X1800XT in a nutshell please

Cannibal Corpse

Sep 22, 2002
Hi All,
Being very tight on the time schedule, would you kindly highlight the most innovative features of this card compared to 7800 GTX?

I will be putting an AMD gaming machine together (in a month or so) and would like to know if I go SLI (and buy DFI SLI-DR "expert" mobo, 7800GTX) or wait for CrossFire and go ATi's route.

Many thanks in advance.
Hard to say, I would recommend going with the GTX's but it is possible that ati's shaders could be put to better use in the future. Impossible to say, but as of now, I would say GTX and SLI are king.
Cannibal Corpse said:
Cool. I wish ATi wasn't faster in FEAR though...
That's mainly due to the extra onboard memory from what the reviews are saying. A 512MB GTX is in the works from what I can gather from a UK interview with nVidia, so if you're worried about it pick up one of those when they come out (or buy eVGA and step-up to the 512MB card within 3 months).
Cannibal Corpse said:
Hi All,
Being very tight on the time schedule, would you kindly highlight the most innovative features of this card compared to 7800 GTX?

I will be putting an AMD gaming machine together (in a month or so) and would like to know if I go SLI (and buy DFI SLI-DR "expert" mobo, 7800GTX) or wait for CrossFire and go ATi's route.

Many thanks in advance.

It really comes down to cost and timeline. The GTX/SLI is available now. XT/CF combo could still be a while to come to market. GTX vs XT both seem really good. I am interested in see some IQ comparisions of the AF quality of the two. That could be were ATI shines.
if you look at the image quality of the X18xxx, its slightly better then the 78xxx, hence the slight preformance in favor of the 7800. but honestly, if the 7800 is cheaper and probably more wider in availability, might as well get that. i don't think you'll notice it in the game.
It really comes down to cost and timeline. The GTX/SLI is available now. XT/CF combo could still be a while to come to market. GTX vs XT both seem really good. I am interested in see some IQ comparisions of the AF quality of the two. That could be were ATI shines.

its not suppose to shine ;)
Cannibal Corpse said:
Cool. I wish ATi wasn't faster in FEAR though...
Faster by how much? Not much at all, and it is a DEMO:


If you look the GTX has a higher min FPS which means overall smoother gameplay.
Banko said:
Faster by how much? Not much at all, and it is a DEMO:


If you look the GTX has a higher min FPS which means overall smoother gameplay.
Demo denied!

Dang it.
So what the xt drops to 6 and the 7800 only drops to 9 ? Cause I saw that on some site's benchmark at max settings.
Yea, I am tired of ATi's waiting game, I am going to order my BFGTech 7800GT or (GTX please help!) very soon then!
the x1800xt won't be out till novmenber, if ya wait you will probably get a 512mb g70 with higher clocks. Fear's benchmarks are low because of a bug in Fear this will be fixed in the retail version. The only thing the x1800xt will have over the g70 is AA+HDR but that is most likely not playable. Plus you will have a furance for a computer too if you go with the x1800xt, this is the only thing holding me back from getting one.
I got GTX x2 SLI and love em. I am concerned that nvidia does not do HDR and fullscreen AA. Seems to be a severe drawback. Now that new games are supporting it. :(
Don't forget angle idependent AF that the GTX don't offer. And when more games start to use PS3.0 the R520 may pull ahead due to its more "efficent" shader engine. ATI should have more room to grow with the drivers since this r520 is a new design (meaning they are probably able to get more speed improvements during the course of its lifetime). Finally dont forget then the 512mb GTX due arive they will be more or less at the same price point as the x18000xt
If you want the best video card on the market, the choice is clear. Go with the "best" performing card...which is, without a doubt, the X1800XT. There is no question in my mind that it is better than the 7800gtx. Its getting better scores in almost every game, and the drivers haven't even got off the ground for it yet. You should never be hasty when buying a new video card. Wait for the X1800XT to be released in stores, and see how the drivers for it improve. Most games are going with D3D. So you should go with the X1800XT.
Cannibal Corpse said:
How is that possible? Are they offering free upgrade to the 512MB model?
It's not free, it's eVGA's step-up program. Within 3 months of your purchase, you can send your card back and get something else better, you just pay the difference between the two cards. So if by early to mid December they release the 512MB card, I'll be stepping up to it (hopefully they make a GTX KO ACS3 512MB :D).
millerpa17 said:
Its getting better scores in almost every game,...

According to whom?
Most places I see it tied/neck to neck with the 7800's?

Terra - Except for where it matters...availability... ;)
X1800 in a nutshell:

X1800: "Help me, I'm in a nutshel!"
Nutshell: Help me, I'm only 1" in diameter, but somehow fit an X1800!"

The X1800 figured out how to get released from the nutshell about one month later, when if was already too late...

