WWDC 2010 Discussion Thread

Announcements haven't done much for the stock so far, opened above yesterday's close but still riding ~$3 under... guess it'll take time for the news to now propagate everywhere and we'll see how it reacts.

Will do more of a closer inspection of the event when the actual keynote video is up on Apple.com later this evening or whenever. Nothing jumped out at me, seriously, not one thing that gave me that "Whoa" that the blogs all seemed to suffer from.

I will say I thought the inclusion/development of making the chassis part of the antenna infrastructure is a damned good idea; I kinda had that belief when the prototype pics first appears, those "cracks" just didn't fit their old style so, knowing Apple won't do ANYTHING without a reason I started to suspect that right off, and then finding out it had a totally glass back as well, that was all the info needed.

It's a nice phone, it has some nice features, sure. But it's an iPhone.

Most ironic part to me: he didn't discuss anything about the actual phone capabilities at all.

Did anyone else notice that or was it just me? :)
The higher resolution screen is nice, but as one person posted in another thread, keeping the actual diagonal screen size the same is somewhat questionable
What makes it questionable?

Sometimes I just don't get the ad thing, I really don't. People pay for the devices, they pay for the apps (ok, the overwhelming majority does), they pay for the bandwidth to use the devices (3G, etc, if it's Wi-Fi well, they're probably paying for that somehow too) and now ads spammed in people's faces as well?
It's up to app developers. You either sell the app without ads, give it away for free or strike a balance in-between. You can complain about it, or you can just avoid the apps that integrate ads. I don't understand what's "reprehensible" about it.
What makes it questionable?

Considering a lot of other devices are coming in at larger diagonal sizes now, I find their reasoning "questionable" for keeping the old size - that means I'd ask them why, that's all.

As someone that's been using portable devices for decades, I'm well aware of "pixel density" and other such things firsthand. I've owned countless PocketPCs with meager 240x320 portrait mode LCDs and was astonished when I happened to get the same size screen but with 480x640 and was quite happy with it - and that's 4x more pixels too, done many many years prior to this "event."

Making things sharper by increasing the pixel density doesn't seem to do much at all in the long run - I immediately wanted to say it'll hurt the battery life since you're dealing with 4x the sheer number of raw pixels but, technology advances and things get more efficient so that's a wash, I suppose.

The comment that caught me was "Even your old apps will look better" - that just struck me as a slap in the face to their own products that led up to this, but that's Apple for you: as of right now, all 3 previous generations of iPhone are obsolete and that's that.

Next June this will happen all over again and the iPhone 4 will be obsolete, and so on, and so on... business as usual.
Considering a lot of other devices are coming in at larger diagonal sizes now, I find their reasoning "questionable" for keeping the old size - that means I'd ask them why, that's all.

As someone that's been using portable devices for decades, I'm well aware of "pixel density" and other such things firsthand. I've owned countless PocketPCs with meager 240x320 portrait mode LCDs and was astonished when I happened to get the same size screen but with 480x640 and was quite happy with it - and that's 4x more pixels too, done many many years prior to this "event."

Making things sharper by increasing the pixel density doesn't seem to do much at all in the long run - I immediately wanted to say it'll hurt the battery life since you're dealing with 4x the sheer number of raw pixels but, technology advances and things get more efficient so that's a wash, I suppose.

The comment that caught me was "Even your old apps will look better" - that just struck me as a slap in the face to their own products that led up to this, but that's Apple for you: as of right now, all 3 previous generations of iPhone are obsolete and that's that.

Next June this will happen all over again and the iPhone 4 will be obsolete, and so on, and so on... business as usual.

Yep, kind of the way hardware manufactures work too. Every year the previous generation is obsolete and they don't want you to buy it.
It's interesting they going to give away the iOS 4 upgrade to all devices for free this time, according to what he just announced so, iPod touch 2G/3G owners, no more $9.99 hit on top of what they've already paid. I suppose that's a positive thing...

