X800XL $389.00 New Egg!!

Yeah, that is the same thing I was thinking. Seemed like I just saw this exact same post. :confused:

I meant to post one in the hotdeals and in the video cards (which makes sense.) But it was accidentally double posted in here for reasons too complicated (and uneventful) to mention here. :rolleyes:
UltimateMan said:
I meant to post one in the hotdeals and in the video cards (which makes sense.) But it was accidentally double posted in here for reasons too complicated (and uneventful) to mention here. :rolleyes:
WHY ARE you excited in the first place? You do know this card is $90 over MSRP???? Not a smart buy, a dumb one infact.
Yeah umm...you do know that X800XL OEM cards start around $421 and go up from there, right?
yeah, MSRP on these things is supposed to be $299, but the retailers are all price gouging, NOT a hot deal.
MSRP means what exactly? That's just a price that ATI picked for it, btw they don't even have the card available.

If EVERY retailer out there is selling for $420+, then that's the price of the card, MSRP or not. It performs at the $400 level, it belongs at the $400 level.

I've found this exact same card for $40 more at 3 other online stores now. I'd say out of all of them Newegg is the best deal.

<3 teh egg
Sphexi said:
MSRP means what exactly? That's just a price that ATI picked for it, btw they don't even have the card available.

If EVERY retailer out there is selling for $420+, then that's the price of the card, MSRP or not. It performs at the $400 level, it belongs at the $400 level.

I've found this exact same card for $40 more at 3 other online stores now. I'd say out of all of them Newegg is the best deal.

<3 teh egg
Manager Suggested Retail Price. If you or anyone else is dumb enough to pay over that, well then there is nothing I or anyone else can really do about it. When/IF ati puts it on their site, it will $299 and everyone who wants this card will order from them.
I'd say that IF is the more appropriate question in that sentance. I honestly don't see ATI putting it on sale on their site anytime soon, and I guarantee you by that time prices will have dropped, as they do constantly.

It's a newer card, it's in short supply, hence it's expensive. Compared to all the other sites selling it Newegg's is a deal and a half, if you want that card buy it, otherwise don't.
I think it's actually manufacterer suggested retail price not manager
I totally agree that IF ATI actually had this card for sale for $299, then all these retailers would be price gouging. Check ATI's site though, there isn't even a part number for their version of the card, that tells me they aren't planning on carrying a card, they're just selling the design/chips to 3rd party manufacturers. Perhaps it turned out more expensive to mfg. than they expected so they dropped their line, who knows.

Fact remains that all of the ones available are at a certain price or above, that makes it the standard price for that card currently.
Bottom line is this:

Those of you saying this isn't at least a decent deal obviously have NO CLUE how much money high end PCI-E cards are going for these days. As I have said before, if it is such a bad deal, then find a PCI-E card this good for less money! They do not exist!

IF you are ACTUALLY shopping for a PCI-E card, then you know that this is by far the least amount of money for a PCI-E card you can pay for this type of performance. The closest thing next to it is probably the X800 Pro.
Sphexi said:
I totally agree that IF ATI actually had this card for sale for $299, then all these retailers would be price gouging. Check ATI's site though, there isn't even a part number for their version of the card, that tells me they aren't planning on carrying a card, they're just selling the design/chips to 3rd party manufacturers. Perhaps it turned out more expensive to mfg. than they expected so they dropped their line, who knows.

Fact remains that all of the ones available are at a certain price or above, that makes it the standard price for that card currently.

If they weren't planning on carrying a card, why was it possible to pre-order for several weeks at the $299 price (and if you were smart, use a coupon now expired for 20% off and get the card at $246)?


The second link doesn't show. Like I said, perhaps something happened and ATI changed their minds, it happens. But if it really was meant for $299, why can't anybody find one for that price?

Gah, I can't spell.
UltimateMan said:
Bottom line is this:

Those of you saying this isn't at least a decent deal obviously have NO CLUE how much money high end PCI-E cards are going for these days. As I have said before, if it is such a bad deal, then find a PCI-E card this good for less money! They do not exist!

