X-Fi Xtreme Music - $89 AR from Circuit City

on the side note.. I already got audigy zs 2 plat..

is this really a big upgrade over it?

and should I get the x-fi

or a gamecube?

umcpgrad said:
on the side note.. I already got audigy zs 2 plat..

is this really a big upgrade over it?

and should I get the x-fi

or a gamecube?


x-fi or gamecube i cannnot answer..

as for upgrading audigy zs 2 plat to x-fi....depends..

for game, x-fi pwns audigy zs 2...at least it will give you 128 voices and much better sound stage which mean better enemy locating..if you got 5.1 channel speakers to do the justice..

for music? don't bother...it has the same DAC as zs...won't sound that much better..

also, even without XRAM, the DSP on X-FI will help you boost FPS in games..

XRAM is utilized by barely any games right now anyways..
kohan69 said:
That's only with xram
um.. no? no current games make a difference with xram. Audigy 2 and up do sound processing on card; so theres no or less cpu hit for audio while gaming. Its a noticeable difference. The x-fi does this as well
Worminater said:
um.. no? no current games make a difference with xram. Audigy 2 and up do sound processing on card; so theres no or less cpu hit for audio while gaming. Its a noticeable difference. The x-fi does this as well

Heh I was gonna say something to the guy, but he seems to be one of those guys who thought Soundstorm was gonna change the world, instead of being a one-off onboard sound chip. Living in denial, thinking its the best sound ever created and no card sound any better.

Especially not a Creative Labs card right? :rolleyes:
Lets try & stay on topic guys, the x-fi xtreme music for $80 is a great deal.

I'm coming from onboard sound & my last dedicated sound card was a SB Live! that I havent used in years.
So, coming from onboard sound to this was really an eye/ear opener. :)

* Games are more smooth & responsive. (Playing Q4 currently)
* Sounds are much more detailed & crisp.
* OpenAL sounds great for positional audio in games. (no performance hit noticed.)

I didnt know what to expect when installing creatives drivers (sound drivers only) but was pleasantly suprised that they kept it simple & clean. [ Creative Control Panel ]

Driver link for those that got the card. [ Driver Download ]

Great card for the price.
kohan69 said:
That's only with xram

xram doesnt do a damned thing in current games

On a side note, this is a decent price and I am looking for a second card for another machine.

BUT I play a lot of BF2, and I read a lot of reports of stuttering issues with the X-fi and BF2. Last I checked on creatives website there was no definative fix.
Anyone have any info on this?
I'm trying to remember one thing about the X-Fi (or at least the Xtreme Music, since it has no breakout box)...is it true you can't have surround speakers and a microphone plugged in at the same time? That might be a big deal for some people.

EDIT: I looked around and found the answer. Microphone can be used with analog surround speakers, but the mic jack is also the line in jack is also the digital out jack, so digital out cannot be used at the same time without a breakout box. The digital out also requires a 3.5mm TOSLink adapter, which Creative doesn't include with the card.

Good for people to know. Best explanation about the X-Fi's cabling can be found on page two of The Tech Report's review.
I bit... coupon still worked today as well... I figure after tax <90$ for the latest sound card can't hurt... maybe I'll get a fatality eventually when things are better suited for it but till then I'll enjoy this deal. It will be replacing my audigy 2 ZS platinum... I only used the break out box once but I can always do capture on a different system if I want....
Davenow said:
BUT I play a lot of BF2, and I read a lot of reports of stuttering issues with the X-fi and BF2. Last I checked on creatives website there was no definative fix.
Anyone have any info on this?

I can personally tell you that when I went from my Audigy 2 to my X-Fi that 99% of my stuttering I had with my Audigy 2 disappeared when I install the X-Fi.

The X-Fi does have memory (2MB) if you go and read that review that someone posted it even states that in the review.
Worminater said:
i'd lvoe a breakouit box.. would pay for a front panel connector if they ever came out with one..

I bet there is a DIY website to make a breakout box. I haven't been able to locate one.
so I guess keeping the audigy zs 2 then? instead of dropping 90 dollars for x-fi?
I used to hate my audigy one. the drivers were so shitty, the install disc hardly worked and when it did it would get stuck on 100% forever. Sound would only work if I installed the shit in a certain order, ugh what a bunch of headaches. Im glad to hear their drivers are improved.

And yeah I said a page ago, x-ram (teh g0gglez) they do nothing!!!11!!1

From the reviews they say the x-fi is worth it for $120ish, so I am guessing its definetely worth it for 90ish. I have $79, I'm effin' short! :p
Justinkoko said:
where do i get my:

-Circuit City Ticket #
-Circuit City Brand/Model

for my rebate?

I'm wonder the same thing. Both rebates ask for the same thing but not the usual UPC.
Anyone's experience from an Audigy 2 ZS to an X-fi would be appreciated. I've seen some X-Fi boxes in games (what I would primarily be using it for) and I'm wondering what I'm missing.
I went for the X-fi Xtreme Music deal, went to pick it up and was given the X-fi Platinum. Works for me! Will be curious if the rebates still get accepted.
krauster said:
I went for the X-fi Xtreme Music deal, went to pick it up and was given the X-fi Platinum. Works for me! Will be curious if the rebates still get accepted.

Damn I wish I would have gotten that deal!
had to cave in....
it was about time i had a sound card
Now i just have to hope that i will get a platinum :eek:
Justinkoko said:
It still helps in games...even without ram.

$80 is a steal...

