WTS: GFFX5200, 512MB PC2700, and Damaged GF4TI4600


Dec 14, 2000
Like the title says.

I have a GeForce FX5200 128MB PNY card for sale. I have had it less then a month when I had an oportunity to pick up a FX5900 for a stellar price and decided to go for it. So the 5200 has all original retail packaging and included accessories. S-Vid Cable, DVD-VGA Adaptor, Driver Disk, Splinter Cell, and Power spliting cable.

I am asking $55 shipped for the 5200 card.

I also have a 512MB stick of PC2700 Memory. The chips are labeled as follows

Nanya 0143
03400BPX Singapore

Asking $60 shipped for the memory.

Lastly I have a GeForce 4 TI4600 card made by BFG. When installing some new memory in my system one of the clips caught on a chip connected to the vid card and broke it off. The chip is completely in tact and I believe it is fixable however I neither own a soldering iron or know how to use one well enough to fix it myself. Currently the card is with a friend of mine that thought he might know someone that could fix it. He told me his buddy doesn't solder well enough to fix it but he thinks it is fixable. Anyway, when I get it back I will take some pics and throw them up here.

Not really sure what to ask for the card. Seeing as they are still going for $122 on pricewatch and it is still an excellent card I think I would ask $65 shipped. If the card is not fixable then I will refund the money minus shipping costs when the card is returned to me.

I have feedback on Ebay and Heatware under the user name ixll. If you have questions then please e-mail me at [email protected] or [email protected]

I will accept paypal, MO, or Personal Check for this sale. All buyers MUST pay first. If you have a problem with that then buy from someone else. If personal check is used then there will be a 7 day waiting period for the check to clear before I ship the item.
Possible dibs on the GFFX5200, I need a new card for my son's rig. I won't know for sure if I can get it or not till tomorrow evening if you sell it before then oh well :confused:.
That's cool. let me know if you want it. E-mailing me is the best way to contact me. :D
Replied to both of your PM's.

Everything MAY be sold. Waiting to hear back from wutthechris and threedee.

I pretty much have to work for the next 27 hours so I won't be sending any replies until after 7:00PM Central Time on Saturday night.
Ok, looks like the vid cards are gone.

I am still waiting to hear back from wutthechris on the memory though.

I didn't have to work as long as I thought tonight so I had time to post a message.