X800XT PE or 6800 Ultra for my MEGA-RIG???


Oct 17, 2004
I am currently brainstorming on which video card to get for my new rig that will own the competition with it's new AMD 64 FX-55 processor and dual 74GB Raptors in RAID.. I am looking for raw power, availibilty and price are no problem. I am not too fond of the huge heatsink + fan on the 6800 Ultra but if it is more powerful then the X800 XT Platinum Edition then so be it. Let the battles begin......Nvidia vs ATi !!!
If price is no object get the XTPE

Question though, why do you have the XTPE in your 'upcoming gameing rig' sig if you haven't decided yet.

You're not trying to start another flame war are you?

And for the love of fucking god, get rid of the cool smiley next to the ZS, Creative Labs is fucking evil.
thx dude, but what is the difference between the XT and the XT Platinum Edition
XT = 500/500
XTPE = 520/560

In other words the XTPE is a tad bit faster.

I'd get the 6800 Ultra over the XT myself.
The Batman said:
XT = 500/500
XTPE = 520/560

In other words the XTPE is a tad bit faster.

I'd get the 6800 Ultra over the XT myself.

Why the 6800 Ultra?
I only care about raw power, I want what looks better on screen and squeezes out those extra FPS's.
Well, if you want to play OpenGL games, then the GeForce 6800 Ultra is the way to go, but if it's DirectX 9 games you want to play, then the X800 XT PE is the better choice.
Don't listen to these dolts, get a delta chrome, it's about 30% faster than the X800!
On second thought, a 6800 GT is almost as fast as an Ultra at $100 less.
GDGD said:
On second thought, a 6800 GT is almost as fast as an Ultra at $100 less.

no ! 6800 GT can't reach Ultra's OC

anyway XTPE is way better than both of them...
SoLiD_MasteR said:
no ! 6800 GT can't reach Ultra's OC

anyway XTPE is way better than both of them...

It's not 'way better'. Especially not for the prices it tends to go far. I'll take OCed GT for $200 less Alex.
If money is no object, I would ditch the mobo you have now, and get a NF4 SLi mobo and dual PCIe 6800GTs or 6800Ultras. If you are serious about raw power SLi is going to be faster... I mean its TWO videocards and its advantages automatically get applied to every application (as it is utilized in the driver, NOT the game/software).

If you have to keep that mobo and there needed an AGP solution, I'd probably hit up the X800XTPE... and of coarse overclock it as high as it'll go. I think an X800XTPE running at 600/600 would be incredibly schpankity.

lol i see loads od people saying the XT PE is so expensive yet i can get one £30 cheaper than a 6800Ultra. granted both are pre-order
GDGD said:
Well, if you want to play OpenGL games, then the GeForce 6800 Ultra is the way to go, but if it's DirectX 9 games you want to play, then the X800 XT PE is the better choice.

thats a rip on ur dirty neck! muahah i think ur confusing this generation to the last one... directx 9? better on the xt? i dont think so!!! the 6800ultra has direct 9.0C while the x800xt dont.. i think ur confusing direct9 with direct3d dude.... and besides ati no longer performs better than nvidia in direct3d anymore... its either both are even or one is a tiny bit faster than the other... so the 6800ultra is the way to go with all the features and with every driver release.. it gets better and better... and i was an ati owner...not one the the nvidia fan boys ;) thats just my opinion.. hope it helped u out... and o yeah the 6800ultra is faster than the x800xt in most if not all opengl games.
aZn_plyR said:
thats a rip on ur dirty neck! muahah i think ur confusing this generation to the last one... directx 9? better on the xt? i dont think so!!! the 6800ultra has direct 9.0C while the x800xt dont.. i think ur confusing direct9 with direct3d dude.... and besides ati no longer performs better than nvidia in direct3d anymore... its either both are even or one is a tiny bit faster than the other... so the 6800ultra is the way to go with all the features and with every driver release.. it gets better and better... and i was an ati owner...not one the the nvidia fan boys ;) thats just my opinion.. hope it helped u out... and o yeah the 6800ultra is faster than the x800xt in most if not all opengl games.
dude.. shut the fuck up you dolt.
Just by looking at your name I can tell you have the IQ of a rock.
XT or XT PE if price is no object.

You can't really do SLI yet, unless you want to do Dual socket 604 xeons with ECC memory. The NF4 dual PCIE won't be out for quite a while.
SmUtTnY said:
I am currently brainstorming on which video card to get for my new rig that will own the competition with it's new AMD 64 FX-55 processor and dual 74GB Raptors in RAID.. I am looking for raw power, availibilty and price are no problem. I am not too fond of the huge heatsink + fan on the 6800 Ultra but if it is more powerful then the X800 XT Platinum Edition then so be it. Let the battles begin......Nvidia vs ATi !!!

NEITHER! You should wait for nforce 4 and the refreshes that are coming up and get a PCI-e based card.

Moloch said:
dude.. shut the fuck up you dolt.
Just by looking at your name I can tell you have the IQ of a rock.

ROFL I agree.
One thing to consider is that the x800 XT seems to gain performance faster as processor speed increases than the 6800 Ultra does. So for a mega-CPU rig, I'd probably take an x800 XT-PE over a 6800 Ultra if I had unlimited cash, otherwise the 6800 GT still beats the x800 Pro.

