xbox one in stock @ amazon

No. Microsoft store is still bundling day one edition so its not rare as some people may think. Im just shock that the one is still in stock. Bad sign for msoft?

When 360/PS3 launched they only had less then a million by Jan 1st. This time both companies are to have 5 million shipped by Jan 1st. And they are doing smallish weekly shipments rather then bunches at a time.
I wouldn't go that far since I have talked to people who saw PS4s in stock.

I think production has gotten so much better in the 8 years since the last launch that they are able to produce more units quicker. People are expecting tough availability which is looking less and less likely. This combined with zero reason imho to buy either console right now means the wow factor and have to have it isn't there. Combine this with price and the social factor, waiting for your friends to upgrade or decide on new console, you have a slow launch of a new console generation.

I think once something like Titanfall comes out then you might see runs on the consoles where they are tougher to get. Until that must have next gen must have game comes out, might as well sit on the sidelines while letting other people beta test the product. Even the gaming podcasts I listen to recommend waiting and wouldn't have bought if not for being part of their job.

Well that is the question isn't it, and soon we will find out. Either MS pulled a real smooth move and out produced SONY by large margins or MS has really fallen behind and people just are not that interested in their product. Honestly I think most of us know it is the latter. SONY has gone on record as predicting they will sell 5 million PS4s before the end of the fiscal year. MS has attempted to drum up very unusual stats.

I also disagree with your second part. Once we get past this holiday season we will never see runs on either console again, plenty will be in the channels. Christmas is the last day either console will be scarce is my bet.
I don't mean runs as in selling out, but I think you will see more of a mass player base upgrade when a new game comes out.

I am just talking about a spike in sales where some stores might be out until the shipment in the next week. You base your ordering around sales and when you have a spike not all stores plan well enough to deal with them.