail.
yeah, the double-lifetime warranty will cover any injuries sustained during installation.

The double lifetime warranty sounds like nothing more than a marketing gimmick, really. Evga still has a lifetime warranty, but it covers OC damage and HSF damage. I'd pick the Evga, especially since the xfx double lifetime warranty doesn't apply to you, since you are buying a retail card (assuming the meaning of "double lifetime warranty" was explained correctly in the above post).

As far as the physical cards go, I'd say the evga and the xfx OC just as well, but the evga has a higher stock OC. For the physical hardware, both are equally good I suppose, unless you want the pretty lights and green hsf of the XFX.

Overall, I'd say get the Evga. However, I could be slightly biased, since I just bought the 2 of the exact same Evga cards you linked to. I didn't have the option for the XFX card when I was ordering (it was out of stock and 20 dollars more). then, to my surprise, no more than 5 minutes AFTER I ordered the Evga card, the XFX card was up on newegg's site, in stock, and the same price as the Evga. haha! Well, whatever, I think the Evga card was the right choice anyways, since it has a higher stock OC, and I am considering replacing the HSF.
I understand that once I OC the XFX, my warranty is voided. Although is it possible for the manufacturer to find out if I have OC'd it?
m1 grant said:
I understand that once I OC the XFX, my warranty is voided. Although is it possible for the manufacturer to find out if I have OC'd it?
I have no doubt that they can tell.
kumquat said:
I have no doubt that they can tell.

Well, it depends on what happened to the card as a result of OCing. If there is obvious burn marks on the card, then they can tell. If it is simply some gate inside the chip that was damaged, and is not visible to the naked eye, they might have equipment to determine this, but they cannot prove this was due to OCing, and not due to normal wear and tear. And most likely, if it isn't obviously damaged due to OCing, I doubt they will take the time and spend the money to put the chip under an electron microscope, or something. They will just send you the money. The time and equipment needed to do such an analysis costs far more than just sending you a new card.

So if you fry the chip due to OCing, and there aren't any obvious burn marks anywhere or anything, then you should have no problems RMAing the chip. However, this is unethical and I don't advise it. But I suppose you COULD get away with it depending on the type of damage.
Is it conceivable that they have a gate or sensor on the PCB somewhere that gets tripped when the card is OC'ed, and they can use that to tell?
it might be

you have to realize all cards returned will be scrutinized no matter what
so whatever they do to determine if a card was overclocked, they will do for every card returned. why? because they have to, to determine if something really was wrong with the card before they recycle it and sell it again
i dont know if they sell refurbished models, thus why i think they might just recycle the PCB, if indeed that is possible