If RAW speed is what your after get the XT PE. It will perform better with an FX-55 in my opinion.
Get an nForce 4 SLI motherboard and buy 2 6800 GT/Ultras and place them in when they are released. That extra card will give you almost a 50% speed increase crushing any graphics card out there.
Id say get a 6800 ULTRA because it has SM 3.0 and the XT PE has SM 2.0 :p .

Moloch said:
dude.. shut the fuck up you dolt.
Just by looking at your name I can tell you have the IQ of a rock.

probably more IQ than wut u have... at least i gave a intelligent answer.... except for the rip on ur neck part ;) i was just playing but yeah why dont u stfu.. wtf is up with that "Don't listen to these dolts, get a delta chrome, it's about 30% faster than the X800!" ???!!??? i mean STFU and what the hell is a dolt.. and i was just trying to help the guy out ok? :mad: now why dont u go do something besides wondering around in this forum and calling people a "dolt" u queer.. peace biotch!
aZn_plyR said:
probably more IQ than wut u have... at least i gave a intelligent answer.... except for the rip on ur neck part ;) i was just playing but yeah why dont u stfu.. wtf is up with that "Don't listen to these dolts, get a delta chrome, it's about 30% faster than the X800!" ???!!??? i mean STFU and what the hell is a dolt.. and i was just trying to help the guy out ok? :mad: now why dont u go do something besides wondering around in this forum and calling people a "dolt" u queer.. peace biotch!
I was having some fun, it's not like anyone thinks the DC is a serious gamers card, and a dolt is stupid person, you weren't trying to help him out, you were spreading nvidia propaganda!
Queer? You must be 12, just give up, lick your wounds and leave, because there is no way you could possibly win an argument with me.
SaViOr- said:
Id say get a 6800 ULTRA because it has SM 3.0 and the XT PE has SM 2.0 :p .

2.0B dude, they can do almost everything SM3 does, but they saved an assload of transisters.
The Batman said:
If price is no object get the XTPE

Question though, why do you have the XTPE in your 'upcoming gameing rig' sig if you haven't decided yet.

You're not trying to start another flame war are you?

And for the love of fucking god, get rid of the cool smiley next to the ZS, Creative Labs is fucking evil.

I like creative labs! I don't care what anyone says. most compatible soundcard out there and great quality. Only time you'll see a fan boy from me.

Batman! always dig your posts. Nvidia fan but sensible! :)

and aZn_plyR...you really dont' sound like you know what the heck your talking about.

As to the post...ultra or xtpe (or xt) will do you just fine. Both cards are really fast, with ultra/XT you really can "sleep well" knowing you got a good card no doubt

Pretty much with those two which ever you find first, or like the prettier box ;)
Moloch said:
I was having some fun, it's not like anyone thinks the DC is a serious gamers card, and a dolt is stupid person, you weren't trying to help him out, you were spreading nvidia propaganda!
Queer? You must be 12, just give up, lick your wounds and leave, because there is no way you could possibly win an argument with me.

As has already been posted several times, this kind of response(s) will not be allowed here. Warnings already given.
SmUtTnY said:
I am currently brainstorming on which video card to get for my new rig that will own the competition with it's new AMD 64 FX-55 processor and dual 74GB Raptors in RAID.. I am looking for raw power, availibilty and price are no problem. I am not too fond of the huge heatsink + fan on the 6800 Ultra but if it is more powerful then the X800 XT Platinum Edition then so be it. Let the battles begin......Nvidia vs ATi !!!

If you want a 6800 Ultra without the big fan, check out the ASUS V9999 Ultra Deluxe.


It has a normal sized fan, a webcam, cool blue LEDs, and a nice game bundle. This is the one! :D
I think the most telling statistic is that in spite of the arguing, you won't actually find anyone who has an XT PE or an Ultra that is unhappy with the performance of their card.

It's all good.
if money is really no object than SLI is the answer :) wait a bit for the SLI compatible motherboards. or wait a couple more months till u can get it all on the same card or wait a year more till there is dual/quad/octa core vid cards..well u could wait for ever :)
i'd go for the X800XT.

of course, that is just because i'm tired of playing with nVidia cards after owning and selling my BFG 6800GT, PNY 6800 Ultra and PNY 6800GT. :rolleyes:
s_s256 said:
x800xt, no brainer
You REEK of ATi fаnboyism. Hell, just make a new account and call it s_sATi, it will match nicely with your sig, and everything else..

As for why 6800Ultra-Extreme means longer e-penis, is they are impossible to get and a half. So few were made so far...
yea felix im with ya man. i jsut sold my 6800gt, goin for the x800xt. um i dunno the gt was fast, but had real big fps drops. my friends x800 didn't get a higher MAX fps, but had a better average FPS..and didnt drop as low......dunno if that makes any sense to you guys.
i can't say that i've had any problems with my 6800s. i guess i just want a new toy to play with, and i haven't used ATi since i got this 8500LE. i used that bugger until i got the 6800s.
If you are still chewing a four year old gum than get a 800xt it will match your stinky breath. If you want something that is new and fresh get the 6800. About the raw speed I think you mean pure speed, well 6800 beats the 800xt in most games including the dx games in pure speed.