X2 3800+ and X2 4200+


Aug 16, 2004
Is there any major difference between the two besides 200 Mhz?

How are the stock AMD heatsinks? are they noisy? do they work? I won't be OCing....
The 4200 and above comes with a different HSF than the 3800, a significantly better one with copper heatpipes.
Orr said:
The 4200 and above comes with a different HSF than the 3800, a significantly better one with copper heatpipes.

My 4200 has no heat pipes. Standard AMD Aluminum heatsink.
It is quiet, though, and does a pretty good job. Load temps around 46c.

Isn't the X2 4200+ onwards also 1MB L2 Cache compared to 512K for the X2 3800+?

Or was that the 4200 and 4400? Gah! :eek:
nope 4400+ and 4800+ are both 1mb cache while 3800+ 4200+ and 4600+ are all 512kb's
BLenderhedd said:
My 4200 has no heat pipes. Standard AMD Aluminum heatsink.
It is quiet, though, and does a pretty good job. Load temps around 46c.

you got screwed. the stuff above the X2 3800 is supposed to come with the better hs. I spoke to amd directly trying to wiggle one of the better heatsinks out of them after my x2 3800 came and I realized it didnt have the nice heatsink I'd seen on the net. (I had no luck on that btw :( )
BLenderhedd said:
My 4200 has no heat pipes. Standard AMD Aluminum heatsink.
It is quiet, though, and does a pretty good job. Load temps around 46c.

My 4400 came with the better HSF and I have read that all X2's 4200 and upwards should come with it.
However an old thread I got my X2-4200 a couple weeks ago and it came with the stock AMD aluminum HS. I pony'd up and got a Zalman 9500 for it.
i was told that only the 4400+ and up got the better coolers. the 4200 ad 3800 come with the stock ones. at least that's what my retailer said.
I just got my 4200 x2 today, this thing rocks compared to my 3500 venice, i can never go back to single core