x1600xt vs. x1600 pro? worth $40 more?


Limp Gawd
May 5, 2002
They are both 256mb models. What do you think? Is the speed difference between the two even that noticeable?
Well i would say get the HIS X1600 XT IceQ Turbo, that is if u cannot afford a 6800 GS for another $40 or so, i would give even better performance.
supergeek said:
Well i would say get the HIS X1600 XT IceQ Turbo, that is if u cannot afford a 6800 GS for another $40 or so, i would give even better performance.

Heh. That is exactly what I did since newegg has the $30 his rebates right now. Just trying to figure out whether it might be worth cancelling my his x1600xt in favor of a cheaper his x1600 pro.

I'd be really interested in a 6800gs, but they are really loud and there aren't any available yet with non-stock fans. Even if I could get a 6800gs for around the same price as an xt I'd still end up paying an extra $30 for a better (quieter) cooler
Well if u need anymore convincing about how much better a 6800 GS is over a X1600 XT then read this http://www.firingsquad.com/hardware/bfg_geforce_7800_gs_agp/page22.asp , appears as if they r both the same price for u guys in the US, here in australia they charge an extra $40 for the 6800 GS over the 1600xt, thats the reason i had said it would cost an extra $40 over the 1600xt - so even if u have to get a third party cooler it would still only cost a little extra, i would still try using it with its stock cooler caus with all the other noise coming from u're machine i don't think it would be to bad.
Actually I've got a pretty quiet build - My entire setup is run off of three silent 120mm fans (intake, exhaust, and cpu) so the loudest thing in there is by far my hard drive.
I would really recomend the 6800GS, right now this card is king of buget. The X1600XT was a dissapointment. Even thought I have an X1800XT and prefer ATI, in this case Nvidia has the better card.
Alright. I bit the bullet. Evga 6800GS + NV Silencer 5 which after rebates comes out to $189 ($184 - $15 - $5 + $30 -$5 since both have pricegrabber rebates) total compared to $165 AR for the X1600XT.

Heck, the big reason I wanted the X1600XT in the first place was the media features, but with new forcewear apparently all of the 6 and 7 series nvidia cards can playback 1080p compared to the X1600XT which can only do 720p.

Thanks for all the input!