WTT:Logitech MX500 for MX700


Mar 3, 2004
Hello, I have a logitech mx500 which I'd like to trade for an mx700. The mouse is in great condition with original box and everything that came in it. MX500 is the wired version of MX700, only lighter. The only thing is that the logitech logo on the mouse is BEGINNING to fade, but its not too bad. I have pictures if anyone would like to see them. The only reason I posted this is because I had seen these offers before. When I got the mouse, I really liked it, but only now I prefer wireless. If anyone wants to trade me, I could add $10.

[email protected]

Oh yeah, and I'd really prefer that the person trading me send first because this is really the only mouse I have right now. I know I dont have many posts on this site, but I do have refs from other sites, although I do realize that even those are not enough, but like I said I would want to receive your mouse first so I'd have something to use.

I have feedback under heatware, ebay, gametz, ign, and for those who are familiar with it, bst-secure.com all under lotush2002.
its the exact same thing in this link:
Logitech MX500

Remember please, I will only TRADE this mouse, not sell it, for an mx700. I just thought it'd be worth a shot to try it out even though I know the price difference, but it doesn't hurt to try...

And, for anyone whos really interested, I could email you pictures of this mouse if you can give me your email address.
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Ok, I was finally able to load the pics:

Front of MX500
As you can see, the logo is a little off, but in my opinion, it doesnt look bad at all.

Back of MX500
In this picture, the bottom looks like its really scratched, but that was just the light. The mouse is completely clean on the bottom.