x600 vs. x800


May 2, 2005
If they both have 256MB video memory, what would be the real difference between these two cards? Would a person see too much difference between them when running HL2 at higher-end settings?

Uh, ignore what the previous poster said.

The X600 256MB is significantly slower than the X800 (regardless of how much memory it has). Buyers should not base their decisions on memory amount alone, as there are many GPUs out there that come with excessive amounts of RAM, but their cores aren't fast enough to actually take advantage of it.

The worst example I can think of is the still-current Radeon 9200SE 256MB. It was a terribly slow card, not good for anything other than 2D, but people bought it because they thought it was faster than a nearby Radeon 9600 with *only* 128MB. All that memory on the lower-end cards is simply a gimmick used to move the cards off store shelves.

The X800 series will completely leave the X600 in it's dust.
p_little said:
If they both have 256MB video memory, what would be the real difference between these two cards? Would a person see too much difference between them when running HL2 at higher-end settings?

Here's the low down: One is a total pile of shit, and the other isn't. Just becuase they have the same amount of memory doesn't mean the perform anywhere near eachother.

Here's an example:
They make ATi 9250's with 256MB of Ram
My 9800Pro has 128mb of ram

My 9800Pro is about 20x faster than the other one

Eh, now I see that the guy above me made the same example.
Ill give you the opnion about the X600 Pro with 256mb since I have one. I can run Half-Life 2 on medium setting with no AA or AF. This basically goes with alot of the other games out there. It is a slow card, and just because its was one of the first PCI Express cards released, doesnt mean its powerful. If you ever had an 9600 before, you can compare it to that. Main reason I got one, is because I was on a major budget and only had 150 for a vid card. I would go with the 6600 GT or the X800 XL for you vid card. This card isnt worth it if you are just going to game on it. The X600 has 4 pipelined and X800 has between 12 and 16 pipelines depending on what type of X800 you get. The X800 speeds wipes the floor against the X600 speeds also. X800 is way more powerful than the X600.
They even have 6800 128mb cards... and 256mb FX5200...
The 128mb 6800 will be about 100x faster :rolleyes:
x600 = 4 pixel pipelines 2 vertex units, 128-bit memory bus, 400MHz core /600MHz memory

x800 series = 12 or 16 pipelines, 6 vertex units, 256-bit memory bus, 475-520MHz core and like 900MHz to 1.1GHz memory
^^exactly, if you dont know what those numbers mean, the bigger the better,lol at least in THAT case for all of you who will think of that as flame bait
Brent_Justice said:
x600 = 4 pixel pipelines 2 vertex units, 128-bit memory bus, 400MHz core /600MHz memory

x800 series = 12 or 16 pipelines, 6 vertex units, 256-bit memory bus, 475-520MHz core and like 900MHz to 1.1GHz memory

Additionally the X600 is nothing more than a PCI-Express 9600XT. Which was last generations medium end ATi card. The X800XT for example is twice as fast as a 9800Pro, which BTW hands the 9600Pro/XT its ass by a large margin.

There is no reason to go with an X600 ever. The X700Pro is a much better card than that for not too much more money. Of course the X800's hand the X700Pro they're ass, but the X700Pro is a very capable card.

Although you probably don't want to hear this since this was posted in the ATi forum, but if you don't want to spend the cash on an X800XL or a 6800NU you should go with a 6600GT. It is noticably faster than a X700Pro. Which again rapes the X600.
no contest. Not even close to the x800se /w 128mb of ddr in my sig . I can play CS:Source at 1280x1024 /w all high settings, vsync enabled, 6xAA, 16xAF, and get a steady 60 fps.
Is it worth sticking with ATI only, or is there not much difference between their work and that of their partner companies?

Basically, is Sapphire any good?
Saphire is the same company who makes the ATi branded cards. They are a manufacturer that began branding their own cards a couple years back.

There are some bad card makers out there, but there are alos plenty of good ones besides ATi. Visiontek is a good choice. I am rather fond of their X850XT card.
So, how does the x700 perform on some of today's games? I've found some great prices on the x700PRO's that are out there, how do they measure up? Would they hold out for a year or two for me?
p_little said:
So, how does the x700 perform on some of today's games? I've found some great prices on the x700PRO's that are out there, how do they measure up? Would they hold out for a year or two for me?

If you wish for it to last a few years I suggest saving just a bit and getting yourself an X800XL. That card will last for two years and play higher up resolutions and settings.
p_little said:
So, how does the x700 perform on some of today's games? I've found some great prices on the x700PRO's that are out there, how do they measure up? Would they hold out for a year or two for me?

I had one and I have a 6600GT, the 6600GT wins hands down in everything I ever played on it. Its a bit more in price, but not a huge amount. Yet its vastly superior.

I agree with the post on the X800XL. If you want a card with more staying power, the X800XL is a much better choice.
If you're an ATi fan (ooh! ooh! pick me!) the vanilla X800 is cheap as dirt these days, and is usually only slightly more than the X700pro with 256MB ram. This is due to it being made on a smaller manufacturing process, therefore allowing more cores per sheet of silicon. Or something.....
Ive also read that it is possible to mod some of these X800 vanillas into full-fledged X800XLs. Yes, I've posted about this in the hope someone would provide a little bit more information, but so far no luck..... :(
ve39 said:
is x700 any good ? or it's same as x600

X700 is much better than the X600, but its still slower than the 6600GT, but the best overall value is the 6800nu, IMO.
banGerprawN said:
If you're an ATi fan (ooh! ooh! pick me!) the vanilla X800 is cheap as dirt these days, and is usually only slightly more than the X700pro with 256MB ram. This is due to it being made on a smaller manufacturing process, therefore allowing more cores per sheet of silicon. Or something.....
Ive also read that it is possible to mod some of these X800 vanillas into full-fledged X800XLs. Yes, I've posted about this in the hope someone would provide a little bit more information, but so far no luck..... :(

The vanilla X800 is faster than a 6800nu. But I still cant find them at the price everyone is talking about.
newegg has them for under $200 for the 128MB version, but you should go with the 256MB ones, because they _usually_ have GDDR3 which overclocks awesome.
My reccommendation would be either the Sapphire or the Gigabyte ones, these are known to come with 2.0ns memory, which can run at up to 1000mhz. The Gigabyte ones already run at 980mhz, 280mhz faster than the stock reference by ATi.
Both the Sapphire and Gigabyte retail for about $240. Do a little digging around, you're bound to get them cheaper than this.
Yes 6600GT is very cheap is x800 much better then 6600GT ?

Skrying said:
X700 is much better than the X600, but its still slower than the 6600GT, but the best overall value is the 6800nu, IMO.
so as i read the forum i see 6600Gt is the best card for the money it's even cheaper then x700
ve39 said:
so as i read the forum i see 6600Gt is the best card for the money it's even cheaper then x700

Many say its the best but I STRONGLY disagree. First of all, I believe that 6800nu is a much better value, and if you're going PCIe then I'd suggest the X800.
hrm i think x800 is the way to got for me then looks like one of the top line cards and for a very good prive