Xbox360 Ultimate


Limp Gawd
Oct 13, 2005
BIG IN 2008 – Xbox Ultimate
31 DEC 2007

Xbox Ultimate – the gaming daddy?

We’ve already had the Xbox 360 Premium and Elite. Both are, of course, fine gaming machines with the best games catalogue in the next-gen field. But come autumn 2008, we reckon both will be rendered obsolete by the Ultimate.

This PS3-killer will benefit from almost three years of Xbox development, featuring 1080p HDMI output, built-in Wi-Fi, hi-def audio output, cooler 65nm hardware architecture and a near-silent fan.

It’ll also have the ability to make the most of the by-then established Xbox IPTV service, which will mean recording TV shows to its vast 320GB hard disk and watching live TV shows via your broadband provider.

But the piece de resistance? It’ll have a built-in HD DVD drive. Let Round 12 with the PS3 commence...

Xbox360 Ultimate
wonder how much it will be? Finally, the xbox 360 has everything the ps3 has and the only thing it seems to have over the ps3 is a ginormous harddrive. If you wanted one that big in the ps3, you could just pull the stock one out and put a big one in no problem. Also, finally some fans that don't sound like hair dryers when you play a game. But will the silent fans cool better is the question. Still like both consoles though.
wonder how much it will be? Finally, the xbox 360 has everything the ps3 has and the only thing it seems to have over the ps3 is a ginormous harddrive. If you wanted one that big in the ps3, you could just pull the stock one out and put a big one in no problem. Also, finally some fans that don't sound like hair dryers when you play a game. But will the silent fans cool better is the question. Still like both consoles though.

The hair dryer is generally the DVD drive, not the fans.
Oh, please. I'll be absolutely blown away if it's true. That rumor is by _Stuff_, for crying out loud!
The ironic thing is, while the current DVD drive on the 360 is about as quiet as a lawnmower next to your head, the HD-DVD add-on is actually pretty quiet. It's not PS3-quiet, but it's close enough.

If they were really aiming for the home theater/media center crowd, it might be a good idea for them to do something about that massive external PSU they have going. While I don't mind it, my brother be annoyed all to hell by it.

Another thing to think about though, the PS3 has gone through just as many revisions as the Xbox360, so by the time this rumored behemoth comes out, Sony would more than likely have something up their sleeves as well.

So basically, Fall 2008 when all these revisions are out, it's not going to matter. It's still going to be the same battle: who has the games people want to play?
Is this just someone's techno-masturbation prediction, or is there anything behind the rumors that another variant of the 360 is on its way?
if this is real it's ridiculous. Another freakin SKU?

Hell, i bet it will be $600.. I don't think the 360 is worth $600 whatsoever, especially with it's terrible track record of reliability.
so my 360 i bought 3 days will be rendered obsolete? umm, it will still play all the same games? thought so.. :rolleyes:
Wow, some guy with a web site posts pure speculation so it must be true? Sorry, but no.
While I think this is likely bogus for right now, I bet something like this will come down the pipe eventually. I actually wouldn't mind buying something like this if it were no more expensive than the elite. Problem is, with all of that (and likely new HDMI 1.3 hardware inside) it would likely be $600-700 on paper. One way or another, we'll know if it's legit or not at CES. My guess is "no" just because of MS backing off HD-DVD a little and the need for a bit of a system overhaul for all of that stuff. That's 50% completely new.
ive read a couple of places before about there being an integrated hard drive and such but i thought MS have firmly said they had absolutely no plans to integrate a HD drive to the 360. i wouldnt replace my regular 360 even if it was true... plus it would blatantly cost alot more than you can get a ps3 for.
the PS3 has had equivalent capabilities to those mentioned in the original post, from day one. except for 65nm and recording tv, but its been rumored to come eventually for awhile, and the PS3 doesn't need 65nm like the 360 does. though the 40gb has a 65nm cell processor in it, but the RSX chip is still regular size.

seriously though, before microsoft starts announcing new SKU (i realize this isn't an official announcement) they need to concentrate on getting the regular 360's working well because the RROD issue is still ever present.
LOL man how many models of the Xbox360's do they have to keep coming out with! Are Xbox360 games using HD-DVD disc or DVD format? Will the Xbox360 ultimate use USB ports like the PS3? Will it have blue tooth and motion controllers?
My Elite is working just fine thank you. And my buddy has a 1st gen (bought it the same week the 360 was released) and his is working just fine.
This would be nice and I have been hearing rumors that ol Bill Gates has something up his sleeve for CES. And to one of the posters above, yes microsoft will probably have some sort of motion controller before all is said and done (just my guess)
I think the main thing about this item is that it IS feasible. It's not reinventing the wheel and it won't alienate anyone who already has a 360. What it does is really just incorporate every misc. peripheral device into the core of the machine and it adds the option of a DVR. Beyond's not that different.
Even if this is a totally made-up story (which it feels like), something like this actually is pretty likely before long.
I'd say the only thing about it that might not happen is the HD-DVD drive. MS really only added that to take away from Sony. They're FAR more interested in their own download service than that drive. I'm not so sure they'd integrate it as an essential part of this system. Plus, it still lacks HDMI 1.3, meaning they'd likely need to use some new parts if they really wanted this to be a true catch-all.
I think we'll see something like this see the light of day before 2009's over, but I dunno about right now.
I think DeathCloud's right about the motion controller, though. That's probably the next major thing. We've seen the Wii sell ONLY because of that idea, so I think that's MS's next target.
LOL man how many models of the Xbox360's do they have to keep coming out with! Are Xbox360 games using HD-DVD disc or DVD format? Will the Xbox360 ultimate use USB ports like the PS3? Will it have blue tooth and motion controllers?

