x2 3800+ Temp questions


Dec 1, 2005
I recently purchased an x2 3800+ processor like many others because of the price drops. I am just a little worried because i think my processor is running a little hot. It idles at about 43 degrees celsius and under load it gets to 65 +/- degrees celsius. Also, my computer is in an air conditioned room if that helps you guys answer my question.
Joseph05 said:
already tried that, but tried it again with the same results.

Make sure you're cleaning off the old paste completely (rubbing alcohol[or something similiar]+lint free cloth) and using this much paste.
Mine started off at 42C idle and went to 51C under load when I first installed it, with everything stock.

I had to go into the BIOS and turn off all dynamic fan speed adjustments, both Cool n Quiet for the CPU, as well as the motherboard's cpu and chassis fan speed adjustments.

I now idle at 31C and hit 41C under load.

Make sure your fans are actually running at their full potential. You may also have individual adjustments on the fans themselves, so be sure to check for those too. If not, you may need to kick down for a better fan for the case... even a big typhoon can't cool a cpu without decent airflow.
Very good point schwank, I completely forgot about C&Q as well as the motherboard's own temperature adjustments.
hmm nothing seems to be lowering my temps :confused: , do you guys think maybe i just got a cpu that runs hot? Also, can these temps cause any destruction to my cpu?
is your x2 running at stock speed?

what kind of pc case you have? any air circulation between case and outside?
What HSF are you using? I am using the XP120 and I am getting around 31C idle and 42C full load....
I use a Big Typhoon and I get 30 idle and 41 under load.
I think it might be time to go aftermarket.
Just my 2 cents.
I am getting similar temps with a new 3800 X2 based machine I'm building for family. The stock Heat sink just doesn’t seem to be adequate, dam AMD for downgrading the stock HSF.

Mine idles at 38 and after hours of dual prime reaches 70 C (fan running full on, with case side off). No errors though. Still, Tisk Tisk AMD.