Xbox One FAQ

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Microsoft has put out a Xbox One FAQ this afternoon that will hopefully answer some of your unanswered questions. The good news? No "always on" connection required and it plays used games:

Q: Does Xbox One require an “always on” Internet connection?
A: No, it does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet. We’re designing Xbox One to be your all-in-one entertainment system that is connected to the cloud and always ready. We are also designing it so you can play games and watch Blu-ray movies and live TV if you lose your connection.

Q: Will Xbox One allow players to trade in, purchase and play pre-owned games?
A: We are designing Xbox One to enable customers to trade in and resell games. We’ll have more details to share later.
The bad news:

You left out the part where your game can only go to one other person, and that by lending a game out to a friend it will be removed from your account forever. Also, a fee will be charged for that second person to get the game, which could be close to MSRP for all we know.

Fuck this shit, and nice one on keeping the M$ bias flowing with only positive news in the OP.
The bad news:

You left out the part where your game can only go to one other person, and that by lending a game out to a friend it will be removed from your account forever. Also, a fee will be charged for that second person to get the game, which could be close to MSRP for all we know.

Fuck this shit, and nice one on keeping the M$ bias flowing with only positive news in the OP.

That wasn't on the FAQ ... is this just rumor or fact ;)
the more I read the more I lose the urge to buy, maybe im getting too old for this shit.

You're not getting too old, you're getting wiser. ;)

"Why, back in my day Johnny, when we bought games we owned them! We could even sell them to a friend or trade them in!" ~ year 2020.
Q: Will Xbox One allow players to trade in, purchase and play pre-owned games?

A: We are designing Xbox One to enable customers to trade in and resell games. We’ll have more details to share later.

So... you can "trade in" and "resell" games.... but no confirmation whatsover that you can PLAY pre-owned games. ;)

Are they trying to "not" say trade in for "xobox store credit"? Resell to Microsoft for store credit?
Why did they not clearly state that you can PLAY pre-owned games? :rolleyes:
Of course there isn't a law that requires it to be connected, but it must be connected to the internet so it can be used.

Step 1 to failure.
Expect an additional fee to resell 2nd hand games. This generation is all about training consumers into having their games locked to their accounts.
"A: No, it does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet"

Why does this seem like semantics and carefully chosen marketing words.? Its not an outright denial that games will require an internet connection to play them as developers have indicated they at least have the option to implement in their games.

"Oh but Xbox is so much better with the Power and Magic and Infinite Unicorns of The Cloud®" .. That's the deflect. Oh lordy.
So it's always connected then:confused:

It could be like Steam ... my PC is always connected (when it is on during the day) so Steam can keep my games updated and Windows is always happily downloading patches and security updates ... however, if my internet is down my PC still works so I suspect the XBox One will be similar (since it is made by the same company that makes my PC OS) :cool:
Always connected and especially to the "cloud" is the nail in the coffin for me. Looks like my next console will be a PS4.
Why does everyone keep stating it needs an always on connection it doesn't:

Another Microsoft representative, UK marketing director Harvey Eagle, has confirmed that the Xbox One doesn't require a constant internet connection. "The answer to that question is no. You do not require an always-on connection to be able to use Xbox One," he said. "It is clearly designed to be connected to the Internet, and hopefully from what you've just seen you realize some of the benefits that brings. But if your Internet connection drops, you will still be able to play games, still be able to watch Blu-Ray movies, and still be able to watch live TV."
Why does everyone keep stating it needs an always on connection it doesn't:

Another Microsoft representative, UK marketing director Harvey Eagle, has confirmed that the Xbox One doesn't require a constant internet connection. "The answer to that question is no. You do not require an always-on connection to be able to use Xbox One," he said. "It is clearly designed to be connected to the Internet, and hopefully from what you've just seen you realize some of the benefits that brings. But if your Internet connection drops, you will still be able to play games, still be able to watch Blu-Ray movies, and still be able to watch live TV."


It's no more "always connected" than your PC. It's really a non-issue.
It could be like Steam ... my PC is always connected (when it is on during the day) so Steam can keep my games updated and Windows is always happily downloading patches and security updates ... however, if my internet is down my PC still works so I suspect the XBox One will be similar (since it is made by the same company that makes my PC OS) :cool:

So it's a screen off/low power mode...meaning it's on, and connected.
Q: Does Xbox One require an “always on” Internet connection?