As it stands, they've only come out with one new model. They added HDMI ports across the lines but they weren't relaunched as new models.

The Core was changed to the Arcade. The differences being some arcade games thrown in, the included controller was now wireless and the included memory card was bigger. All upgrades to the original SKU and a lower price.

The Premium tag was just dropped and the 20GB version just became the standard Xbox 360.

The only new model was the Elite and the only real differences were the color and a larger hard drive.

The 360s models have been far more consistant than the PS3 models. As for this one, the HD-DVD 360 rumor has been going around for a long time but the games for the 360 are always going to use DVDs. 360's have always used USB ports also.
I agree that the criticisms of the 360's "variety" in SKU have always been a little unfounded. There are two models of the 360: the HDMI one, and the one without HDMI. The SKUs have just been bundles (excepting the short amount of time that the Elite was the only one with HDMI).

Microsoft has had really good success with the add-on HD-DVD drive. There's no reason for them to integrate it - if they wanted to push HD-DVD more, they'd just drop the price on it.

The CableCard tuner is a different story, I suppose - will CableLabs allow retroactive certification of the existing 360 base? There's really no reason they _couldn't_, but I'm not sure they will. But, assuming they did, you still wouldn't need a new SKU - USB 2.0 has more than enough bandwidth to handle 2-4 CableCard tuners (or more, really), and the existing OCURs will suit the bill just fine to act as tuners.
If the MSRP is the same as the most expensive PS3 then this will certainly make those who haven't gotten any current console have to make a tough buying decision..
This would be the single best console on the market if it comes true.
Why doesnt MS just license the PS3 already??I hope they do integrate the HDDVD drive so they can both go down together!!:cool:
I know the 360 has USB ports, but can u use them like u can on the PS3. Like could plug in the G25 wheel and use it on Forza. Or how about USB mouse and keybaord?
I know games would still be DVD format, but if the HD-DVD was quieter than the current DVD drive, I would definitely be interested in replacing my Elite with this model. Of course, that is dependent on what the price would be. All speculation, but interesting nonetheless.
I know the 360 has USB ports, but can u use them like u can on the PS3. Like could plug in the G25 wheel and use it on Forza. Or how about USB mouse and keybaord?

The capabilities of the 360 have never changed. Even if they added an HD-DVD drive to the system, it wouldn't be used for games so everything would still be the same on the gaming side of the 360 as it was before.

I know you are trolling along to do a PS3 vs. 360 feature battle. Good luck with that.
I know games would still be DVD format, but if the HD-DVD was quieter than the current DVD drive, I would definitely be interested in replacing my Elite with this model. Of course, that is dependent on what the price would be. All speculation, but interesting nonetheless.

My DVD drive and HD-DVD drive are not loud. I mean shit my 8800GTS is louder than my Xbox. :confused:
My normal 360's DVD drive's pretty loud. When it's starting to spin up it sounds like an airplane. It's not contant just because you're not always accessing a disk, but it's still pretty loud.
The HD-DVD add-on is pretty quiet, thought. I've only used it once at a friend's house, but it was more or less silent. The noise reduction alone (and better looking package) is something that would be nice.
As always, games of this generation will NEVER be on the 360's HD-DVD drive. They might have some sort of retarded add-on like the SegaCD later, but I recall one of the MS guys actually saying that they couldn't run games from this drive even if they did want to.
So, basically they are going to finally come out with the hardware they have been selling as add-ons in an all-in-one package while alienating those that bought previous hardware versions prone to early deaths?

MS kicks ass.
So, basically they are going to finally come out with the hardware they have been selling as add-ons in an all-in-one package while alienating those that bought previous hardware versions prone to early deaths?

MS kicks ass.

Better late than never I suppose.
You are lucky. Most of the 360 DVD drives are very loud.

i guess, but then again sound is subjective to everyone. to me I can her my 360 at times...but its far from annoying or anything to bitch about. if it sounded like a 60mm Delta then id bitch. but a very low hum that I gotta be right up on to hear? give me a break
than you obviously do not have one of the loud ones.

they are certainly not a 'low hum'
than you obviously do not have one of the loud ones.

they are certainly not a 'low hum'


Yeah, the drive in my Elite is not a low hum. It really sounds like a quieter Dustbuster. This isn't meant to bash it (I love my 360), but it does have a loud DVD drive. Consider yourself lucky if yours is not one of the loud ones.
Definitely not a low hum, yeah. The drive spinning up sounds like a... 40dB 80mm case fan? One that's spinning around 3.5-4K RPM, like an old Panaflo U1A. Pretty easy to hear across the room over anything else in my room, though game audio tends to drown it out.