I thought that was actually quite funny. Don't get me wrong, it's good news, but what was said was funny IMO: "We finally found a way to get them for free to our iPod touch users." They found a way? Hahaha... Bravo.

Anyway, pretty much everything I saw looked good to me. A lot of it was expected, since it many of the new features were first shown when the iPad was first unveiled. Some of the other stuff, like the front facing camera and video chat were un-expected (at least for me).

All the hardware changes and additions sounded good too. I also like the design, and I thought it looked pretty good when we saw a particular set of leaked images from a certain tech blog. I like the more industrial design, with the lines and exposed screws. It’s very Zune HD’ish, which I also like.
Think I'll have to pass. Seeing how much faster HTC is moving with there handsets, I give it a year until we see an HTC handset that is Android or Windows 7 based that just totally hands the iphone 4G its ass. It does have some nice features but HTC will most likely one up them much faster this time around.
Considering a lot of other devices are coming in at larger diagonal sizes now, I find their reasoning "questionable" for keeping the old size - that means I'd ask them why, that's all.
Larger screen sizes yield larger phones. There is some benefit to that, but there are also pitfalls. The HD2 has a much larger display than the iPhone, for example, though it's also a much, much larger phone. I think "dwarfs" would be the right word to describe what the HD2 does to the iPhone. It's too big.

I haven't had much interest in a phone that's larger than the existing iPhones. I could even see myself using a phone with a slightly smaller screen if it makes for a smaller phone.
I like it and I love the ability for us "old users" to be able to upgrade ASAP.
My only gripe is still the AT&T thing. We desperately need get get people off this network and switch to someone else. Having it on even one more network would solve most of these problems.
I'll be eligible for the discounted upgrade thing 4 days after the new phone comes out...woo hoo!!!
Larger screen sizes yield larger phones. There is some benefit to that, but there are also pitfalls. The HD2 has a much larger display than the iPhone, for example, though it's also a much, much larger phone. I think "dwarfs" would be the right word to describe what the HD2 does to the iPhone. It's too big.

I haven't had much interest in a phone that's larger than the existing iPhones. I could even see myself using a phone with a slightly smaller screen if it makes for a smaller phone.

The HD2 is only slightly larger than the iphone 3gs and is actully thinner.
My only gripe is still the AT&T thing. We desperately need get get people off this network and switch to someone else. Having it on even one more network would solve most of these problems.

They've been exclusive for 3 years now. That's at least a year longer than any exclusivity contract should have reasonably lasted. I've got AT&T dead zones in both my office and my home, which means that as much as I'd like to buy this product, it may as well not exist to me.
Larger screen sizes yield larger phones. There is some benefit to that, but there are also pitfalls. The HD2 has a much larger display than the iPhone, for example, though it's also a much, much larger phone. I think "dwarfs" would be the right word to describe what the HD2 does to the iPhone. It's too big..

I'll second that- I just had a chance to see a HD2 in person at Frys the other day- my god that thing is big. As it is, my Pro2 is at about the upper limit of my phone-size comfort level- sometimes I miss my old Nokia 8290. I think that we're reaching a point in terms of hardware where the next real innovation will be in the software arena, and figuring out ways of maximizing the usefulness of the screen without further increasing the screen size. WinMo was a disaster in this area, and the iPhone went a long way to improve upon the touch-screen phone UI. IMO android has kicked it up a notch further with their use of widget laden multiple desktops, along with a slide up dock (which has an iPhone-esq interface). Thankfully now that we have serious competition in the smartphone arena (thanks to smartphones going mainstream), I hope that the pace of smartphone UI innovations will increase.

I don't care what engadget says- the Dell Streak is too big for my pockets... not all of us have the luxury of wearing loose fitting jeans to school/office to accommodate our massive phones.

They've been exclusive for 3 years now. That's at least a year longer than any exclusivity contract should have reasonably lasted. I've got AT&T dead zones in both my office and my home, which means that as much as I'd like to buy this product, it may as well not exist to me.

