WTTF: My system for Laptop

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Jul 6, 2004

Today I have decided to exchange my desktop computer for a Laptop. I moving and will now be in a smaller space then what I am now. Here are the specs of my system:

AMD 2400+ Mobile Processor @ 2.4( Didn't try OCing that much)
Jaguar Thin Fin Aluminum Heatsink w/ Fan
512mb Generic stick of ram. Timming are tweakable
ATI 9200 128mb AGP( Plays HL2 at 1024x760 great)
Asus A7NBX motherboard, NForce 2 MCP-T
Maxter Diamond Series 40gb HD( Very thin)
500watt Xcasepower( Generic) PSU
Moded Aluminum Generic Case(Black)
54x CR-ROM Drive
6 LED Blue Fans ( blow hole, Window fans, Front& back fans, Side fan) Great cooling. 80mm
Comes with Windows XP Pro installed.

Now, as for the laptop I would like one for trade that atleast has a CD burner and Atleast 1gig CPU and up. AMD or Intel. Great condtion as well. LMK if your intrested. :)

Email:[email protected]
I new to selling and trading, so I don't have heat. I would like to get a good start. LMK what your thoughts are if there was to be a possible trade.

I would really appreciate if I can get a good laptop as I'm moving soon and don't have much time. Thank you for looking. :) LMK
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