x2 3800 over fx 55


Limp Gawd
Mar 10, 2005
should i just keep my fx 55 or sell and buy x2 3800

need opinion guys...

my set up

dfi nf4 sli
1 gb g.skill gble
2 6800 ultra ms1
turbo cool 510
It really depends on what you do. If you spend most of your time gaming, then I'd stick with the FX-55. On the other hand, if you do quite a bit of multitasking or run programs that can take advantage of dual cores, I'd switch over to the 3800 X2.
Yeah definatly wait for prices to normalize.

I'd keep the FX unless you want to encode and still be able to do other stuff without interruption.
id sell the FX and just get something else, whether its dual or single core... the FX is going to depreciate in value a lot now that dual cores are coming out... (just what i think)

that, of course, is if money is an issue..
what do guys think is a reasonable price for my fx 55 san diego i've only used it for a month..it came w/ the sn25p i purchased last may...

thanks again
I'd say about $700 is reasonable. They retail for about $800 new (give or take a few bucks) and you've only had it for a month.
for 700 bucks you can get the 4400+ x2 ................... im not speaking for everyone but i'd rather a 4400+ x2 than a fx
Michigan PC said:
sell it for 600 - 650 bucks. Nobody will buy it for more.

wrong....I watched one of those chips 2days ago on ebay go for $790 used
4400+. i just built my new comp, its amazing being able to unzip huge files while browsing webpages with no slowdown, or play games while downloading at the same time, just awesome stuff. go for the x2.
YourPaceOrMine said:
tell me, would you rather a fx-55 for 800 or a 4400+ x2 for 800?

Ill take the x2 any day, just pointing out that 600-650 for the fx55 is alittle off, thats all
i appreciate all your post guys..ive decided to sell it for 700 obo

thanks again.. i just picked up my 3800 x2 at my local frys
jamesbong said:
i appreciate all your post guys..ive decided to sell it for 700 obo

thanks again.. i just picked up my 3800 x2 at my local frys

how much and be sure you let us know how it overclocks! :cool:
dingobiatch said:
4400+. i just built my new comp, its amazing being able to unzip huge files while browsing webpages with no slowdown, or play games while downloading at the same time, just awesome stuff. go for the x2.
I can do that with my 4000+ :)

As long as you have the FX55, keep it..
Im thinking the same thing, selling my FX-55 but it is the first one, how much do you guy's think it's worth? I think if I got an X2 4400 I would also need to get a new Mobo because stupid VIA don't support dual core." suggestions please"
I also have an FX-55 clawhammer, but honestly after sinking that much money into a chip, I want to get at least a year's use out of it. I'm not changing over (and my motherboard etc. supports dual core fine so that's not the point) until I can get a dual core X2 with a higher clock speed than my FX. Seriously, if you have an FX now, you shouldn't be hurting for performance, I'll just live with it until the M2 socket with DDR2-800 is released. As for the guy that wants to change over with a VIA chipset, get a Asus A8N-SLI Premium. However, remember that you'll need a new mobo in a year for the new socket when your FX-55/K8T800 setup is working fine for you now.
seriously, unless you want to save some money, i'd say just stick with the fx-55. its an amazing card, it will last for a long time.

i dont know how much the fx-55 will depreciate, but im guessing it will take a slight hit in the coming months because of dual core. not that much though, because a fx-55 is likely still faster than a x2 4400 at gaming and stuff like that. and i'm pretty sure it overclocks better than the x2 does. if you don't do cpu intensive multiprocessing type things, a x2 is a complete waste of your money, as you'll only be using the power of one of the cores, and the other one just sits there and twiddles its thumbs.

as for just to have some spare money, you could sell the fx-55 and buy a much cheaper processor that will serve you just as well for the time being and pocket some extra dough, but the problem with that is that you'll be pushed to upgrade your processor sooner than you would if you just kept the fx-55, so it evens out in the end.
jamesbong said:
i appreciate all your post guys..ive decided to sell it for 700 obo

thanks again.. i just picked up my 3800 x2 at my local frys
what is frys charging on those?
Soymilk said:
seriously, unless you want to save some money, i'd say just stick with the fx-55. its an amazing card, it will last for a long time.

Slot 1 returns!

