X800 VIVO to XTPE kills the card?


I just got two of them.
My sons
Before at stock 42/72
After with ATI silencer 34/47
Before with case open (side panel off) 42/73
After with side panel on 37/56
Used plenty of Artic Silver 5
I would say it is well worth the money to lower the temps that much. Price for each was $37.00 cdn. $9.00 shipping. Haven't tried o/cing yet. As you can see from my sig my comps fairly loaded,lots of heat being produced.My son has two harddrives two cdroms and some mod lights ,so were both happy with the results.
Marvelous said:
76c is pretty high. You want under 60

76 is avg with stock cooling. I don't see you really getting below 60 unless you throw some heavy cooling at it....
gsboriqua said:
76 is avg with stock cooling. I don't see you really getting below 60 unless you throw some heavy cooling at it....

Yeah temps over 80c are still perfectly acceptable. Even with good cooling don't expect less than 60 unless you got water cooling (or better).
Man I cannot believe some of the temps I am seeing here on the forum. Who would have ever thought that temps in excess of 70c would be a norm. I use a waterblock and 80w pelt. Idle is about 16c, 100 load is about 40c.
my idle temps for my modded card are like 42c idle and 53-56c max load with no extra cooling
EVERY single X800 Pro VIVO that I have had has either fell short of XT PE status or just BARELY made it. Thus far, I have tested eight cards -- there seems to be a 50% chance of getting one that makes the grade.

Before you declare your Pro VIVO an XT PE, do two things:

1) Determine your max overclock with ATiTool's artifact detection utility. Use the "Find Max Mem/Core" buttons -- AtiTool will automatically underclock your card once an artifact appears. I'm betting that most stock-cooled Pro VIVOs will not be able to exceed more than 530/570 on this test.

2) Load up Test 3 of 3dMark03 (Troll's Lair) -- if you see *any* texture flashing, then your card didn't truly make it to XT PE. It is NOT a driver issue as I have tried numerous cards; the ones that pass AtiTool also pass this test.
onetwo said:
EVERY single X800 Pro VIVO that I have had has either fell short of XT PE status or just BARELY made it. Thus far, I have tested eight cards -- there seems to be a 50% chance of getting one that makes the grade.

Before you declare your Pro VIVO an XT PE, do two things:

1) Determine your max overclock with ATiTool's artifact detection utility. Use the "Find Max Mem/Core" buttons -- AtiTool will automatically underclock your card once an artifact appears. I'm betting that most stock-cooled Pro VIVOs will not be able to exceed more than 530/570 on this test.

2) Load up Test 3 of 3dMark03 (Troll's Lair) -- if you see *any* texture flashing, then your card didn't truly make it to XT PE. It is NOT a driver issue as I have tried numerous cards; the ones that pass AtiTool also pass this test.


ATItool has a bug in the artifact scanning/Find max for the x800 cards. For many people the core just keeps going up and up without ever detecting any artifacts before the card just crashes. If you do plan on using ATItool for that read up on the techpowerup forums and get the latest beta version. W1zzard is trying to figure out what the problem is and if its resolved the latest beta will be the working version. As of now all .22 and earlier versions of ATItool and I beleive all of the .23 betas still have this issue. The best test is to just slowly increase the clock with ATItool and run Troll's Lair in 3Dmark03 until you start to see artifacts.

I myself have a Sapphire Pro VIVO flashed to enable 16 pipes and flashed back to the pro bios because it couldn't handle the XT clocks(needs voltmod). 16 pipes at stock Pro speeds still is alot better. :D As for people saying if it doesn't work then flash back to 12 pipes, well its not possible. Once you unlock the pipes with the gigabyte bios they are permanently unlocked, even flashing back to the original bios the 4 extra pipes stay open. but EVERY pro Vivo card will run at stock pro speeds with 16 pipes perfectly. As for the sapphire warning I haven't heard of a single VIVO card frying from this except for one which died simply because the power went out in the middle of a flash, and it was recovered by installing a pci card and flashing the bios again. The sapphire warning seems to me like an attempt to cover there asses and try to sell one of their products at the same time.
The Gigabyte flashing tool (gvf11) allows you to return to 12 pipes.

Also, you might want to try the XT non-PE BIOS that is now available. Out of all of the cards that I have tried (almost twenty now), only one didn't work at 500/500.
how does the flashing tool allow you to return to 12 pipes? I been looking for the new xt 500\500 bios but I cannot find it. Got a link? I did do some voltmodding and now I can get the core up to about 560 now, however the ram won't do 560 even after voltmodding it with a pencil.
I'm running my X800pro~vivo XT at 535/565 during gaming..stock cooling..39 idle--70 load. Never had a problem. If you cant hit XT speeds so what! You've unlocked 4 extra pipes. :D
ok, here's my 2 cents. i think that when ATI tests their X800 cards, they do it 1) like other people said for Dells, HPs, and Compaqs to be able to handle them without a problem and 2) they test the cards using the minimum power supply! i think that's a big part of it. if you have a psu that's far above the specs of a minimum psu, then you'll probably be A-OK. but if you have a powmax 250watt psu and you do a softmod to XT PE...*tussss* however, there are those occasional cores that just don't cut it. but i bet that if you took your X800 Pro ViVo --> XT PE and plugged a $14.99 psu into it...you'll have a dead card in a month tops.