The nutshell died a few hours later unfortunately. Please take a moment of silence.
Cannibal Corpse said:
I will be putting an AMD gaming machine together (in a month or so) and would like to know if I go SLI (and buy DFI SLI-DR "expert" mobo, 7800GTX) or wait for CrossFire and go ATi's route.
If you'd like to grow a beard and want the fastest card around (X1800XT), get Ati. Otherwise get nVidia.
Endurancevm said:
And 2 of the X1800XT's in CF should do some damage in gaming at high res.

Yes, damage to your eyesight from having a 60hz refresh rate (unless you have a nice TFT).
Endurancevm said:
X1800 has bette AI and more features and its faster right off the bat. And 2 of the X1800XT's in CF should do some damage in gaming at high res.

@ Terra: Read this review http://driverheaven.net/reviews/r520reviewxvxv/

I could tell you where to stuff driverheaven and what I think of that site and what I think of people using it as reference, but then I would get banned...

Terra - Next please...
meatfestival said:
Yes, damage to your eyesight from having a 60hz refresh rate (unless you have a nice TFT).

I am not a big fan of Crossfire, but the limitation was in the type of DVI processing they had for the X800, the X1800 series won't have this limitation.
Nobody is going to notice 5, 10 or even 15fps difference between these two cards. What you will notice is image quality. The XT supposedly performs better at very high resolutions. Seriously, who cares anymore. 15fps in some games, you cannot possibly notice. If feel next round ATI will be ahead, they have a completely new, more efficient card finished, while the GTX is just a 6800Ultra with 24 pipes.
Topweasel said:
I am not a big fan of Crossfire, but the limitation was in the type of DVI processing they had for the X800, the X1800 series won't have this limitation.

this is yet to be seen
and lets not forget that this is ATI's 1st trial @ chipset manufacturing, so the mobo, will at first undoubtedly be unstable, and unreliable, and most people are upgrading their cards, and not replacing their systems, so going ATI, with hopes of Xfire will have to fork over an additional 100 along with the premium of ATI cards in order to enjoy it. Just my .02 cents

BTW no one has mentioned how well these things OC, that would be the ultimate question, because I could most likely OC my 7800 to beat the 1800 anyhow, and since the 1800 is alrdy madly OC'd it would prob have a hard time making up for it.

ati has been making chipsets for years.

I am waiting for crossfire, just because everyone has SLI and I like to be different.

in the end I woud say current generation parts are pretty equal chipsets gpu all close to same performance.

I loved my express 200 chipset board, absolutely loved it. If they use that and can make an enthusiast level chipset then I feel confdent the crossfire board will be reliable and fast.

the real quesiton is do you want to buy your new stuff today or wait, either way you will be very happy with what you get. Regardless I think it will be competitive with whatever else is out there whether you go Nvidia or ATI.
Elios said:
this is yet to be seen

AFAIK, the limitation was only caused by a single component. They could just as easily swapped it with something better (which i'm actually wondering why they didn't in the first place). It shouldn't be that hard to fix it for the new cards.
m1 grant said:
and lets not forget that this is ATI's 1st trial @ chipset manufacturing, so the mobo, will at first undoubtedly be unstable, and unreliable, and most people are upgrading their cards, and not replacing their systems, so going ATI, with hopes of Xfire will have to fork over an additional 100 along with the premium of ATI cards in order to enjoy it. Just my .02 cents

As some people here have pointed out before. ATI already has experience with creating their own chipsets, just as nVidia has experience making their own. ATI also has years more experience with multi GPU's. They actually have more to work with than nVidia.
m1 grant said:
and lets not forget that this is ATI's 1st trial @ chipset manufacturing, so the mobo, will at first undoubtedly be unstable, and unreliable, and most people are upgrading their cards, and not replacing their systems, so going ATI, with hopes of Xfire will have to fork over an additional 100 along with the premium of ATI cards in order to enjoy it. Just my .02 cents

Ati's first complete motherboard chipset was released in 2003.

Intel will be shipping motherboards with ati's chipsets. If there was any problems whatsoever with stability i doubt Intel would stamp there logo on them and sell them.
Sly said:
AFAIK, the limitation was only caused by a single component. They could just as easily swapped it with something better (which i'm actually wondering why they didn't in the first place). It shouldn't be that hard to fix it for the new cards.

The problem was cause by using the Digital portion of DVI in the Crossfire setup, since their current boards using a dedicated DVI communication chip instead of porting it through the VGA ramdac like Nvidia does, their bandwith is severly hurt and causes said limitation. The X1800 is said to use the same ramdac setup Nvidia uses. They won't change that with the X800 because it will make the card incompatible with the original ones. All of this is proves that the SLI is more elegant since the internal bridge could be designed from the ground up to be a high bandwidth information transfer instead of hashing together the information transfer through the vidoe output.