A: No, it does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet. We’re designing Xbox One to be your all-in-one entertainment system that is connected to the cloud and always ready. We are also designing it so you can play games and watch Blu-ray movies and live TV if you lose your connection.

Wait .. what? This guy just said two opposite things. "No, it does not have to be always connected" and "but Xbox One does require a connection to the internet"

So how often can it be unplugged?

It's no more "always connected" than your PC. It's really a non-issue.

What's a non issue? ms has chosen not to make any explicit statement about whether an internet connection will be required to play a game you purchased. they know this is one of the biggest questions people had, and this press event would have been the perfect opportunity to set the record straight but they chose not to, instead being very vague with the wording.
FAQ: Who designed the look of the "Xbox One" and thought it looked good?
MS: The Design is just one of our EXCLUSIVE state of the art "Xbox One" features...A VCR repairman spearheaded the design efforts
FAQ: Who designed the look of the "Xbox One" and thought it looked good?
MS: The Design is just one of our EXCLUSIVE state of the art "Xbox One" features...A VCR repairman spearheaded the design efforts

LOL, yeah "generic cable box" was my first impression, but one of the forgivable points since it would just go into a component closet
always connected.. how is that an issue? are all of your other devices not always connected?
no second hand games.. PC gamer's have dealt with this for many years and it work out ok. Long as the retail value of the Xbox games drops fast like PC games do.
No, it does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet.
Spinning so hard they're vomiting all over the press. So which side of the tautology is it?
always connected.. how is that an issue? are all of your other devices not always connected?
no second hand games.. PC gamer's have dealt with this for many years and it work out ok. Long as the retail value of the Xbox games drops fast like PC games do.

You wish retail value of console games will drop fast. Not going to happen.
You will not be able to lend games to friends. Either they have to play on your account, preventing you from playing, or if they want to play while on their account, they have to pay the full MSRP for an activation code.

Why does everyone keep stating it needs an always on connection it doesn't:

Another Microsoft representative, UK marketing director Harvey Eagle, has confirmed that the Xbox One doesn't require a constant internet connection. "The answer to that question is no. You do not require an always-on connection to be able to use Xbox One," he said. "It is clearly designed to be connected to the Internet, and hopefully from what you've just seen you realize some of the benefits that brings. But if your Internet connection drops, you will still be able to play games, still be able to watch Blu-Ray movies, and still be able to watch live TV."

Developers have the option to use cloud computations to speed up parts of games, and those games will obviously require an always on connection.

All games will require that you connect at least once per day. So say Xbox Live gets hacked and goes down for a few weeks; no one will be able to play any games in the mean time. But it's not like that has every happened to a console maker...
"A: No, it does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet"

Why does this seem like semantics and carefully chosen marketing words.? Its not an outright denial that games will require an internet connection to play them as developers have indicated they at least have the option to implement in their games.

My guess is that Xbox One only requires an internet connection to get the game started, but not to continue playing. So if you do have a spotty internet connection, at least for that one moment it works, you're golden.

Doesn't change the fact that you need an always on connection. They said no, but really mean yes.
I'm still trying to figure out the point of enabling "live" TV via the XBox .

If you want to watch OTA broadcasts, your tv's tuner should be able to do that.

If you are using a satellite or cable STB, why would you want to stick an XBox in the signal path? Chances are, if you have either of those, you will likely already have a PVR.

But wait you say, it will enable you to watch tv via the internet.

One of the disappointments I had when I set up my XBox 360 as a media extender was discovering that to access any of the services available over the internet (Netflix, Youtube, etc) I had to pay for a XBox Gold membership on top of any charges by the internet service.

I am better off running an hdmi cable from my laptop to my AV receiver to watch internet stuff on my TV.
FAQ: Who designed the look of the "Xbox One" and thought it looked good?
MS: The Design is just one of our EXCLUSIVE state of the art "Xbox One" features...A VCR repairman spearheaded the design efforts

wtf people bitched about the look of the 360 AND the PS3 and then make it look like every other set top box and people bitch....

wtf people bitched about the look of the 360 AND the PS3 and then make it look like every other set top box and people bitch....

The PS3 and Xbox 360 were not bad looking in my opinion, this on the other hand looks drab. I mean what is the appeal...we have this box thing that looks 20 years old, next Gen Yea!!! :eek:

Phil Harrison, MS VP

Here is the interesting part...

Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?

Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.

Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.

Harrison: Correct.

Ahh which is why they use this vague verbiage and never denied the rumor.
I wonder how many people happily using Steam accounts are the same ones griping about not being able to sell used games.