WTS : AMD64 3400+ Mobo + 1gb ddr 2700 ( 2x 512)


Feb 27, 2007
WTS: Processor / motherboard / ram combo

amd64 3400+ S939 ( currently running at 2.1ghz )

2x 512 DDR ( im pretty sure they are 2700 - im not at home so i cannot double check )

Motherboard: I believe it is an MSI board ( Again im sorry im not at home so i cannot double check ) its a S939 board with PCI-E

* Will also through in a semi working EVGA 6600GT PCI-E card ( i say semi working because Direct3D wont work anymore, not sure if its an actual issue with the card itself or driver problem, it works fine if you dont play video games - if you try to play a video game, you get hit with loads and loads of artifacts making it very hard to see what is actually going on. Other than that i can use it fine on windows xp. )

Please post a response if you have any other questions about the parts.

Im new here and this is my first post - i frequent the forums alot i just have never had a reason to register an account to post. Since i rarely ever post anyway, I tend to just read and research for information than just post and ask questions.

Anyway, im not exactly sure how much i should be asking for so i will throw out a ballpark that im shooting for. Let me know if im just dreaming.

- looking for 150-200$ Everything