X700 or 6600 PCI-E


Feb 5, 2005
Witch one should i buy? The ATI X700 or the NVIDIA 6600. And my other question witch video card manifacturer do the best job? (ie Asus,Abit,Chaintech,etc).
Or if you feel adventurous you could buy a 6200 and try to unlock the 4 pipelines.
Go for 6600gt, it beats the x700 in all the benchmarks that ive read. You can find them for about $180 bucks or cheaper sometimes.
Flocke said:
Go for 6600gt, it beats the x700 in all the benchmarks that ive read. You can find them for about $180 bucks or cheaper sometimes.
He didn't mention the gt card....
Add a few more bucks and go for a 6600GT, i got one it OC greats, it will thrash the X700pro any day, the one i got came with a memory clock of 1120mhz and core speed of 515mhz and you can OC it to 595mhz.
ty... but should i take a 128mb card or a 256mb card. Is there a big difference for the extra bucks?
Btw. Im currently playing EQ2 so thats why i wanna buy a new Video Card. ( i currently have a TI4200 128mb)
the extra ram will help in game like doom 3.... and it might help make your graphics card last a longer time b/c games are starting to want more graphics.

so if your planning on using the card for say.. 1.5 years.. id go w/ the 256.

if your going to upgrade in about 1 year or less go w/ 128 mb.

The 6600 is a good card.

ahhh brands..

i like asus, abit, bfg, indo 3d.

i dislike chaintek and gainward.
6600GT <--

faster and more future proof than the x700 since it supports sm3.0 and fp16 hdr that is used by FarCry, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Painkiller: BOOH, the upcoming HL2 "Lost Coast" levels, Unreal 3, etc. All of these games you will get reduced IQ or speed with an X700 as it does not support the featureset of the 6600GT.
EQ2 is a bitch of a game so I'd suggest the 256megger version of whatever you buy. I'd get the 6600gt if it were me, isn't EQ2 an opengl game? If so, 6600gt all the way.

BFG...... 6600 gt,6800gt or perhaps the 6800 plain???? go to BFG website.
Theres more to life than EQ2, and believe me as an owner of both a X700Pro and a 6600GT I can tell you the X700Pro gets its ass handed to it by the 6600GT everytime in everything else.
tranCendenZ said:
6600GT <--

faster and more future proof than the x700 since it supports sm3.0 and fp16 hdr that is used by FarCry, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Painkiller: BOOH, the upcoming HL2 "Lost Coast" levels, Unreal 3, etc. All of these games you will get reduced IQ or speed with an X700 as it does not support the featureset of the 6600GT.

6600GT running HDR? If thats not a joke i can just laugh right? A 6600GT has absolutly nothing over a X700 256 of any real life benefit. Being able to run HDR at 25FPS does not make it superior to a card that simply runs.

X700 256mb for Eq2 hands down. Right now no new Nvidia card is having more problems with fans burning out and cards burning out, then the 6600gt. X700 256 is superior in EQ2 vs the 6600GT as far as a STABLE frame rate goes regaurdless, thats fact.

Fact or pressure from fan boys, so hard to chose.
The X800 non-pro owns the 6600gt fro about the same price $180 at newegg.. Go go go.

FanATIc said:
6600GT running HDR? If thats not a joke i can just laugh right? A 6600GT has absolutly nothing over a X700 256 of any real life benefit. Being able to run HDR at 25FPS does not make it superior to a card that simply runs.

X700 256mb for Eq2 hands down. Right now no new Nvidia card is having more problems with fans burning out and cards burning out, then the 6600gt. X700 256 is superior in EQ2 vs the 6600GT as far as a STABLE frame rate goes regaurdless, thats fact.

Fact or pressure from fan boys, so hard to chose.

256MB of ram on the X700Pro has little to no bennifit compared to a 128MB 6600GT. As the 6600GT kicks its ass almost everytime. With the exception of maybe EQII. Which as I stated before isn't the only game around. And while the OP might be playing that the most, it would be foolish to make a buying decision based on a single game. I can't stres enough how more ram does NOT make a better card.

Fan problems on the 6600GT? Hardly, I work in a computer tech shop and we've sold countless 6600GT's and I've never seen any of them come back with a failed fan. I've personally owned two of them and one opperates in a machine that's used daily for long stretches of time. I see no basis for this statement.

HDR on a 6600GT is a laugh. It's not fast enough to do it playably, only the 6800GT on up can do that. Even then unless in SLi I wouldn't expect really decent frame rates. With that said, I believe the 6600GT to be a better buy for the money than a X700Pro is any day of the week. EQ wouldn't be enough alone to make me decide different.
Its a game hes playing, so i really dont care what your opinion of the matter is, if he wants the best for eq2 and all around gaming, its the x700 256, theres absolutly nothing wrong with the card.
FanATIc said:
Its a game hes playing, so i really dont care what your opinion of the matter is, if he wants the best for eq2 and all around gaming, its the x700 256, theres absolutly nothing wrong with the card.