Yeah, even though I’ve yet to replace the system that fried my original Audigy (meaning I wouldn’t immediately install this X-fi card) I will definitely consider it, being this price is very nice. One of the few games that would take advantage of this, memory or not, is CoV (City of Villains). Turns out that the sound is linked to video and when you get into a large group with very large battles, an improved soundcard such as X-fi does indeed make a big difference. Thanks for the heads up OP!

- James
W00t yea I will pick it up tomorrow for a whole 81.26 yeaaa..

so now i can ditch my sound blaster 5.1 value :eek:

Thanks all

can someone give me a quick rundown on what the differences between all the xfi cards are?

i mean im thinking about getting this... but what can i expect if im coming from an sb live 5.1?

also... are all the other xfi cards just inflated and bloated with useless junk that most probably wont need? is there something else on the actual card itself or software that the others have and this base model doesnt?

thanks for those that respond to this post... hope i get feedback quick so i can decide whether to pick this up or not before they run out.
X-Fi XtremeMusic and X-Fi Platinum are the same except the I/O drive bay
The Fatailty has 64mb XRAM and drive bay.
The Elite Pro has an external drive bay and better DACs.
Burpy said:
The $15 code & $40MIR expires December 5, 2005.

Looks like they've changed their minds... last day for the rebate is tomorrow. er, today. I should go to bed.

Fantastic deal if you need a sound card upgrade. Gotta love the first feature on the CC website: "Better-than-original sound". I admire products that defy the laws of physics.
cold solder said:
Fantastic deal if you need a sound card upgrade. Gotta love the first feature on the CC website: "Better-than-original sound". I admire products that defy the laws of physics.


Yeah, the crystalization 24-bit and the surround effect is total crap.

Untempered sound quality is the only thing that matters.
Also if 5.1, then good quality in all speakers, and adjustability.

Everything else is called EQUILIZER
i just picked mine up...

well from what it seems... based on the games ive tested it out on... call of duty 2, cs source, bf2 w/xfi enabled... various songs like trance and whatever... contemporary movie themes...

maybe its just my ears or something, but i dont notice that much difference coming from an sb live 5.1. i mean despite setting everything on the highest quality in the sound options, there seems to be little to no difference. i must say im a bit dissapointed, and to me i guess 85$ after tax/coupon/rebate is still too much for what im hearing right now.
Burpy said:
Originally Posted by Burpy
The $15 code & $40MIR expires December 5, 2005.

Doc said:
Looks like they've changed their minds... last day for the rebate is tomorrow. er, today. I should go to bed.


Oops, sorry about the date mix-up guys.. hopefully nobody waited this long to buy one. :p
Specialist[X] said:
i just picked mine up...

well from what it seems... based on the games ive tested it out on... call of duty 2, cs source, bf2 w/xfi enabled... various songs like trance and whatever... contemporary movie themes...

maybe its just my ears or something, but i dont notice that much difference coming from an sb live 5.1. i mean despite setting everything on the highest quality in the sound options, there seems to be little to no difference. i must say im a bit dissapointed, and to me i guess 85$ after tax/coupon/rebate is still too much for what im hearing right now.

You will... Escpecially with headphones on and with your CMSS - Surround in headphone mode. If you have BF2 you can set your Sound to Ultra High and really notice the different sounds.
Sinster said:
You will... Escpecially with headphones on and with your CMSS - Surround in headphone mode. If you have BF2 you can set your Sound to Ultra High and really notice the different sounds.

sadly i dont use headphones... i probably will after i transfer in the fall... yea and i did set the xfi on ultra high... but maybe my ears just suck. im contemplating making a return on this as i dont think its worth the money in such meager differences for me. but for everyone else, enjoy! :)
booh ya cashed in today and what a difference in sound on my headphones.

Ok, this kind of sucks, but will hopefully be ok...

I ordered this at 11:06 PM CST (12/3/05), and my order date on the printable receipt says, "Order date 12/4/05, 12:06AM EST."

The rebates both expire as of 12/3, and technically I ordered before 12/4 as it did not reach midnight my time...seriously WTF??

I will definitely call them tomorrow and figure this out, but thought I'd let anyone else know who is ready to pull the trigger and is in CDT right now at 11:30.
Specialist[X] said:
sadly i dont use headphones... i probably will after i transfer in the fall... yea and i did set the xfi on ultra high... but maybe my ears just suck. im contemplating making a return on this as i dont think its worth the money in such meager differences for me. but for everyone else, enjoy! :)

You running 5.1 speakers?

I notice a improvement from my Audigy 2 to my X-fi in HL2 The Loast Coast when the guys repel down the cliff. If you do have TLC play it through your SB Live and then Play it through your X-fi... I know it's a pain in the ass to remove the drivers and installed. When I first installed my X-Fi I was the same way. I couldn't hear the difference at first. Then I started to pick up on sounds that I didn't hear before.
Specialist[X] said:
i just picked mine up...

well from what it seems... based on the games ive tested it out on... call of duty 2, cs source, bf2 w/xfi enabled... various songs like trance and whatever... contemporary movie themes...

maybe its just my ears or something, but i dont notice that much difference coming from an sb live 5.1. i mean despite setting everything on the highest quality in the sound options, there seems to be little to no difference. i must say im a bit dissapointed, and to me i guess 85$ after tax/coupon/rebate is still too much for what im hearing right now.

For me, coming from a Soundblaster Audigy the difference is huge. It's just night and day. With music and games. I am very impressed.