WTB: Your 9800XT stock cooler!

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Supreme [H]ardness
May 6, 2002
This exact thread was posted a few months ago but nothing ever came from it. I am going to try this again. I've got a 9800XT that I haven't used in 6 months that no longer works. I was exchanging the HSF for a Zalman heatpipe (to minimize noise) and when taking off the stock cooler the little cable that connects the fan to the PCB broke, and I was not able to solder it back together. My comp was fine until suddenly the card stopped working...tried reseeding the cooler a million times and troubleshooted for weeks but to no avail.

Anyway this needs to be sent back to ATI, I'm tired of being on my Radeon 8500...and I don't have nearly enough money to get another card.

Please, if anyone has one laying around, I will pay any reasonable asking price. If you've got one, please E-Mail me at my -primary- addy [email protected], or at my seldomly checked email [email protected]. I also have AIM at NutriGrainKiller.

Mods please lock/delete if this violates any rules, as I don't think it is.


Oh yeah it looks like the one in this picture: http://www.gamepc.com/images/labs/rev-9800xt-frontLG.jpg
lol i remember this thread, some moron wouldnt stop that its against the law and you should buy a new one.

bump for you, ati and nvidia make too much money as it is.
jayw28 said:
lol i remember this thread, some moron wouldnt stop that its against the law and you should buy a new one.

bump for you, ati and nvidia make too much money as it is.

yeah luckily the [H] community backed me up..

thanks bump
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