I didn't say there was. All I said was that to base a video card purchasing decision around one game doesn't make any sense. If your a gamer it wouldn't make any sense to get a card that wasn't overall the best card for your money. Be it Nvidia or ATi based.

Simply isn't logical and doesn't make sense. If 9 times out of 10 the 6600GT is better than the X700Pro then that is the better card to buy. Simple as that.

Additionally I'd like to note one more issue concerning the X700Pro, the fan on the thing is loud and it is annoying. That was my experience. The card I had was a Built By ATi card. I hated the constant changing of the fan speed. I could find no way to stop it either.

I've had the fallowing in this card generation:

The X700Pro
The X800Pro

The 6600GT AGP
The 6600GT OC PCI-E
The 6800GT AGP
The 6800GT PCI-Ex2 for SLi (one for awhile then added #2)

I think I have a decent grasp on which cards are the better in each of those price points. Thus I offer my advice based on those experiences, nothing more.
Sir-Fragalot said:
I didn't say there was. All I said was that to base a video card purchasing decision around one game doesn't make any sense. If your a gamer it wouldn't make any sense to get a card that wasn't overall the best card for your money. Be it Nvidia or ATi based.

Simply isn't logical and doesn't make sense. If 9 times out of 10 the 6600GT is better than the X700Pro then that is the better card to buy. Simple as that.

Additionally I'd like to note one more issue concerning the X700Pro, the fan on the thing is loud and it is annoying. That was my experience. The card I had was a Built By ATi card. I hated the constant changing of the fan speed. I could find no way to stop it either.

i owned like 50 6600s each one exploded violently maiming and killing so effective that the army was thinking about adopting it as a new mine.

Honostly, its amazing how many people lie about what they've owned. No retail X700 is "loud". Amazing FPS difference between the 2 cards as well, honostly, what is it, 5? Yippie.
Djee said:
ty... but should i take a 128mb card or a 256mb card. Is there a big difference for the extra bucks?

Got a 6600GT it is only availiable in 128mb but it perfroms awesome and it beat a 256mb X700pro.
FanATIc said:
i owned like 50 6600s each one exploded violently maiming and killing so effective that the army was thinking about adopting it as a new mine.

Honostly, its amazing how many people lie about what they've owned. No retail X700 is "loud". Amazing FPS difference between the 2 cards as well, honostly, what is it, 5? Yippie.

Umm, dude I seriously have owned all of those cards. I do have more than one machine, and I still do. I have several PC's capable of gaming at decent FPS at home. The difference is generally more than 5 between the X700Pro and 6600GT. What was worse is I could feel the difference between the two cards. Doom 3, Hitman contracts, and several other titles felt much better on the 6600GT. In some games I could even go a resolution higher on the 6600GT and get about the same performance. Hitman Contracts and Doom 3 being two examples of that.

I work as a technician and I've installed plenty of X700Pro's beyond just the one that I owned. And yes the fan is fucking loud. It's worse than my 6800GT fans are. Read the HardOCP review on the X700Pro and you'll see they had the same gripe.

What was worse about the stock Built By ATi fan is that its a thermally controlled fan, so when the card boots up its loud. Then it gets quieter as it slows down. Then when you pop into a 3d game and start killing, the noise goes way up.

I hated that about my Pentium 4 LGA775 boxed processor fan, I disabled the fan speed control because I hated the constant speed changes.

But do not presume to tell me what fan is loud and try and call BS on what cards I've owned. You do not know what I have at home, work or what I've worked with.

I'm sorry if it offends you that I think the X700Pro is inferior to the 6600GT, and consider the 6600GT to be a better purchase for anyone looking to spend $200 or less on a video card.

You can disagree with me all you like. But comments like those quoted above piss me off. You have no reason to try and flame me simply because I disagree with you.

EQ II doesn't make the X700Pro a better card, anymore than Doom 3 makes the 6800GT better than the X800XT. Overall the X700Pro loses to the 6600GT. This is fact. Get over it.
as far as new cards go, the two are basically the bottom of the barrel for quality gaming. My point simply is that the X700 256 is not a bad card, and pleases many. HSF on many of the review samples sent out were loud, thats what i figured you were getting at, but there are many many retail X700s that do not have that problem.

Basically i have a problem with people saying "6600GT no other way" when the poster wasnt even inquiring about it. The X700 256 is absolutly exceptable, and, most importantly is it does better in the game he is currently playing. I hate to break it to ya, but it does game just fine, and aside from Doom3, you really cannot complain about the price performance ratio at all. I think they're what, 160 retail and even less under OEM? Let me make it clear i never said it was a better card all around, but it is in what the poster was asking about, and thats all that matters. As far as general gaming goes, i hardly think you can complain for the money.
The only reason I say X700Pro 256 is because the topic started said he wanted a card for Ever Quest. Of course the 6600GT beats teh X700Pro and even XT in allmost everyother game out their. Dont argure with that FanATic I know you like ATi as well as I do but you have to accept the facts. Both companies make bad choices some times and thats just how it is. I myself dont like either company more but I do want another Ati Card so I dont have to change shit in the drivers.