WTT: Shuttle For Desktop


Jul 10, 2001
I have a Shuttle SS51G
Box manuals everything but the CD Blank but if your putting a CD/DVD drive in it doesn't matter. I want to trade this for a
Pentium 4 Mobo that supports atleast 533 FSB, I'm hoping for a 865 or 875 mobo though. Lemme know

Heat in Sig.
what kind of case were you looking for? I have a full tower case brand new and it's a very roomy case you can prolly put a complete WC setup in it,as far as the mobo goes I can prolly help you out with that also.......LMK

you can get me on MSN messenger as [email protected]

I was thingk about going to a shuttle. I have a Lian LI pc 65b, antec 430 true PS and a chaintech mobo (p4/533). Let me know.
my e mail is ghopke@nycap,rr,com
if you can get me pics of the board/case and psu that'd be great
nolimitman @ comcast . net