X1800XL Freezes


Sep 29, 2006
Hi, I have a Sapphire 1800XL card. I don`t know what happend but, one day when I watched a DVD on my PC the system just froze and after ~20sec it restarted. Everything is OK untill I watch a Video. The system freezes even when i listen to the music and turn the visualizations on Media Player ON. I tried to install new drivers, and the old drivers that came with the card. I also reinstalled Windows, but nothing helped. The Temperature is OK, about 45C. Then I tried to delete all drivers and play a Video, the system did NOT froze. Right now I bought a 7600GT, everything works. So it means it`s X1800XL fault, but I don`t know if it`s a hardware problem or a Software problem. Maybe I can`t fix it, because the card was Overcloked. I hope you can give me some sugestions, because right now I don`t wanna buy a new expensive Card, because DX10 Cards will be here soon.
hmmm. that sounds alot like a problem I had with my X1800XL. My XL would do that in game, freezing the game (and causing me many unwanted deaths in CS:S). I tried new drivers and even manually set the the fan to its highest setting while playing a game, but it still froze. :( I became fed up and I eventually bought this amazing 7900gs, and I never freeze and get much better frame rates.

Sorry I have no idea what is wrong with these cards.