IF you are ACTUALLY shopping for a PCI-E card, then you know that this is by far the least amount of money for a PCI-E card you can pay for this type of performance. The closest thing next to it is probably the X800 Pro.

I agree. It competes with the 6800gt and it costs a bit less (PCI-e wise).
LoneWolf said:
If they weren't planning on carrying a card, why was it possible to pre-order for several weeks at the $299 price (and if you were smart, use a coupon now expired for 20% off and get the card at $246)?



That 20% discount lasted no more than a day (advertising mistake, perhaps?) and I believe that some people had their orders cancelled. I don't think "smart" has anything to do with it. More like "luck".
Booby McNipples said:
That 20% discount lasted no more than a day (advertising mistake, perhaps?) and I believe that some people had their orders cancelled. I don't think "smart" has anything to do with it. More like "luck".

My point was regarding this:

Sphexi said:
I totally agree that IF ATI actually had this card for sale for $299, then all these retailers would be price gouging. Check ATI's site though, there isn't even a part number for their version of the card, that tells me they aren't planning on carrying a card, they're just selling the design/chips to 3rd party manufacturers. Perhaps it turned out more expensive to mfg. than they expected so they dropped their line, who knows.

He said there wasn't a part number for the card. There was, when it was available for pre-order. He doesn't think ATI will make this card. If ATI won't make it, why are they supplying it (the GPU chip, that is) to resellers? I haven't seen ATI once in their history market a mid-to-high end GPU to third parties that they didn't also make a card out of themselves. My point was that I believe he is wrong on this one, it wasn't about the deal, or about smart vs. lucky.

As for the 20%, it may have been a mistake on ATI's part to keep the coupon code open during the pre-order. But, plenty of people have not had their pre-order cancelled. ATI's legalese does state they could cancel those orders at any time, but whatever they do, I do believe they are in the process of producing the card. Why would they even offer a card for pre-order (all discounts aside) if they didn't plan to produce it? That would be fraudulent advertising indeed.
Lone: ATI isn't supplying cards to retailers, they're supplying design specs and chips to 3rd party manufacturers. ASUS/Powercolor/Sapphire all make their own cards, based on the design ATI came up with. And that link you gave to the part # at ATI doesn't exist.

Like I said, perhaps they offered it for preorder for a day or so, but for some reason they yanked it off their site, without explanation either. Look in their price lists, there's no part # now. I find that slightly odd.
"For some reason" isn't very hard to figure out. They can't meet demand, thus, they took the card out of their online store. ATi-brand and 3rd party x800xl cards are in high demand, low supply, so the retailers are raising the price. Just because it performs close to the 6800GT doesn't mean the MSRP was wrong.

I wouldn't hold your breath for it to come back down to MSRP. ATi's ass-slow manufacturing isn't suddenly going to fix itself overnight. Even if it did, it would still take time to make and deliver enough chips to catch up to current demands. ATi fucked up on supply. Its nothing we've not seen before.

By the way, if there's anyone out there that actually has an x800xl in their hands from the $299 pre-order deal from ATi's site; I hate you and your little dog too.
Sphexi said:
Lone: ATI isn't supplying cards to retailers, they're supplying design specs and chips to 3rd party manufacturers. ASUS/Powercolor/Sapphire all make their own cards, based on the design ATI came up with. And that link you gave to the part # at ATI doesn't exist.

Like I said, perhaps they offered it for preorder for a day or so, but for some reason they yanked it off their site, without explanation either. Look in their price lists, there's no part # now. I find that slightly odd.

I should have clarified, I meant GPU chips, my phrasing wasn't clear, so I can see where that'd be misleading. My bad. Edited for clarity.

I just think ATI isn't offering a part# because they're back-ordered at this point, and it makes no sense to continue selling when you don't have anything yet to sell.
It's never a hot deal when retailers are price gouging. Fuck that shit. Newegg, I thought you were better than that.

Don't buy into this shit people. They'll drop the price faster if no one buys for way over the fuckin MSRP.
Its called "supply and demand" and M-SUGGESTED-R-P. Some of you people need to go back to high school seriously.
ufot said:
Its called "supply and demand" and M-SUGGESTED-R-P. Some of you people need to go back to high school seriously.