(sorry, couldn't resist)
I agree with lithium. I'd sell the FX-55, and get a 4400+ or a 4800+. Or you could buy the x23800 and oc. Then spend the saved cash on a a 7800 GTX.
given the current pricing of the 3800+, I think you'd be insane to buy anything else, unless you really don't mind the pricetag of the higher binned models. Again, unless the rest of the system is pimped out to the max, the extra cash is better spent on:
1. A better GPU
2. A 2nd GPU
3. A quick RAID setup
4. A new monitor
5. Rent


If the 3800+ was a crap overclocker, that'd be one thing, but for the extra $$ a 4400+/4800+ runs, you could buy watercooling with a 3800+ and hit higher clocks.
if I don't sell my fx 55 by this weekend ill just stick with it and return my x2 3800 hehehehehe
if your idea of multitasking is like "it's cool to be able to surf and download while running a game" don't bother. I can't believe how many people jumped on the X2 bandwagon and never will be using that second core to any good. While some people claim there will be games and other software specifically written for dual-core, it won't happen that soon, until we really benefit from that 2nd core (say bw 60-80%). If you don't believe what I say you can read this interview (in Anandtech as I recall) from a while ago where Tim Sweeney from Epic Games was talking about the many challenges facing programming games for dual(core) processors. IMHO dual-core is better for people who do heavy audio/video encoding, 3d graphics work, CAD work ie... whose work depends on software that actually benefit from having a second processor in teh system. It is much cheaper compared to an opteron system and performs similarly in many cases. For gamers, I see no point in having a second processor/core in their rig. You shouldn't pay $800 just because it "feels smooth"...

interview link
Yes, but cant you just load a OS and and not have to tweak it at all. just leave everthing running in the background and the second core will take care of that with no performance hit in games, also you can leave your anti virus and windows update on all the time.
I would really like to be able to run CS:S on one core and FRAPS on the other. I'd also like to leave xfire, winamp, firefox, and my other apps running and know that I'm not giving up FPS by doing that.

I can't wait to get an X2.
Soymilk said:
seriously, unless you want to save some money, i'd say just stick with the fx-55. its an amazing card, it will last for a long time.

i dont know how much the fx-55 will depreciate, but im guessing it will take a slight hit in the coming months because of dual core. not that much though, because a fx-55 is likely still faster than a x2 4400 at gaming and stuff like that. and i'm pretty sure it overclocks better than the x2 does. if you don't do cpu intensive multiprocessing type things, a x2 is a complete waste of your money, as you'll only be using the power of one of the cores, and the other one just sits there and twiddles its thumbs.

as for just to have some spare money, you could sell the fx-55 and buy a much cheaper processor that will serve you just as well for the time being and pocket some extra dough, but the problem with that is that you'll be pushed to upgrade your processor sooner than you would if you just kept the fx-55, so it evens out in the end.

Will be releaseing drivers that will help unlock the potential of dual core as it relates to gaming. Any new cpu should be dual core.
MikeyB said:
I would really like to be able to run CS:S on one core and FRAPS on the other. I'd also like to leave xfire, winamp, firefox, and my other apps running and know that I'm not giving up FPS by doing that.

I can't wait to get an X2.

Let's see I run xfire, azureus, winamp fire and sometimes teamspeak while playing CSS and i don't really notice much of a slowdown on my A64 3000+ at 2.5ghz and not much of one at stock speeds (but i have 2 gigs of ram).
DryFire said:
Let's see I run xfire, azureus, winamp fire and sometimes teamspeak while playing CSS and i don't really notice much of a slowdown on my A64 3000+ at 2.5ghz and not much of one at stock speeds (but i have 2 gigs of ram).
well, i dont notice much of a slowdown on mine until i start trying to encode something. then everything slows down, and its irritating.
DryFire said:
Let's see I run xfire, azureus, winamp fire and sometimes teamspeak while playing CSS and i don't really notice much of a slowdown on my A64 3000+ at 2.5ghz and not much of one at stock speeds (but i have 2 gigs of ram).

If you leave all that stuff open AND run fraps to capture your game you will see a HUGE difference. It is impossible to run fraps with all those background processes and maintain consistent performance. Perhaps my wording was a little obtuse.