Half of the town I live in is an AT&T dead zone. The only viable carriers here are Sprint and Verizon.
The HD2 is only slightly larger than the iphone 3gs and is actully thinner.
That really depends on how you define "slightly". I own a 3G; I've held an HD2, and to me, the HD2 is just enormous for something that's going to spend most of the day in my pocket. It's a really good-looking, well-designed phone otherwise (just a shame about the Windows Mobile bit).

I think Apple just figured that their phone is quite popular with the 3.5" display size and didn't have a compelling reason to enlarge the display. Mostly, though, Apple doesn't want the iPhone to get noticeably larger than it already is in any one dimension. It's a phone, not a movie theater.
I've got AT&T dead zones in both my office and my home, which means that as much as I'd like to buy this product, it may as well not exist to me.

Deadzones suck, but lets not forget the super new data plans! Gosh i'm glad AT&T was looking out for my pocket book! It seems as though we're moving backwards... unlimited data, followed by unlimited data*, then 5GB, and now 2GB..... what's next?

Sadly I think the pro2 is the end of the line for SERO users like myself :(
What makes it questionable?

It's up to app developers. You either sell the app without ads, give it away for free or strike a balance in-between. You can complain about it, or you can just avoid the apps that integrate ads. I don't understand what's "reprehensible" about it.

This is the way I understood it. I was trying to figure out if some people just have no idea what the are talking about or if that has actually changed. So far it seems like some people just have no idea what they are talking about ;)
Next June this will happen all over again and the iPhone 4 will be obsolete, and so on, and so on... business as usual.

Follow the tech industry much?
For me I have AT&T dead zones all around my office. Plus, I just find that their network seems to "lie" about 3G. I'll have the 3G and all of my bars, but I'll have calls where the phone never rings and the internet will sit idle for minutes on end. It's maddening.
AT&T was never all that bad before the iPhone 3G rolled around. I used to get solid service and good speeds with other phones.
Think I'll have to pass. Seeing how much faster HTC is moving with there handsets, I give it a year until we see an HTC handset that is Android or Windows 7 based that just totally hands the iphone 4G its ass. It does have some nice features but HTC will most likely one up them much faster this time around.

in a year there will be a new iphone... this is like saying you are going to hold off on a gtx 480 because in a year ati will offer a card that hands the 480 its ass.
...and now ads spammed in people's faces as well?

Personally I find this just as reprehensible as going to a theater, paying $10+ for a single movie ticket, paying $10+ for a soda and a few things to munch on, and then being force-fed commercials before even the previews of the movies coming soon get rolling.

I'm not going to go into the "ad blocking" territory but I'm just saying: in the situation with the iPhone/iPod touch/iPad and apps... anyone else just reaching a threshold of "I'm not gonna take it anymore!!!" or is it just me?

You see advertising in iPhone apps right now, and they are all in free apps. If developers put iAds into paid apps they will get backlash from their customers very quickly, its simple.

Ads subsidize developers that release free apps. Anyone that sells an app with an upfront fee does not put advertising in them unless they really want to piss people off. The ratings and review system does a good job keeping developers in check. A sudden wave of 1-star reviews and "I paid $5 for this app and now there are ads!" will keep new customers away, and more than likely will result in a patch that removes advertising.

iAds are at the discretion of app developers, not Apple, and if they are smart then they will limit ads to apps that they distribute freely, just as they do right this very moment. In any case, ads are a fact of life with free apps, all iAds do is make them more attractive than the pop-ups that exist at the moment. And they're completely optional, just don't press the little banner icon if you don't want to see it.

People need to take a deep breath and think for a second.
Pretty sure most people with a jailbroke phone are still underwhelmed by the phone, myself included. The only thing they made better really is the screen, which ill wait and see with my own eyes before i completely judge it but my first response was ehhh...so what?

