XBox Live + PC + DI-624 = Problems


[H]F Junkie
Apr 5, 2000
So I'm over at a friends place, and being a network guy I get asked to setup his XBox live. He's had my DLink DI-624 for a while now and decided its time to start using it to share his network (he's been swapping cables back and forth between the cable modem and Xbox360--see below for why). Well, I *thought* it was his inexperience that was causing the problem, that is until I hit a snag:

A) When we're going straight from the router to the computer, everthing works.
B) When we're going straight from the cable modem to the XBox360 everything works *INCLUDING* XBox Live.
C) When we have them both on the router, the XBox network interface turns off when it gets to the XBox Live registration portion thingy.

Before the 360's NIC disabled itself we can ping the Xbox from both the router and PC, so the networking and cabling is fine. The DNS is being passed via DHCP properly because the PC and 360 work on their own.

WTF is going on???

The router is *supposedly* compatible with XBox Live according to the searches I did, but just in case I went ahead and setup port forwarding for UDP 88 and both UDP & TCP for 3074 to the Xbox. I also setup a DHCP reservation on the router for the XBox's MAC and took the PC off of DHCP and gave it static settings just in case the DHCP went pear shaped between the two and the port forwarding.

Another thing, when the XBox360 disables its NIC, for a moment the PC loses connection to the router. Its wierd, but the constant ping I have running to the router (from the PC) only times out for 1 or 2 ping attempts and comes back immediately after.

I am now at the end of the line with this thing. Either the router is dying and can't handle the resources required to deal with more than the XBox, or something in the network is FUBAR.

Can anyone else suggest a solution to this besides getting another router?
I rechecked Microsoft's compatability listing, and its the 2.70 firmware that's XBox Live! certified. The router is loaded with the latest revision which is 2.76. If anyone know where I can download the 2.70 version, by all means let me know. I've just spent the last half hour looking for it.


I configured the router to log in debugging mode and watched as they tried to establish a connection to XBox Live. As they did this and the 360's interface disabled, at that moment the router actually reboots, which is why I was seeing the ping timeout momentarily from the PC to the router. WTF? Why on earth is this router rebooting at the moment it tries to connect to XBL? And yes, I'm still using the 2.76 firmware.
I have a D-Link DI-624 with firmware 2.76, and I initially had problems getting xBox Live to work with it, but it works fine now.

Here's my settings (try them out - especially the Channel 1 part):

Channel: Channel 1 (Auto Select turned OFF)
Super G Mode: Super G Without Turbo
Extended Range Mode: Enabled
WMM Function (Wireless Qos): Disabled
802.11g Only Mode: Enabled
Ah, but we're not using wireless. In fact, that's disabled in the router config.

What hardware version do you have? Mine is a C3.
Ah, I see. I thought you were. I'm sorry! :(

I also have a C3 revision. I bought the router in 2003. It's been a trooper.

Did you want my other settings, in case?
I just did some research -- is the router the DI-624, or the DI-624+? Apparently, the 624+ is incompatible with xBox Live, while the "regular" 624 (without the plus) IS compatible.

If that isn't the case, I've seen a lot of people having success with rolling back to firmware 2.75. Get 2.75 here.
Its the regular 624. I'll downgrade it to 2.75 the next time I'm over to his place.

Thanks for finding that firmware!
No problem! For future reference, a good resource for this kind of stuff is and their forums. Let me know if the downgrading works. I am a dork, and curious if it does, LOL! :p