X2 : will slower versions be released ??

LstOfTheBrunnenG said:
What about people with the Pentium Extreme Edition dual core chip? They have *gasp* four CPUs in Windoze! Oh noes!

Microsoft has stated that as long as all your cores are on one chip, it doesn't care. I doubt they were looking ahead to quad core just yet, but that's their position as of yet.

All your cores are belong to Microsoft.

Big difference.

The Pentium XE has 2 cores and 2 logical cores. NOT 4 'cpus' or even 4 cores.

Windows XP Home allows for 1 Core and 1 logical core (at the same time). XP Pro allows for 2 cores and 2 logical cores (at the same time). 4 cores wouldnt work in XP Pro (unless they releases some update to change it in the future).
NOO! God, I want a new one to come out that does what it is supposed to do... Oh, and did I mention actually removes a deleted file / program?