XFI extreme music heat sink?

raptor 33

Mar 28, 2004
I recently got a xfi extreme music for my system and after reading all the tests and reviews I could I bought one and when I unpacked it I noticed a heat sink covering the main processor chip. Never saw this in any of the pictures of it in any of the reviews and it's not even shown on the picture of the card on the box! The chip is always naked in all the pic's I've ever seen of it. Anybody got this card with a heat sink on it?
mine has a small heatsink on it. mademe ooh and ahh a little when i was installing it, hehe
Worminater said:
mine has a small heatsink on it. mademe ooh and ahh a little when i was installing it, hehe
hehe, I did the same :rolleyes: Then my suspicious nature took over :eek: