Xbox + 2405FPW, need help.


Mar 15, 2005
Me and a bud are both having the same problem with our Xboxes connected to our 2405FPWs via component cables (and optical for sound). Basically, it looks like there's some nasty interference causing some wiggles here and there, in a rhythmic fasion. I thought SC: PT looked incredibly dark and washed out, and if I turned the brightness up the slightest adjustment (like, from 50 to 51, then 51 to 52) made so much more detail pop out, and then at 55+ some nasty green interference suddenly popped out near the top right corner of the picture. Meanwhile, GameCube connected via component and running at 480p looks perfectly beautiful. And small brightness adjustments, even in really dark scenes, don't make drastic differences in what's visible. I've played Xbox in 480i with component on a TV and in 480p with the X2VGA and my old CRT monitor, so I have a decent idea what it should look like, and I'm telling you, it's seriously dark and washed out, and the wiggles drive me nuts.

Any ideas? If you've got your Xbox hooked up via component cables and it looks fine can you tell me how your audio is hooked up? We've both got the composite audio cables (from the HD pack) just dangling in the air... could that be the problem?

Any help appreciated, thanks.

I do not have a 2405, but I've heard other's complain that the display doesn't play nice with composite output. Maybe some other people who have first hand experience can chime in.

I'm a pretty strong believer of 'you get what you pay for', and with the agggressive price of the 2405 I'm not surprised that some people are starting to find issues.
Im using the hd pack and optical out as well on the xbox to 2405. I dont see any "wiggles". The image however is horrible, but then again it was horrible with the L2335 also. The lcd has to scale too high for a decent image. Go try a 720p game like tony hawks underground and see if you still see wiggles.
i plan on testing out my xbox and gamecube on the 2405 later today. So, i'll let you know my impressions and will post some pictures too.
Seems like a few people are having issues with the component ports. I will have to check mine out when I get home.
with gamecube, the screen looked good and there didn't appear to be any interference. with xbox, there was some interference that was mostly visible on a completely black screen. it didn't really bother me at all though if i was playing a game from about 4-5 feet away. i didn't adjust the settings really, just used the stock component ones. i think the gamecube component cable is actually a better signal, i've read that somewhere i think.
I just ordered one, it's supposed to be due at the end of the month :( I hope it doesn't have a ton of issues... but I can wait until the next gen systems come out and are backwards compatable :)
Please note that what i posted above is not a problem, its just the way it is with scaling.
Using my xbox on my sony plasma 42X1 I too have noticed these slight wigglies in the signal, I can only notice it up very close to the plasma but it appears that xbox signal is probably not as clean as it could and flat panel scan converter creates that wiggly effect on lines, it's only very subtle though but i guess if you the 24inch like a pc monitor up close you could notice the effect a lot. I haven't received my 2405 yet but when i do i'll plan to check it out.
This is the same issue I have been bitching about. I'm glad to see it probably isnt an issue with the monitor.
i tried halo 2 on my 2405 and it looked acceptable, not as good as my crt hdtv but playable. It wwas very dark though