Everything they added OS wise (which was all already revealed a few months back) is everything ive BEEN doing on my jailbroke phone for over a year on a 3g. I think im gonna still go with the evo when my contract is up, but ill at least give the iphone4 a look, just to check out the screen. Im in the camp that they should have made it bigger. At least if i do upgrade to it i get to keep my 5gb/30 month data plan...
Dude, no kidding, IPS in the Macbook Pros would be the ultimate. I'd even be willing to give up a little battery life to make it happen.
It's interesting they going to give away the iOS 4 upgrade to all devices for free this time, according to what he just announced so, iPod touch 2G/3G owners, no more $9.99 hit on top of what they've already paid. I suppose that's a positive thing...

Sure, free iAds for everyone!
You see advertising in iPhone apps right now, and they are all in free apps. If developers put iAds into paid apps they will get backlash from their customers very quickly, its simple.

Ads subsidize developers that release free apps. Anyone that sells an app with an upfront fee does not put advertising in them unless they really want to piss people off. The ratings and review system does a good job keeping developers in check. A sudden wave of 1-star reviews and "I paid $5 for this app and now there are ads!" will keep new customers away, and more than likely will result in a patch that removes advertising.

iAds are at the discretion of app developers, not Apple, and if they are smart then they will limit ads to apps that they distribute freely, just as they do right this very moment. In any case, ads are a fact of life with free apps, all iAds do is make them more attractive than the pop-ups that exist at the moment. And they're completely optional, just don't press the little banner icon if you don't want to see it.

People need to take a deep breath and think for a second.

^^ This.

What, did people think just by having the iPhone, they'd be blasted with iAds? Really? All Apple is doing is creating their own marketing/advertising platform. Developers use that platform for advertising, so Apple gets 40% of the ad-revenue, and the developer gets 60%, versus what other advertising sources provide.

It's quite simple, and yes - almost all free apps have ads now. Has anyone used an iPhone, or a smart phone rather?
I cannot wait to get one. I'll be pre-ordering first thing on the 15th. Now the question is - black or white? Hehe.
I cannot wait to get one. I'll be pre-ordering first thing on the 15th. Now the question is - black or white? Hehe.

Here's my reasoning: If I am not using a case, I get white. Nothing brings out smudges and fingerprints more than a black piece of plastic. Ask my laptop. haha
The white one looks terrible if you ask me. If it were only the back, I'd probably go for it, but not with the face being white as well. Just looks bizarre.
they shouldve added silver or something, but ill get black lol
The white one looks terrible if you ask me. If it were only the back, I'd probably go for it, but not with the face being white as well. Just looks bizarre.

I agree. Though I want a red one. But if really want that all I have to do is walk my ass down to colorware and have them do it for me.
Here's my reasoning: If I am not using a case, I get white. Nothing brings out smudges and fingerprints more than a black piece of plastic. Ask my laptop. haha

But it's glass! Haha.

I also think the white would've been cool, had they kept the front uniform with the black one. The white front reminds me of the Android G1, and that phone was utter garbage.
I agree. Though I want a red one. But if really want that all I have to do is walk my ass down to colorware and have them do it for me.
I may get adventurous and grab a white backplate and Frankenstein a white back/black front deal at some point.
I for one am very glad to see high quality and ultra-high res screens making their way onto portable devices. Apple makes it sound much fancier than it actually is, and the haters are gonna downplay it of course, but it's something that was long overdue on phones. As usual, other device makers will follow suite, so hopefully we'll end up with nice displays being the expected norm, as opposed to today where it's a "feature" you have to pay extra for.
As revolutionary as stated? No. I can't wait until my contract on AT&T is up. I'm ready to get rid of this 3GS. For what I want my phone to do, it can't. iOS4 isn't going to fix that. But your mileage my vary.

At least Apple is taking its mobile offerings more seriously than it's computer offerings. Only ego could make one want to purchase yesterdays technology at tomorrow's prices.
Wow, my 3GS already has a tiny pixel pitch. Now it's going to be even smaller!