No shit, Sherlock. No one said the government should force them to sell the XL at a particular price or anything. We saw this same shit with the NF4-SLI boards. The point was... if there is no demand at a price WAY over MSRP, then they'll have to reduce their ridiculous ass prices to move their supply. What part of that did you not understand?

Who's talking about high school? Nice grammar, by the way.
sbrown23 said:
It's never a hot deal when retailers are price gouging. Fuck that shit. Newegg, I thought you were better than that.

Don't buy into this shit people. They'll drop the price faster if no one buys for way over the fuckin MSRP.

Don't blame Newegg for that. Blame the manufacturers. Newegg has the LOWEST price on this card of the 5 places I was able to find it online. Go complain to them.
sbrown23 said:
The point was... if there is no demand at a price WAY over MSRP, then they'll have to reduce their ridiculous ass prices to move their supply. What part of that did you not understand?

THERE IS A DEMAND, even at $389! Thats the part you dont understand.
Just becuase the price is too high for you doesn't mean hundreds others will not buy it at $389.

Good job blaming newegg, it proves you know nothing about supply and demand.
ufot said:
THERE IS A DEMAND, even at $389! Thats the part you dont understand.
Just becuase the price is too high for you doesn't mean hundreds others will not buy it at $389.

Good job blaming newegg, it proves you know nothing about supply and demand.

Wow... did you not even read what you quoted? "If there is no demand at a price WAY over MSRP, then they'll have to reduce their ridiculous ass prices to move their supply".

I know there might be a demand at $389. OBVIOUSLY I'm trying to get people not to fall into the trap of paying way over MSRP, thereby reducing demand, so that these retailers will reduce their fucking prices faster. See the concept? People refuse to buy at outrageous prices. Retailers cut prices. People buy.

How fucking tough is it?
Sphexi said:
Don't blame Newegg for that. Blame the manufacturers. Newegg has the LOWEST price on this card of the 5 places I was able to find it online. Go complain to them.

Oh, I do still blame ATI for the low supply of cards. Don't get me wrong.
Don't get me wrong this might be the best price available but it's not technically a [H]ot deal which this forum is used for.
sbrown23 said:

1. Your initial post was "retailers are price gouging. Fuck that shit. Newegg, I thought you were better than that."

3. So I posted the "supply and demand" comment because I was tired of people blaming Newegg and retailers for the price when it is mostly the manufactures and buyers fault.

My initial post was meant for the retailer/newegg remark so I see where the confusion is at.
Lets leave it at that since you are unable to communicate without cursing and getting worked up.
ufot said:
...it is mostly the manufactures and buyers fault.

This is true.

I was actually able to hold out on buying this card while it was far too expensive.

However, I've just purchased it now that it has become the best price/performance card there is for PCI-Express, which is exactly what I need/want right now.
I don't agree that anybody in particular is at fault. All participants in the process have contributed to the high prices of these products:
1. Manufacturers who aren't able to produce enough of a product to meet demand;
2. Buyers with a "got to have the latest toys at any cost" attitude, and
3. Newegg and some other retailers who have taken a greedy, cynical and opportunistic "whatever the market will bear" approach previously limited mostly to dealers of drugs and used cars.

Put them all together and the game is, at least for a while, for high-rollers only.
ufot said:
1. Your initial post was "retailers are price gouging. Fuck that shit. Newegg, I thought you were better than that."

3. So I posted the "supply and demand" comment because I was tired of people blaming Newegg and retailers for the price when it is mostly the manufactures and buyers fault.

My initial post was meant for the retailer/newegg remark so I see where the confusion is at.
Lets leave it at that since you are unable to communicate without cursing and getting worked up.

Nice that you left out this part of the very post you just quoted: "Don't buy into this shit people. They'll drop the price faster if no one buys" ...

So let's see here, how does that not relate to supply and demand? If no one buys, price drops. Right there in the first post. And just because they are taking advantage of supply and demand does not mean they are not price gouging. They are.

And I like how you try and make me look like the asshole, but in your very first response, not only did you fail to get my point, but you started the attacks with recommending I go back to high school. Nice.