XBOX ONE Networking


Limp Gawd
May 29, 2007
I wasn't sure if this topic belonged under networking or into the General Gaming forum. Figured this was more appropriate.

Up until recently, my XBOX was working just fine. I'm on FiOS, and I was connecting my XBOX One to my FiOS router wirelessly. I'd opened up the necessary ports, and had a NAT TYPE of OPEN.

Recently, I've added a second router to my setup, the ASUS RT-AC87u. I LOVE this router, the wireless strength on it is phenomenal. Anyway...

Now, my XBOX One has a NAT TYPE of MODERATE. Basically, I need to open up ports. The problem is, I don't know where to start. Do I do this on both routers or just one?

My Actiontec is connected to the cable, the Asus is connected to the Actiontec LAN-TO-LAN. The Actiontec handles the DHCP, while the Asus just merely functions as a wireless access point.

That said, which router (or do I do it on both) do I open up ports to?

For reference, here are my IPs, if that helps you, help me:
Actiontec -
Asus RT-AC87U -
XBOX One -

I know where to find the list of ports (TCP & UDP) that need to be opened, but again, I'm a bit lost here, considering I have a two-router set up, on how to handle things. Do I just set up my Actiontec how I had it before I added the second router in terms of the ports? Does the second router (an access point) even care which ports are opened/closed or will I have to do double work?
Change your Asus device mode to a Wireless Access Point. Turn off DHCP on the Asus and you should be good to go.

Theoretically, by connecting the Asus to the Actiontec by use of one of the 4 switch ports on the Asus, this should work the same way, but there could be some software changes in the background that happens when placed in WAP mode.

This could have also happened by updating the firmware on the Actiontec. Have you tried just reconnecting to the Actiontec by itself to verify your ports are still open?

You can verify open ports by going to
Change your Asus device mode to a Wireless Access Point. Turn off DHCP on the Asus and you should be good to go.

Theoretically, by connecting the Asus to the Actiontec by use of one of the 4 switch ports on the Asus, this should work the same way, but there could be some software changes in the background that happens when placed in WAP mode.

This could have also happened by updating the firmware on the Actiontec. Have you tried just reconnecting to the Actiontec by itself to verify your ports are still open?

You can verify open ports by going to
Again, this is where I'm at. Per the instructions, I was told to do a factory reset on both routers, set my Actiontec to DHCP, turn off its wireless, set my ASUS to Wireless Access Point and configure its IP and add it to the Actiontec as a Static IP. Prior to the two-router setup, I'd manually configured the ports for XBOX ONE, and it worked just fine.

That said, I'd obviously lost my previous port forwarding settings on my Actiontec.

Leads me to my original question: Given my setup, if I just configure my Actiontec to the previous settings I'd had (by doing it manually, obviously, rather than loading a previous configuration which would break my current setup), is this all I need to do, or does my ASUS (wireless access point) need configuration as well? Does a wireless access point act merely as an extension to what's already been configured?
Maybe I missed something, but I'd get rid of the Actiontec. You shouldn't need it. Just connect the FIOS box directly to the Asus and set the Xbox IP as the DMZ IP.
Maybe I missed something, but I'd get rid of the Actiontec. You shouldn't need it. Just connect the FIOS box directly to the Asus and set the Xbox IP as the DMZ IP.

I do need it for now. I currently have a FiOS DVR, which requires the Actiontec to function. Until I get rid of it, I'll need to run my internet through coax. I recently hooked up a Ceton Infinitv 6 ETH, which is working decently. Once I work everything out, I'll ditch the DVR, and see if I can ditch the Actiontec as well, but I may still need it. Not sure. The InfiniTV device hooks into coax, as well as a wired ethernet connection.

When I have time, I'll just do the port-fowarding on the Actiontec and see what happens. It might be all I need to do.
So I have FIOS as well. I was given a Zyxel demodulator box that has coax i/o and one ethernet port and I was also supplied an Actiontec router. Can the FIOS box connect directly to the demodulator (IIRC, that was the term the installer used)?
Again, this is where I'm at. Per the instructions, I was told to do a factory reset on both routers, set my Actiontec to DHCP, turn off its wireless, set my ASUS to Wireless Access Point and configure its IP and add it to the Actiontec as a Static IP. Prior to the two-router setup, I'd manually configured the ports for XBOX ONE, and it worked just fine.

Who told you that? I can't imagine how resetting the Actiontec was going to help things. All you need to do is leave the Actiontec however it is normally and connect an ethernet cord directly into the Asus that's plugged just into the wall, not connected to anything. Login, turn off DHCP and set the default gateway to that of the Actiontec's IP address. If the Actiontec allows you to turn off the Wi-Fi then definitely do that.

Not sure if WAP mode does this on default routers these days as I'm running DD-WRT on mine, but it's only about two things you need to do. Well, make sure you also assign the Asus device its own interface IP address in the same LAN as the Actiontec so that way you can configure it later once you plug it back into the Actiontec. After that it's as simple as plugging the Asus (LAN Port 1) into the Actiontec.

You might want to statically assign the Asus admin IP on the Actionte to prevent DHCP from ever handing it out though. Once that's done any traffic on the Asus's Wireless or LAN ports should forward all traffic to the default gateway, which is the Actiontec device.

All Wireless controls will be done on the Asus and all Port Forwarding will be done on the Actiontec. From then on out the Asus device is simple an extension, a wireless switch if you will, of your current Actiontec.
I've fixed my own problem. I did nothing to my Asus WAP, and just re-opened the ports on my Actiontec router. I now have an open NAT on my XBOX ONE, which is exactly what I wanted. Just took a guess at it and it worked. Thanks, all.
I've fixed my own problem. I did nothing to my Asus WAP, and just re-opened the ports on my Actiontec router. I now have an open NAT on my XBOX ONE, which is exactly what I wanted. Just took a guess at it and it worked. Thanks, all.

Looks like you got it all working, but I still don't get why they had you reset the Actiontec. All they should have had you do was set the ASUS router to AP mode and disable DHCP on it.
Looks like you got it all working, but I still don't get why they had you reset the Actiontec. All they should have had you do was set the ASUS router to AP mode and disable DHCP on it.

I had to reset it because it was recommended in the instructions. It's not a huge deal. I'll just reopen ports as needed.